Parallel design: Only simulation-based methods so far [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
❝ hope you are doing fine and my post here fits to the subject.
❝ I`m wondering how to show a power achieved after completion of the first stage in parallel design using Power2Stage functions, according to Potvin C algo?
with the respective alpha (0.0294 for Method B, 0.05 for Method C). Examples with the -script at the end:
n1 <- c(50, 49) # 110 planned, 11 dropouts (different in the groups)
CV <- 0.45 # observed
PE <- 0.93 # observed (worse than the 0.95 assumed)
TSD.par(method = "B", CV, n1, PE)
Parallel design
Method B (‘Type 1’ TSD)
adj = 0.0294 (both stages)
observed values in stage 1:
CV = 0.45
PE = 0.93
n1 = 50 and 49 / per group (total 99)
interim power with adj 0.0294
not BE in stage 1, 94.12% CI: 78.85% - 109.69%
interim power = 0.4292, initiate stage 2 with 93 subjects
TSD.par(method = "C", CV, n1, PE)
Parallel design
Method C (‘Type 2’ TSD)
alpha = 0.05 (conditional on power)
adj = 0.0294 (conditional)
observed values in stage 1:
CV = 0.45
PE = 0.93
n1 = 50 and 49 / per group (total 99)
interim power with alpha 0.05
interim power = 0.5648
not BE in stage 1, 94.12% CI: 78.85% - 109.69%
initiate stage 2 with 93 subjects
n1 <- c(90, 89)
CV <- 0.45
PE <- 0.90
TSD.par(method = "B", CV, n1, PE)
Parallel design
Method B (‘Type 1’ TSD)
adj = 0.0294 (both stages)
observed values in stage 1:
CV = 0.45
PE = 0.9
n1 = 90 and 89 / per group (total 179)
interim power with adj 0.0294
not BE in stage 1, 94.12% CI: 79.66% - 101.69%
interim power = 0.7714, initiate stage 2 with 13 subjects
TSD.par(method = "C", CV, n1, PE)
Parallel design
Method C (‘Type 2’ TSD)
alpha = 0.05 (conditional on power)
adj = 0.0294 (conditional)
observed values in stage 1:
CV = 0.45
PE = 0.9
n1 = 90 and 89 / per group (total 179)
interim power with alpha 0.05
interim power = 0.8421
BE in stage 1, 90.00% CI: 80.94% - 100.08%
The second example shows why Method C can be more powerful than Method B. Whereas in Method B we fail with the 94.12% CI and therefore, have to initiate stage 2, in Method C we pass already in stage 1 with the 90% CI.
❝ When I do it for crossover study using function I can extract the value of Power Stage 1 component, but how about parallel study?
.TSD.par <- function(method = "B", CV, n1, PE) {
# values of Fuglsang’s paper; don’t change!
alpha <- 0.05 # for Method C in stage 1
adj <- 0.0294 # adjusted alpha (conditionally in Method C, both stages in B)
# Note: theta0 and target are fixed
# CIs in % rounded to two deciaml places acc. to GLs
theta0 <- 0.95
target <- 0.80
info <- paste("\nParallel design")
if (method == "B") {
info <- paste(info, "\nMethod B (‘Type 1’ TSD)",
"\nadj =", adj, "(both stages)")
} else {
info <- paste(info, "\nMethod C (‘Type 2’ TSD)",
"\nalpha =", alpha, "(conditional on power)",
"\nadj =", adj, "(conditional)")
info <- paste(info, "\nobserved values in stage 1:",
"\n CV =", CV,
"\n PE =", PE,
"\n n1 =", paste(n1, collapse = " and "), "/ per group",
sprintf("(total %.0f)", sum(n1)),
"\ninterim power with")
ifelse (method == "B",
info <- paste(info, "adj", adj, "\n"),
info <- paste(info, "alpha", alpha))
# the sample size of stage 2 is the same for both methods
n2 <- sampleN2.TOST(alpha = adj, CV = CV, n1 = sum(n1), theta0 = theta0,
targetpower = target, design = "parallel")[["Sample size"]]
prt.CI <- function(alpha, CI, lf = TRUE) {
tmp <- sprintf("%.2f%% CI: %.2f%% - %.2f%%",
100 * (1 - 2 * alpha), CI[["lower"]], CI[["upper"]])
if (lf) tmp <- paste0(tmp, "\n")
if (method == "B") {
# we check for BE with adjusted alpha first
CI.B <- round(100 * CI.BE(alpha = adj, pe = PE, CV = CV,
n = n1, design = "parallel"), 2)
if (CI.B[["lower"]] >= 80 & CI.B[["upper"]] <= 125) {
cat("BE in stage 1,", prt.CI(adj, CI.B, TRUE))
} else { # failed
pwrB <- power.TOST(alpha = adj, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
design = "parallel", n = n1)
if (pwrB >= target) { # stop because sufficient power
cat("not BE in stage 1,", prt.CI(adj, CI.B, FALSE),
"\nstop, because interim power =", signif(pwrB, 4), "\n")
} else { # low power → stage 2
cat("not BE in stage 1,", prt.CI(adj, CI.B, FALSE),
paste0("\ninterim power = ", signif(pwrB, 4),
", initiate stage 2 with ", n2, " subjects\n"))
} else {
# we check power with unadjusted alpha first
pwrC <- power.TOST(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
design = "parallel", n = n1)
cat("\ninterim power =", signif(pwrC, 4))
if (pwrC >= target) {
# check for BE with unadjusted alpha first
CI.C1 <- round(100 * CI.BE(alpha = alpha, pe = PE, CV = CV,
n = n1, design = "parallel"), 2)
if (CI.C1[["lower"]] >= 80 & CI.C1[["upper"]] <= 125) { # pass
cat("\nBE in stage 1,", prt.CI(alpha, CI.C1, TRUE))
} else { # fail
cat("\nnot BE in stage 1,", prt.CI(alpha, CI.C1, TRUE))
} else {
# sufficient power, check for BE with adjusted alpha
CI.C2 <- round(100 * CI.BE(alpha = adj, pe = PE, CV = CV,
n = n1, design = "parallel"), 2)
if (CI.C2[["lower"]] >= 80 & CI.C2[["upper"]] <= 125) { # pass
cat("\nBE in stage 1,", prt.CI(adj, CI.C2, TRUE))
} else { # fail → stage 2
cat("\nnot BE in stage 1,", prt.CI(adj, CI.C2, FALSE),
"\ninitiate stage 2 with", n2, "subjects\n")
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
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- Non licet bovi Helmut 2024-04-05 21:50
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- Reviews are confidential Achievwin 2024-01-19 15:11
- Reviews are confidential Helmut 2024-01-09 22:10
- Simulations mandatory Achievwin 2024-01-09 21:11
- Simulations mandatory Helmut 2024-01-09 09:31
- Simulations highly recommended Achievwin 2024-01-08 16:55
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