Garbage [Power / Sample Size]
WOW, what a journal! Horticulture and Bioequivalence!
And they even invested the 50 bugs to obtain an "SJIF impact factor" of five point somethink...
And they even invested the 50 bugs to obtain an "SJIF impact factor" of five point somethink...

Kindest regards, nobody
Kindest regards, nobody
Complete thread:
- Sample Size estimation for Replicate Cross over studies FDA or EMA criteria Lara 2016-02-10 00:46 [Power / Sample Size]
- Garbage d_labes 2016-02-10 08:34
- Garbagenobody 2016-02-10 11:17
- Garbage d_labes 2016-02-10 13:28
- Garbagenobody 2016-02-10 11:17
- Ponzi scheme Helmut 2016-02-10 20:42
- Ponzi scheme Lara 2016-02-11 20:35
- Ponzi scheme jag009 2016-02-16 19:55
- Ponzi scheme Helmut 2016-02-17 12:29
- Ponzi scheme sanketh.gupta 2016-03-07 06:21
- Education necessary d_labes 2016-03-07 11:20
- Dangerous nonsense Helmut 2016-03-07 14:21
- Clarifications to the Dangerous nonsense somu_korla 2016-03-09 08:17
- Absurd absurdity d_labes 2016-03-09 09:46
- Outright bizarre Helmut 2016-03-09 16:02
- Clarifications to Outright bizarre somu_korla 2016-03-10 08:44
- Science vs. fairy tales Helmut 2016-03-10 18:58
- Clarifications for Science vs. fairy tales somu_korla 2016-03-11 10:00
- Forlorne hope d_labes 2016-03-11 16:30
- Forlorne hope lechia 2016-08-05 22:52
- Forlorne hope nobody 2016-08-08 15:49
- Forlorne hope d_labes 2016-08-09 08:50
- Forlorne hope nobody 2016-08-08 15:49
- Forlorne hope lechia 2016-08-05 22:52
- Science vs. fairy tales Helmut 2016-03-10 18:58
- Clarifications to Outright bizarre somu_korla 2016-03-10 08:44
- Clarifications to the Dangerous nonsense somu_korla 2016-03-09 08:17
- Ponzi scheme sanketh.gupta 2016-03-07 06:21
- Ponzi scheme Helmut 2016-02-17 12:29
- Garbage d_labes 2016-02-10 08:34