Recipe for ABEL and adjusted α [RSABE / ABEL]
Dear Helmut,
Totally Ok!
For installing PowerTOST development versions from GitHub see this thread. After installing Hadley Wickham's package devtools a simple call
is only necessary. Contrary to what was written there it is not necessary to have RTools installed as I just have checked after deinstalling mine Rtools.
❝ @Detlew: Something wrong or did I forget anything?
Totally Ok!
For installing PowerTOST development versions from GitHub see this thread. After installing Hadley Wickham's package devtools a simple call
is only necessary. Contrary to what was written there it is not necessary to have RTools installed as I just have checked after deinstalling mine Rtools.
Complete thread:
- Recipe for ABEL and adjusted α Helmut 2017-03-23 19:10 [RSABE / ABEL]
- Recipe for ABEL and adjusted αd_labes 2017-03-27 11:28
- PowerTOST V1.4-5 - scABEL functions d_labes 2017-05-23 10:25