Inter-subject variability in Full replicate design [RSABE / ABEL]
like ElMaestro I’m not a SASian and my knowledge is limited.
❝ […] I am not able to calculate the inter-subject variabilities for test and reference treatments. Please help me with this calculation.
With the EMA’s example ‘Data set I’ (download CSV) you should get sumfink like:
Covariance Parameter Estimates
Cov Parm Subject Group Estimate
FA(1,1) SUBJ 0.8530
FA(2,1) SUBJ 0.8284
FA(2,2) SUBJ 8.339e-07
Residual SUBJ TRT R 0.2021
Residual SUBJ TRT T 0.1174
In Phoenix/WinNonlin slightly different terms.
Final variance parameter estimates:
lambda(1,1)_11 0.852995
lambda(1,2)_11 0.828407
lambda(2,2)_11 8.33919e-007
Var(PER*TRT*SUBJ)_21 0.202118
Var(PER*TRT*SUBJ)_22 0.117394
The first two lines give \(\small{\widehat{s_\textrm{bR}^2}}\) and \(\small{\widehat{s_\textrm{bT}^2}}\) and the last two \(\small{\widehat{s_\textrm{wR}^2}}\) and \(\small{\widehat{s_\textrm{wT}^2}}\). Ignore the third, which is the Subject-by-Formulation Interaction. Then as usual \(\small{100\sqrt{\exp \left ( \widehat{s_{\ldots}^2} \right )-1}}\).
Here \(\small{CV_\textrm{bR}=116.0\%,\;CV_\textrm{bT}=113.6\%,\;CV_\textrm{wR}=47.3\%,\;CV_\textrm{wT}=35.3\%}\).
As ElMaestro wrote, you can get the estimated between-subject variances also from
of the estimated G matrix
, where the 1st Row is for R and 2nd for T.❝ But when I use the proc varcomp procedure in SAS, I am able to generate the Variabilities (Inter and Intra) for test and reference treatments.
Out of curiosity: Do they are agree with the results of
Proc Mixed
as outlined above?❝ My doubt is that whether it is acceptable by FDA regulatory?
The between-subject variabilities are not required for RSABE (in the FDA’s Summary Table 3B you have to give only the within-subject variance and standard deviation of the reference).
For ABE (Table 3A) variances are not required at all.
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Complete thread:
- Inter-subject variability in Full replicate design MGR 2021-09-30 07:35 [RSABE / ABEL]
- Inter-subject variability in Full replicate design ElMaestro 2021-09-30 14:04
- Inter-subject variability in Full replicate designHelmut 2021-09-30 15:25