Interlude I (sample sizes, problems & remedies) [RSABE / ABEL]
while I still hope for a reliable source (i.e., published in a peer-reviewed journal) of the partial replicate, an interlude about sample sizes and more.
Of course, I understand that people prefer three periods over four (less blood volume, lower chance of dropouts). László Tóthfalusi mentioned (IIRC, »Dissolution Testing, Bioavailability & Bioequivalence Conference«, Budapest 2006) that power depends on the number of administrations and therefore, if \(\small{N}\) is the sample size of a 2×2×2 crossover, for a 4-period replicate one would need \(\small{n=N/2}\) subjects and for 3-period replicates \(\small{n=3N/4}\). However, this is only approximate because the degrees of freedom are different (see below). Currently, this approximation is implemented – sorry, Dave and Yung-jin – in
and the R-package bear
. CV design type df n df power admins appr match dev part.full
0.20 2x2x2 conv. N-2 20 18 0.83468 40
0.20 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 10 26 0.84331 40 10 yes
0.20 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 14 25 0.81793 42 16 no +
0.20 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 15 27 0.84401 45 15 yes +
0.25 2x2x2 conv. N-2 28 26 0.80744 56
0.25 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 14 38 0.81399 56 14 yes
0.25 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 22 41 0.83198 66 22 yes
0.25 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 21 39 0.81434 63 21 yes –
0.30 2x2x2 conv. N-2 40 38 0.81585 80
0.30 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 20 56 0.82024 80 20 yes
0.30 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 30 57 0.82040 90 30 yes
0.30 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 30 57 0.82040 90 30 yes =
0.35 2x2x2 conv. N-2 52 50 0.80747 104
0.35 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 26 74 0.81090 104 26 yes
0.35 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 38 73 0.80082 114 40 no +
0.35 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 39 75 0.81099 117 39 yes +
0.40 2x2x2 conv. N-2 66 64 0.80525 132
0.40 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 34 98 0.81934 136 34 yes
0.40 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 50 97 0.81189 150 50 yes
0.40 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 51 99 0.81940 153 51 yes +
0.45 2x2x2 conv. N-2 82 80 0.80691 164
0.45 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 42 122 0.81823 168 42 yes
0.45 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 62 121 0.81220 186 62 yes
0.45 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 63 123 0.81826 189 63 yes +
0.50 2x2x2 conv. N-2 98 96 0.80322 196
0.50 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 50 146 0.81281 200 50 yes
0.50 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 74 145 0.80768 222 74 yes
0.50 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 75 147 0.81283 225 75 yes +
0.55 2x2x2 conv. N-2 116 114 0.80386 232
0.55 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 58 170 0.80539 232 58 yes
0.55 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 86 169 0.80089 258 88 no +
0.55 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 87 171 0.80541 261 87 yes +
0.60 2x2x2 conv. N-2 134 132 0.80173 268
0.60 2x2x4 full 3*n-4 68 200 0.80879 272 68 yes
0.60 2x2x3 full 2*n-3 100 197 0.80111 300 102 no +
0.60 2x3x3 part. 2*n-3 102 201 0.80880 306 102 yes +
. In most cases the partial replicate requires more subjects than the 3-period full replicate. In a nutshell:
- Generally slightly larger sample sizes than full replicates. 〰️
Since same degrees of freedom, the sample size is a multiple of three instead of two.
- Estimation of swR / CVwR. ✅
- Estimation of swT / CVwT not possible. ❌
- The EMA’s “all fixed effects” model for ABE. ✅
- Sometimes convergence issues with the FDA’s covariance structure of the mixed effects model for ABE.* Changing from
generally – not always! – helps. Should be specified in the SAP. Rarely convergence is not achieved with any specification. ?
- The EMA’s ABEL (CVwR >30%). ✅
- The FDA’s RSABE (swR ≥0.294). ✅
- Generally slightly smaller sample sizes than partial replicate. 〰️
Since same degrees of freedom, the sample size is a multiple of two instead of three.
- Estimation of swR / CVwR. ✅
- Estimation of swT / CVwT. ✅
- The EMA’s “all fixed effects” model for ABE. ✅
- The FDA’s covariance structure of the mixed effects model for ABE. ✅
- The EMA’s ABEL (CVwR >30%). ✅
- The FDA’s RSABE (swR ≥0.294). ✅
#3: In a pilot study CVwT is not only nice to know but useful. If CVwT < CVwR you get an incentive in planning the pivotal study (scaling depends on CVwR but the BE assessment on the pooled CVw). If CVwT > CVwR you can account for that and increase the sample size accordingly. If the pilot study was performed in the partial replicate design you have to assume that CVwT = CVwR. If CVwT < CVwR you waste money. If CVwT > CVwR your study will be underpowered. For a pivotal study you can approach the WHO for reference-scaling of AUC (cause a 4-period full replicate is recommended in the guidance).
#5: Can be a show stopper in the partial replicate design. There is a slight risk (ABE for the FDA using
acc. to the guidance and no convergence) that the PK metric in question cannot be assessed for ABE at all. Given all that, I don’t see any justification
for using the partial replicate design.
- The model tries to estimate \(\small{s_\textrm{wT}^2}\) though the test was only administered once. Hence, the model is over-specified for this design. Even if convergence is achieved, the estimate is nonsense and differs (contrary to \(\small{s_\textrm{wR}^2}\)) between software packages. Only the total variance \(\small{s_\textrm{T}^2=s_\textrm{wT}^2+s_\textrm{bT}^2}\) could be estimated but not done in the model.
R-script for the table:
balance <- function(x, y) {
return(y * (x %/% y + as.logical(x %% y)))
designs <- known.designs()[c(3, 8, 7, 10), 2:3]
type <- c("conv.", "full", "full", "part.")
eval(parse(text = designs$df[1]))
CV <- seq(0.2, 0.6, 0.05)
res <- data.frame(CV = rep(CV, each = 4), design = designs[, 1], type = type,
df.1 = designs[, 2], n = NA, df.2 = NA, power = NA,
admins = NA, appr = "", match = "", dev = "", part.full = "")
for (j in 1:nrow(res)) {
tmp <- sampleN.TOST(CV = res$CV[j], design = res$design[j],
print = FALSE, details = FALSE)
res$n[j] <- tmp[["Sample size"]]
res$power[j] <- signif(tmp[["Achieved power"]], 5)
n <- res$n[j]
nseq <- as.numeric(substr(res$design[j], 3, 3))
nper <- as.numeric(substr(res$design[j], 5, 5))
if (res$design[j] == "2x2x2") N <- n
if (!res$design[j] == "2x2x2") {
if (nper == 4) res$appr[j] <- balance(N/2, nseq)
if (nper == 3) res$appr[j] <- balance(3*N/4, nseq)
if (res$appr[j] == res$n[j]) {
res$match[j] <- "yes"
} else {
res$match[j] <- "no"
ifelse (res$appr[j] < res$n[j], res$dev[j] <- "\u2013", res$dev[j] <- "+")
if (res$design[j] == "2x2x3") n.3full <- n
if (res$design[j] == "2x3x3") {
if (n < n.3full) res$part.full[j] <- "\u2013"
if (n == n.3full) res$part.full[j] <- "="
if (n > n.3full) res$part.full[j] <- "+"
res$admins[j] <- nper*n
df <- designs$df[which(designs$design == res$design[j])]
res$df.2[j] <- eval(parse(text = df))
names(res)[c(4, 6)] <- rep("df", 2)
res[which(res[, 4] == "n-2"), 4] <- "N-2"
print(res, row.names = FALSE)
R-script to simulate 1,000 studies; CV 20–60%, T/R-ratio 0.85–0.95, power 80–90%:
sims <- 1000
CV <- runif(sims, 0.20, 0.60)
theta0 <- runif(sims, 0.85, 0.95)
target <- runif(sims, 0.80, 0.90)
res <- data.frame(f = rep(NA, sims), p = NA)
for (j in 1:sims) {
res$f[j] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV[j], theta0 = theta0[j], design = "2x2x3",
targetpower = target[j], print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
res$p[j] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV[j], theta0 = theta0[j], design = "2x3x3",
targetpower = target[j], print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
bp <- boxplot(res, plot = FALSE)
plot(c(0.5, 2.5), range(bp$stats[1, ], bp$stats[5, ]), type = "n", axes = FALSE,
xlab = "3-period replicate designs", ylab = "sample size",
main = paste(sims, "studies simulated for ABE"), cex.main = 1.2, font.main = 1)
abline(h = axTicks(2, log = FALSE), col = "lightgrey", lty = 3)
axis(1, at = 1:2, labels = c("full", "partial"), tick = FALSE)
axis(2, las = 1)
bxp(bp, las = 1, outline = FALSE, boxwex = 0.4, add = TRUE, ann = FALSE,
boxfill = "bisque", medcol = "blue", axes = FALSE, frame.plot = TRUE)
text(rep(1.25, 5), bp$stats[, 1], labels = bp$stats[, 1], pos = 4)
text(rep(2.25, 5), bp$stats[, 2], labels = bp$stats[, 2], pos = 4)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Partial replicate design: reference(s)? Helmut 2020-08-13 14:22 [RSABE / ABEL]
- Partial replicate design: reference(s)? ElMaestro 2020-08-13 15:23
- Partial replicate design: reference(s)? Helmut 2020-08-13 17:03
- Hyslop's Alternative Cross-over Designs for Individual Bioequivalence mittyri 2020-08-13 16:21
- Terry’s homebrew Helmut 2020-08-13 17:08
- impressive homebrew mittyri 2020-08-13 18:09
- impressive indeed Helmut 2020-08-14 13:21
- impressive homebrew mittyri 2020-08-13 18:09
- Terry’s homebrew Helmut 2020-08-13 17:08
- Partial replicate design: reference(s)? zizou 2020-08-13 23:24
- Donald’s model Helmut 2020-08-14 11:43
- Donald’s model - model for (logistic) groups d_labes 2020-08-14 14:03
- Donald’s model - model for (logistic) groups Helmut 2020-08-14 14:06
- Donald’s model - model for (logistic) groups d_labes 2020-08-14 14:03
- Donald’s model Helmut 2020-08-14 11:43
- Interlude I (sample sizes, problems & remedies)Helmut 2020-08-14 19:37
- Interlude II (simulations) Helmut 2020-08-19 21:31
- Interlude II (simulations) PharmCat 2020-08-19 22:26
- Partial replicate design: reference(s)? ElMaestro 2020-08-13 15:23