Fixed effects model: changing the F, p values [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
Hi there,
Type III SS for Group may be somewhat challenging because is a between-factor like Sequence. I am OoO so cannot tests it well, but I reckon you'd need to play around with models without subject and sequence, in order to get something for Group.
This post is untested and just reflecting my thoughts. It may not in anyway reflect realities at all (like most of my post in general).
Actually if some of the R experts out there see this post, then I am hereby suggesting you to write a general extension to drop1 which produces meaningful (that means informative, if anyone wonders) SS's and F-tests for models where there are multiple betweens.
The ideal candidate for this drop1 extension would -purely hypothetically- be a statistical expert with mahatma status who has plenty spare time because he recently went into retirement. But of course, such people are hard to find.
Hötzi, do you think any such person exists on the planet or is it just wishful thinking?!??
❝ What bothers me is that Group effect is not equal in R and PHX, cannot figure out the reason
Type III SS for Group may be somewhat challenging because is a between-factor like Sequence. I am OoO so cannot tests it well, but I reckon you'd need to play around with models without subject and sequence, in order to get something for Group.
This post is untested and just reflecting my thoughts. It may not in anyway reflect realities at all (like most of my post in general).
Actually if some of the R experts out there see this post, then I am hereby suggesting you to write a general extension to drop1 which produces meaningful (that means informative, if anyone wonders) SS's and F-tests for models where there are multiple betweens.
The ideal candidate for this drop1 extension would -purely hypothetically- be a statistical expert with mahatma status who has plenty spare time because he recently went into retirement. But of course, such people are hard to find.
Hötzi, do you think any such person exists on the planet or is it just wishful thinking?!??
Pass or fail!
Pass or fail!
Complete thread:
- Potvin C in the EU Helmut 2013-04-16 17:40 [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
- Potvin C in the EU ElMaestro 2013-04-17 02:31
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- Potvin C in the EU ElMaestro 2013-04-17 02:31