Finally: Exact TSD methods for 2×2 crossover designs [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
in version 0.5-1 of package
exact methods1,2,3 are implemented – after months of struggling (many THX to Ben). The methods are extremely flexible (arbitrary BE-limits and target power, futility criteria on the PE, its CI, and the maximum total sample size, adapting for the PE of stage 1).I’ve heard in the past that regulatory statisticians in the EU prefer methods which strictly control the Type I Error (however, at the 3rd GBHI conference in Amsterdam last week it was clear that methods based on simulations are perfectly fine for the FDA) and the inverse normal method with repeated confidence intervals would be the method of choice. Well roared lion; wasn’t aware of software which can do this job. That’s like saying “Fly to Mars but you are not allowed to use a rocket!” What else? Levitation? Witchcraft? Obtaining two p-values (like in TOST) is fairly easy but to convert them into a confidence interval (as required in all guidelines) not trivial.
Despite we showed this approach4 a while ago, nothing was published in a peer-reviewed journal until very recently.
Although we have a method now which demonstrated to control the TIE, I was curious how it performs in simulations (just to set it into perspective).
R-code at the end of the post (with small step sizes of CV and n1 expect runtimes of some hours; in large simulations I don’t recommend
– about 10times slower than pmethod="nct"
). See the documentation of function
about how to set futility criteria and make it fully adaptive. As usual in the latter case say goodbye to power…I explored scenarios, maximum combination test
- Conventional BE-limits, GMR 0.95, target power 0.90, CV 0.10–0.60, n1 12–72, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.21 56 0.05 0.05025 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.6 12 0.8 0.7902
- Conventional BE-limits, GMR 0.95, target power 0.80, CV 0.10–0.60, n1 12–72, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.38 48 0.05 0.050164 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.6 12 0.9 0.86941
- Conventional BE-limits, GMR 0.90, target power 0.80, CV 0.10–0.60, n1 12–72, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.32 44 0.05 0.0503 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.6 12 0.9 0.78578
- Conventional BE-limits, GMR 0.90, target power 0.90, CV 0.10–0.60, n1 12–72, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.46 70 0.05 0.050246 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.56 12 0.9 0.86528
- Conventional BE-limits, GMR 0.95, target power 0.80, CV 0.10–0.30, n1 18–36, futility of 90% CI in stage 1 outside [0.9374, 1.0668], futility of Nmax 42 (similar to Xu et al. ‘Method E’)
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.22 18 0.05 0.029716 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.3 18 0.8 0.2187
- Narrow BE-limits, GMR 0.975, target power 0.90, CV 0.05–0.25, n1 12–72, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.14 28 0.05 0.050164 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.2 12 0.9 0.88495
- HVD(P), conventional BE-limits (no clinical justification for ABEL), GMR 0.90, target power 0.80, CV 0.30–0.60, n1 60–276, no futility
print(x$TIE.max, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 alpha maximum TIE signif
0.55 288 0.05 0.05022 no
print(x$power.min, row.names=FALSE)
CV n1 target minimum power
0.55 156 0.8 0.7996
Plots of the first four scenarios:
When exploring the details it is also clear that the exact method keeps the desired power better than the simulation methods in extreme cases.
Power of scenario #5 (a) and modifications:
- futility of 90% CI outside [0.9374, 1.0668], futility of Nmax 42: 0.2187
- futility of 90% CI outside [0.9500, 1.0526] (the code’s default): 0.80237
- futility of 90% CI outside [0.9374, 1.0668]: 0.81086
- futility of 90% CI outside [0.9500, 1.0526], futility of Nmax 42: 0.2168
- futility of Nmax 42: 0.22373
- futility of Nmax 64: 0.55658
- futility of Nmax 72: 0.66376
- futility of Nmax 96: 0.79136
- Wassmer G, Brannath W. Group Sequential and Confirmatory Adaptive Designs in Clinical Trials. Switzerland: Springer; 2016. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-32562-0.
- Patterson SD, Jones B. Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2nd edition 2017. ISBN 978-1-4665-8520-1.
- Maurer W, Jones B, Chen Y. Controlling the type 1 error rate in two-stage sequential designs when testing for average bioequivalence. Stat Med. 2018;37(10):1–21. doi:10.1002/sim.7614.
- König F, Wolfsegger M, Jaki T, Schütz H, Wassmer G. Adaptive two-stage bioequivalence trials with early stopping and sample size re-estimation. Vienna: 2014; 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics. Poster P1.2.88. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.5190.0967.
checkMaxCombTest <- function(alpha=0.05, CV.from=0.2,,
CV.step=0.02, n1.from=12,, n1.step=2,
theta1=0.80, theta2=1.25, GMR=0.95, usePE=FALSE,
targetpower=0.80, fCrit="No", fClower, fCNmax,
pmethod="nct", setseed=TRUE, print=TRUE)
if(packageVersion("Power2Stage") < "0.5.1") {
txt <- paste0("Requires at least version 0.5-1 of Power2Stage!",
"\nPlease install/update from your preferred CRAN-mirror.\n")
} else {
CV <- seq(CV.from,, CV.step)
n1 <- seq(n1.from,, n1.step)
grid <- matrix(nrow=length(CV), ncol=length(n1), byrow=TRUE,
dimnames=list(CV, n1))
pwr1 <- pct.2 <- pwr <- n.mean <- n.q1 <- <- n.q3 <- grid
TIE <- costs.change <- grid
n <- integer(length(CV))
cells <- length(CV)*length(n1)
cell <- 0
t.0 <- proc.time()[[3]]
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=1, char="\u2588", style=3)
for (j in seq_along(CV)) {
n[j] <- sampleN.TOST(alpha=alpha, CV=CV[j], theta0=GMR, theta1=theta1,
theta2=theta2, targetpower=targetpower,
print=FALSE, details=FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
if (n[j] < 12) n[j] <- 12
for (k in seq_along(n1)) {
# median of expected total sample size as a 'best guess'
n.tot <-, CV=CV[j], n1=n1[k], GMR=GMR,
usePE=usePE, theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2,
targetpower=targetpower, fCrit=fCrit,
fClower=fClower, fCNmax=fCNmax, pmethod=pmethod,
w <- c(n1[k], n.tot - n1[k]) / n.tot
# force extreme weights if expected to stop in stage 1 with n1
if (w[1] == 1) w <- w + c(-1, +1) * 1e-6
res <-, CV=CV[j], n1=n1[k], GMR=GMR,
usePE=usePE, theta1=theta1, theta2=theta2,
targetpower=targetpower, fCrit=fCrit,
fClower=fClower, fCNmax=fCNmax, pmethod=pmethod,
npct=c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75), weight=w,
pwr1[j, k] <- res$pBE_s1
pct.2[j, k] <- res$pct_s2
pwr[j, k] <- res$pBE
n.mean[j, k] <- res$nmean
n.q1[j, k] <- res$nperc[["25%"]][j, k] <- res$nperc[["50%"]]
n.q3[j, k] <- res$nperc[["75%"]]
TIE[j, k] <-, CV=CV[j], n1=n1[k],
GMR=GMR, usePE=usePE, theta1=theta1,
theta2=theta2, theta0=theta2,
targetpower=targetpower, fCrit=fCrit,
fClower=fClower, fCNmax=fCNmax,
pmethod=pmethod, npct=1, weight=w,
cell <- cell + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, cell/cells)
costs.change <- round(100*(n.mean-n)/n, 1)
t.1 <- proc.time()[[3]] - t.0
sig <- binom.test(alpha*1e6, 1e6, alternative="less")$[2]
max.TIE <- max(TIE, na.rm=TRUE)
pos.TIE <- which(TIE == max.TIE, arr.ind=TRUE)
CV.TIE <- as.numeric(rownames(pos.TIE))
n1.TIE <- as.integer(colnames(TIE)[as.numeric(pos.TIE[, 2])])
min.pwr <- min(pwr, na.rm=TRUE)
pos.pwr <- which(pwr == min.pwr, arr.ind=TRUE)
CV.pwr <- as.numeric(rownames(pos.pwr))
n1.pwr <- as.integer(colnames(pwr)[as.numeric(pos.pwr[, 2])])
TIE.max <- data.frame(CV=CV.TIE, n1=n1.TIE, alpha,
TIE=rep(max.TIE, length(CV.TIE)))
colnames(TIE.max)[4] <- "maximum TIE"
TIE.max <- cbind(TIE.max, signif="no", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
TIE.max[["maximum TIE"]][TIE.max[["maximum TIE"]] > sig] <- "yes"
power.min <- data.frame(CV=CV.pwr, n1=n1.pwr, target=targetpower,
pwr=rep(min.pwr, length(CV.pwr)))
colnames(power.min)[4] <- "minimum power"
if (print) {
cat("\nEmpiric Type I Error\n"); print(TIE)
cat("Maximum TIE", max.TIE, "at CV", CV.TIE, "and n1", n1.TIE,
"\n\nEmpiric Power in Stage 1\n")
print(round(pwr1, 4))
cat("\n% of studies expected to proceed to Stage 2\n")
cat("\nEmpiric overall Power\n")
print(round(pwr, 4))
cat("\nMinimum Power", min.pwr, "at CV", CV.pwr, "and n1", n1.pwr,
"\n\nAverage Total Sample Size E[N]\n")
print(round(n.mean, 1))
cat("\nQuartile I of Total Sample Size\n")
cat("\nMedian of Total Sample Size\n")
cat("\nQuartile III of Total Sample Size\n")
cat("\n% rel. costs change compared to fixed-sample design\n")
cat("\nRuntime", signif(t.1/60, 3), "minutes\n")
res <- list(TIE=TIE, TIE.max=TIE.max, power.stage1=pwr1,
pct.stage2=pct.2, power=pwr, power.min=power.min,
n.mean=n.mean, n.quartile1=n.q1,,
n.quartile3=n.q3, costs.change=costs.change, runtime=t.1)
rm(grid, pwr1, pct.2, pwr, n.mean, n.q1,, n.q3,
costs.change, TIE, n)
# Your conditions below #
alpha <- 0.05
CV.from <- 0.1 <- 0.6
CV.step <- 0.02
n1.from <- 12 <- 72
n1.step <- 2
theta1 <- 0.80
theta2 <- 1/theta1
GMR <- 0.95
usePE <- FALSE
targetpower <- 0.80
pmethod <- "nct"
fCrit <- "No"
fClower <- 0
fCNmax <- Inf
x <- checkMaxCombTest(alpha, CV.from,, CV.step, n1.from,, n1.step,
theta1, theta2, GMR, usePE, targetpower, fCrit,
fClower, fCNmax)
In memory of Willi Maurer, Dr. sc. math. ETH
who passed away on December 30, 2017.
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
![[image]]( by.png)
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Finally: Exact TSD methods for 2×2 crossover designsHelmut 2018-04-21 17:17 [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
- Exact TSD methods: Example Helmut 2018-04-21 20:33
- Finally: Exact TSD methods for 2×2 crossover designs ElMaestro 2018-04-21 20:49
- Flow chart (without details) Helmut 2018-04-21 21:41
- naive questions regarding new functions in Power2Stage mittyri 2018-04-28 15:54
- Some answers Helmut 2018-04-28 17:29
- Some more "answers" d_labes 2018-04-29 21:11
- clarification regarding user Power2Stage guides mittyri 2018-04-30 13:41
- naive questions regarding new functions in Power2Stage mittyri 2018-04-28 15:54
- Flow chart (without details) Helmut 2018-04-21 21:41
- Technicality: Weigths for the inverse normal approach d_labes 2018-04-25 14:19
- Selection of w and w* Helmut 2018-04-26 09:51
- Selection of w and w* d_labes 2018-04-26 20:02
- Now what? w & w* examples d_labes 2018-05-09 13:53
- Now what? w & w* examples Ben 2018-06-10 20:12
- Now what? w & w* examples Helmut 2018-06-11 13:57
- Now what? w & w* examples Ben 2018-06-12 19:14
- a bug in mittyri 2018-06-11 23:27
- a bug in Ben 2018-06-12 19:32
- Nonbinding futility rule d_labes 2018-06-13 16:59
- Bad weather? Helmut 2018-06-13 19:23
- NLYW? d_labes 2018-06-14 10:18
- Nonbinding futility rule Ben 2018-06-13 20:26
- Nonbinding futility rule d_labes 2018-06-14 10:47
- Nonbinding futility rule Ben 2018-06-15 17:58
- Binding / Nonbinding futility rule - alpha control d_labes 2018-06-16 19:42
- Binding / Nonbinding futility rule - alpha control Ben 2019-03-30 09:52
- Binding / Nonbinding futility rule - alpha control d_labes 2018-06-16 19:42
- Nonbinding futility rule Ben 2018-06-15 17:58
- Nonbinding futility rule d_labes 2018-06-14 10:47
- Bad weather? Helmut 2018-06-13 19:23
- Nonbinding futility rule d_labes 2018-06-13 16:59
- a bug in Ben 2018-06-12 19:32
- Now what? w & w* examples Helmut 2018-06-11 13:57
- Now what? w & w* examples Ben 2018-06-10 20:12
- Selection of w and w* Helmut 2018-04-26 09:51