Output of sampleN.scABEL() - expanded limits ? [Power / Sample Size]

posted by d_labes  – Berlin, Germany, 2022-03-23 17:33 (902 d 01:03 ago) – Posting: # 22865
Views: 3,166

Dear Helmut,

❝ In coding the function sampleN.scABEL.ad() I tried to be more specific (see also my post below) and it gives for \(\small{CV_\textrm{wT}=CV_\textrm{wR}=0.3532}\):

Regulatory settings: EMA (ABEL)

Switching CVwR     : 0.3

Regulatory constant: 0.76

Expanded limits    : 0.7706 ... 1.2977

Upper scaling cap  : CVwR > 0.5

PE constraints     : 0.8000 ... 1.2500


The Expanded limits are only valid if the CV's are exactly the assumed ones.
They don't play any role during the simulations because the expansion applied depends on the CVwR of actual study, gradually different from study to study of the simulation.
That was the reason why the ugly programmer of the function sampleN.scABEL() abstain from giving that numbers :cool:.



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