please explain your opinion regarding ICH E9 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
Hi David,
could you please explain this:
ElMaestro suggested just to add the group effect
could you please explain this:
❝ According to ICH E9:
❝ "The main treatment effect may be investigated first using a model which allows for centre differences, but does not include a term for treatment-by-centre interaction. <...>"
❝ The model would include centre, centre*form and subject(sequence*centre).
ElMaestro suggested just to add the group effect
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Complete thread:
- multicenter crossover bioequivalent study Yura 2016-08-29 08:10 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- ICH E9 has the answer DavidManteigas 2016-08-29 13:55
- please explain your opinion regarding ICH E9mittyri 2016-08-29 15:12
- please explain your opinion regarding ICH E9 DavidManteigas 2016-09-01 13:47
- ICH E9 has the answer Yura 2016-08-29 15:16
- ICH E9 has the answer BE-proff 2016-08-30 08:31
- please explain your opinion regarding ICH E9mittyri 2016-08-29 15:12
- Winter is coming to EEU mittyri 2016-08-29 15:03
- ICH E9 has the answer DavidManteigas 2016-08-29 13:55