Questions on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code [RSABE / ABEL]
Dear all,
I am a new learner and I am trying on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code provided by FDA:
I found some discussion about the S2wr and it is really helpful to me. About the ilat, my understanding is that the model is a simple linear model and the estimate is the least square mean. My R code example is as follows:
My question is 1) how to interpret x and critbound=(x+y)+sqrt(((boundx-x)**2)+((boundy-y)**2))? Is there any related explanation about them? 2) Has anyone tried to reproduce this FDA code in R before? I would like to get some hints from you
Thank you very much and wish you a happy new year!
I am a new learner and I am trying on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code provided by FDA:
/*Intermediate analysis – ilat*/
proc mixed data=scavbe;
class seq;
model ilat =seq/ddfm=satterth;
estimate 'average' intercept 1 seq 0.5 0.5/e cl alpha=0.1;
ods output CovParms=iout1;
ods output Estimates=iout2;
ods output NObs=iout3;
data ilat;
set iout2;
/*Intermediate analysis – dlat*/
proc mixed data=scavbe;
class seq;
model dlat=seq/ddfm=satterth; estimate 'average' intercept 1 seq 0.5 0.5/e cl alpha=0.1;
ods output CovParms=dout1;
ods output Estimates=dout2;
ods output NObs=dout3;
data dlat;
merge dout1(keep=estimate) dout2(keep=df);
/*Criterion Bound */
data results;
merge ilat(keep=pointest x boundx) dlat(keep=s2wr dfd);
I found some discussion about the S2wr and it is really helpful to me. About the ilat, my understanding is that the model is a simple linear model and the estimate is the least square mean. My R code example is as follows:
mod<-lm(ilat~SEQ, dataset)
result <- confint(emmeans(mod, specs=~1), level = 0.9)
pointest <- exp(result$emmean)
x <- (result$emmean)^2- (result$SE)^2
boundx <-(max(c(abs(result$lower.CL), abs(result$upper.CL))))^2
My question is 1) how to interpret x and critbound=(x+y)+sqrt(((boundx-x)**2)+((boundy-y)**2))? Is there any related explanation about them? 2) Has anyone tried to reproduce this FDA code in R before? I would like to get some hints from you
Thank you very much and wish you a happy new year!
Complete thread:
- Questions on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS codeWinnieH 2023-01-04 13:33 [RSABE / ABEL]
- Questions on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code Helmut 2023-01-04 14:02
- Questions on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code WinnieH 2023-01-04 15:12
- Questions on understanding the 4-way RSABE method SAS code Helmut 2023-01-04 14:02