Gedankenexperiment [Regulatives / Guidelines]
❝ […] Still don't understand what to argue to the assessors...
You could refer to the papers of Scheerans et al. and Midha et al. (see this post). Again: Scientifically there is no point on measuring that long (IR only, of course) and the regulatory “≥80%-rule” is made out of thin air.
As you rightly stated previously: It’s an invention (Who is to blame – the CHMP’s PKWP?) and lacks any \(\small{\frac{\textsf{evidence}}{\textsf{justification}}}\).
If you have a lot of time and nothing better to do, perform simulations. On my to-do list for ages. Currently in the “dead dogs” folder of my machine.
Concept: Simulate studies for various PK models (1-, 2-compartments [different ratios of distribution/elimination rate constants], with/without lag-times). Have a range of T/R-ratios (say 0.85–1). Power the studies for AUC0–t (or AUC0–72?). Contaminate the data with missings at the end (mimicking BLQs). Calculate serial partial AUCs starting from tmax to the end (say, pAUC0–2, pAUC0–3, …, pAUC0–72). Assess each one for BE. Record the PE, CV, and fraction of studies passing (post hoc power). Additionally calculate the %RE of the PE to the “true T/R-ratio”.
My preliminary results (trivial and already shown by Kem Midha with real data sets): The CV of partial AUCs decreases with time and their PE stabilizes towards the true value pretty early (guess when).
In Table 1 of Kem’s 1996 paper he reported results of nine studies (22 analytes – parent and metabolites with t½ 1 – 656 h); sampling up to 1,848 (‼) hours ( hydroxychloroquine) and concluded
[…] a sampling period of 24 h would have given the same bioequivalence decisions as AUClast […].
The last two sentences:In bioequivalence, the issue is do deal with formulation differences. Once absorption is over, formulation differences no longer apply.
Sigh. Regulators, are you reading along?❝ By the way, there is a typo in f' and for AUC …
Oh dear! I’m not sooo bad in basic calculus but in translating my original text to MathJax.
Original post corrected. THX!
❝ "Количество отобранных образцов также должно быть достаточным, чтобы обеспечить надежную оценку длительности экспозиции. Это достигается, когда AUC(0–t) перекрывает не менее 80 процентов от AUC(0–∞)."
❝ Though the statement is not scientifically based it is still in the list of regulator's requirements. So in case if some problems with the "80% covering rule" we have to justify somehow that the validity of the study should not be called into question - that's what I've asked about.
… должно быть ≈ should be or must be?
In guidelines commonly “should be” is used. What’s your interpretation of the Russian original? Does it smell of a recommendation or rather a requirement?
❝ ❝ Therefore, the FDA does not have such a bizarre “AUC0–t ≥ 80% AUC0–∞ rule
❝ By the way, was this question ever discussed on the conferences on harmonization?
Not that I recall. For IR products the main discussion (Amsterdam 2015, Rockville 2016) was about whether the FDA \(\small{\frac{\textsf{should}}{\textsf{will}}}\) drop the additional AUC0–∞.
❝ ❝ ...71 h → AUC0–71...
❝ Usually the last sampling point divides completely by 12, so I may expect 48 to be the last sampling point or may be 60, but who is so crazy to leave 71 as the last point?
Yes but you go me wrong. For sure you know the correspondence between Einstein and Bohr about the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics? My example was a Gedankenexperiment to point out how absurd this requirement can be.
Let’s heighten the absurdity. We want to submit to two agencies, A and B, where B accepts a study with a foreign reference product. Both agencies have GLs asking for AUC0–t. We write the SAPs accordingly. Before the study starts, agency A allows AUC0–72. We write an amendment for agency A. Study performed. We have one (!) data set and will have no problems with agency A but likely receive a deficiency letter from agency B.
❝ […] imagine there is a IR drug with T1/2 equals to 18 hours. 4*T1/2=72 so we can leave 72 hours as the last sampling point. Which of the two parameters AUClast or AUC72 should be used to choose the best strategy to confirm BE in this case?
Since this is an IR formulation, AUC0–72. Stated in the protocol and no problems with extrapolation.
❝ At first sight they should be equal but this is not true. The NCA software (like Phoenix) uses AUCpartial to calculate AUC72, so for 72 hours it would be equal to AUCall but not AUClast! For some subjects the last sample could be below LLOQ, for them AUCall>AUClast with an area of triangle.
AUCall is \(\small{\frac{\textsf{Pharsight’s}}{\textsf{Certara’s}}}\) invention. If you find it in a single textbook about PK, let me now. IMHO, it should go into the waste bin.
An example in PHX8.1: Two compartments, half lives: absorption 30 minutes, distribution one hour, elimination 18 hours, lin-up/log-down trapezoidal.
t C1 pAUC1 C2 pAUC2
0.000 0.0 0.000 0.0 0.000
0.167 29.8 2.488 29.8 2.488
0.333 52.1 9.286 52.1 9.286
0.667 81.1 31.53 81.1 31.53
1.00 96.2 61.05 96.2 61.05
1.25 102.0 85.83 102.0 85.83
1.50 104.7 111.7 104.7 111.7
2.00 105.1 164.1 105.1 164.1
2.50 102.2 215.9 102.2 215.9
3.00 98.5 266.0 98.5 266.0
4.00 91.2 360.9 91.2 360.9
6.00 80.9 532.8 80.9 532.8
9.00 70.9 760.2 70.9 760.2
12.00 63.0 960.8 63.0 960.8
16.00 54.0 1194 54.0 1194
24.00 39.7 1566 39.7 1566
36.00 25.0 1948 25.0 1948
48.00 15.7 2188 15.7 2188
72.00 6.3 2435 BQL
AUClast 2435 2188
AUCall 2435 2188
AUC72 2435 2433
AUCall 2376
if you set the last concentration to zero. IMHO, not a good idea.The value of the last triangle depends on the time interval between the time point of the last measured concentration and the next one with C=0. [Thoughtless comment removed by the author.]
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf ratnakar1811 2013-03-05 08:30 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf d_labes 2013-03-05 11:12
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf ratnakar1811 2013-03-06 08:50
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf ElMaestro 2013-03-06 11:10
- Science vs. regulations Helmut 2013-03-06 14:30
- Science vs. regulations cakhatri 2013-03-10 08:59
- ratio = difference of logs! Helmut 2013-03-11 01:17
- Science vs. (EMA) GL aka PK primer Helmut 2013-03-11 03:17
- Science vs. regulations qualityassurance 2020-04-23 14:11
- Science vs. regulations Helmut 2020-04-23 17:32
- Science vs. regulations Achievwin 2020-05-07 22:59
- Science vs. regulations Helmut 2020-05-07 23:54
- Science vs. regulations Achievwin 2020-05-07 22:59
- Science vs. regulations Helmut 2020-04-23 17:32
- Science vs. regulations cakhatri 2013-03-10 08:59
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf Brus 2018-11-20 13:01
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf Astea 2020-06-05 19:05
- So what? Helmut 2020-06-06 12:02
- Carrot and whip Astea 2020-06-06 21:11
- GedankenexperimentHelmut 2020-06-07 12:41
- Dead dogs mittyri 2020-06-07 20:32
- Aber meine Herren das ist keine physik Astea 2020-06-08 00:08
- Aber meine Dame, das ist alles Unsinn! Helmut 2020-06-08 01:04
- Bizarre paper Helmut 2020-06-08 12:43
- Bizarre paper ElMaestro 2020-06-08 15:33
- OT: Bias of AUCt, AUCall, pAUC Helmut 2020-06-08 15:53
- OT: Bias of AUCt, AUCall, pAUC ElMaestro 2020-06-09 08:45
- OT: Bias of AUCs; example Helmut 2020-06-09 14:07
- OT: Bias of AUCt, AUCall, pAUC ElMaestro 2020-06-09 08:45
- OT: Bias of AUCt, AUCall, pAUC Helmut 2020-06-08 15:53
- Maxwell's demon Astea 2020-06-12 14:15
- Bizarre paper ElMaestro 2020-06-08 15:33
- Dead dogs Helmut 2020-06-08 10:40
- Aber meine Herren das ist keine physik Astea 2020-06-08 00:08
- Dead dogs mittyri 2020-06-07 20:32
- GedankenexperimentHelmut 2020-06-07 12:41
- Carrot and whip Astea 2020-06-06 21:11
- So what? Helmut 2020-06-06 12:02
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf Astea 2020-06-05 19:05
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf ratnakar1811 2013-03-06 08:50
- AUCt not covering at least 80% of AUCinf d_labes 2013-03-05 11:12