bow TIE for NTIDs [Power / Sample Size]
Dear Helmut! Thank you for clarification!
Dear Detlew!
Sorry for mixing terms. In case of Power.2TOST I meant EMA approach (I've mentioned sirolimus guideline) for two metrics with diffirent but written in stone CI limits. I've turned to this case because I didn't find the way to "play with numbers" via power2.NTIDS cause it doesn't exist. I agree with you that it should have only educational purpose - to show slightly TIE inflation for NTIDs for completeness. That is low TIE inflation may be a common phenomenon.
P.S. 111.00 instead of logical 111.11 because it was written in the mentioned guideline. Increadible rounding methods!
Dear Detlew!
Sorry for mixing terms. In case of Power.2TOST I meant EMA approach (I've mentioned sirolimus guideline) for two metrics with diffirent but written in stone CI limits. I've turned to this case because I didn't find the way to "play with numbers" via power2.NTIDS cause it doesn't exist. I agree with you that it should have only educational purpose - to show slightly TIE inflation for NTIDs for completeness. That is low TIE inflation may be a common phenomenon.
❝ This is implemented in the function type1error.2TOST()
type1error.2TOST(CV=c(0.3,0.25), n=122, theta1=c(0.8, 0.9), theta2=c(1.25, 1.11), rho=0.9, details = FALSE)
[1] 0.05000015
Result of maximization over nullset may not be reliable.
❝ Hope this doesn't cause headache to you. Two or more TOSTs is for hardcore statisticians only. And they also have difficulties as I know (no, no, I'm not a statistician, but others among the authors of PowerTOST
P.S. 111.00 instead of logical 111.11 because it was written in the mentioned guideline. Increadible rounding methods!
Complete thread:
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- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-04 12:40
- TIE for NTIDs Astea 2018-02-04 20:04
- TIE for NTIDs Helmut 2018-02-05 01:01
- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-05 16:40
- TIE for NTIDs Helmut 2018-02-05 17:49
- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-05 22:17
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- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-05 22:17
- TIE for NTIDs Helmut 2018-02-05 17:49
- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-05 16:40
- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-05 16:35
- bow TIE for NTIDsAstea 2018-02-05 17:52
- bow TIE for NTIDs Helmut 2018-02-05 18:10
- 111.11 for NTIDs Astea 2018-02-05 19:27
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- 111.11 for NTIDs Astea 2018-02-05 19:27
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- bow TIE for NTIDs Helmut 2018-02-05 18:10
- bow TIE for NTIDsAstea 2018-02-05 17:52
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- TIE for NTIDs d_labes 2018-02-04 12:40
- α and no ω Helmut 2018-02-02 23:39
- alpha... where is omega? Astea 2018-02-02 21:45
- Deficiencies Relaxation 2018-02-02 19:41
- Deficiencies Relaxation 2018-02-02 11:12
- Deficiencies Helmut 2018-02-01 15:48
- Alpha adjustment in higher order crossover d_labes 2018-02-01 14:01
- function sampleN.TOST of package PowerTOST Helmut 2018-02-01 13:01