Adaptive TSD vs. “classical” GSD [Two-Stage / GS Designs]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2015-12-03 04:11 (3361 d 23:25 ago) – Posting: # 15689
Views: 13,735

Dear Ben et alii,

❝ […] the TSD from Potvin et al appears to have astonishing design features. The classical GSD or the adaptive two-stage design according to the inverse normal method rely on a formal statistical framework: mathematical theorems including proofs are available on why they work, what properties they have and how they should be applied. This is nice. For the Potvin approach we only have simulations for certain scenarios at hand. Even though it appears to be good, it is not clear if this is always the case. More information on that topic with some more elaborations contains for example the article from Kieser and Rauch (2015).

I agree that the frameworks of Potvin etc. are purely empirical. To show whether a given α maintains the TIE for a desired range of n1/CV and target power takes 30 minutes in Power2Stage. I’m not sure whether the two lines in Kieser/Rauch fulfill the requirements of a formal proof. IMHO, it smells more of a claim. At least Gernot Wassmer told me that it it not that easy.

❝ ❝ In a TSD one would opt for a stage 1 sample size of ~75% of the fixed sample design.

❝ Reference? Some software packages give an inflation factor that helps determining the study size… Anyhow, I think such a rule of thumb is too strict and inflexible.

See the discussion in my review, Table 3 in the Supplementary Material, and R-code at the end.

GMR              : 0.95
target power     : 0.8
‘best guess’ CV  : 0.2
Fixed sample size: 20
  power          : 0.835
‘Type 1’ TSD, n1 : 16 (80.0% of N)
  ASN=E[N]       : 20.0
  power (interim): 0.619
  power (final)  : 0.851

~75% are not a natural constant, but work pretty well in many cases. ASN ~ N. You can play this game for any scenario you like (look up in the papers which α is suitable for which combination of GMR and target power). Final power is always higher than in the fixed sample design any you get already a fair chance of passing in the first stage.

❝ Consider for example two alternative scenarios:

❝ ● Pre-planned n1 = 52 and final N = 78 (i.e. n2 = 26). The average sample number (ASN) is smaller than for the Potvin TSD. Power is higher up until a certain point where the CV gets too high.

Hhm. See the code at the end. I tried to implement your suggestions.

   CV%   method alpha[1] alpha[2] ASN=E[N]  power     TIE   
 30.00      GSD  0.03817  0.02704     55.2 0.9631 0.05009 ns
 30.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     52.4 0.8673 0.03062 ns
 40.00      GSD  0.03817  0.02704     61.2 0.8236 0.05026 ns
 40.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     64.5 0.8283 0.04396 ns
 44.19      GSD  0.03817  0.02704     64.0 0.7492 0.04995 ns
 44.19 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     76.2 0.8250 0.04725 ns
 50.00      GSD  0.03817  0.02704     67.7 0.6365 0.04980 ns
 50.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     99.1 0.8211 0.04841 ns
 60.00      GSD  0.03817  0.02704     73.3 0.4224 0.04432 ns
 60.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940    151.4 0.8079 0.04253 ns

What I don’t understand in GSDs (lacking experience): How do you arrive at N? Is Detlew right when he said that this is the expected sample size? Your example would translate to a fixed sample design with GMR 0.95, CV ~44%, and target power 0.8. So the only purpose of the interim is hoping for a lucky punch (i.e., ASN 64)? If the CV is just a little bit higher (50%), power is unacceptable.
Type I Error?

❝ ● Pre-planned n1 = 48, n2 = 48. ASN comparable, Power similarly as above.

   CV%   method alpha[1] alpha[2] ASN=E[N]  power     TIE   
 30.00      GSD  0.03101  0.02973     56.5 0.9858 0.05004 ns
 30.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     48.9 0.8535 0.03202 ns
 40.00      GSD  0.03101  0.02973     69.6 0.8927 0.04996 ns
 40.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940     64.0 0.8290 0.04540 ns
 49.65      GSD  0.03101  0.02973     82.2 0.7451 0.04841 ns
 49.65 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940    100.4 0.8173 0.04821 ns
 50.00      GSD  0.03101  0.02973     82.6 0.7382 0.04840 ns
 50.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940    102.0 0.8184 0.04811 ns
 60.00      GSD  0.03101  0.02973     91.9 0.5492 0.03998 ns
 60.00 Potvin B  0.02940  0.02940    154.6 0.8025 0.03988 ns


❝ Therefore, I think the GSD has some charme and can be useful in situations with uncertainty.

If (if!) you have some clue about the variability.

❝ Moreover, the advantage is that we do not have to rely on only simulation results from certain parameter settings.

30 minutes. ;-)
I will again chew on the e-mail conversation we had last April.

1. Find n1 for TSDs based on a ‘best guess’ CV.

stg1 <- function(x) {
          power.2stage(n1=x, method="B", CV=CV,
                       alpha=rep(0.0294, 2), theta0=0.95,
        } # defaults to Potvin B
method      <- "B"
alpha       <- rep(0.0294, 2)
GMR         <- 0.95
targetpower <- 0.8
CV          <- 0.2
methods     <- c("B", "C")
types       <- c("\u2018Type 1\u2019", "\u2018Type 2\u2019")
fix         <- sampleN.TOST(CV=CV, targetpower=targetpower,
                    theta0=GMR, details=F, print=F)
N           <- fix[["Sample size"]]
pwr         <- fix[["Achieved power"]]
n1          <- round(optimize(stg1, interval=c(12, N),
                     tol=0.1)$minimum, 0)
n1          <- n1 + n1%%2
res         <- power.2stage(method=method, n1=n1, CV=CV,
                            alpha=alpha, theta0=GMR,
                            targetpower=targetpower, details=F)
cat("\nGMR              :", GMR,
    "\ntarget power     :", targetpower,
    "\n\u2018best guess\u2019 CV  :", CV,
    "\nFixed sample size:", N,
    sprintf("%s %.3f", "\n  power          :", pwr),
    sprintf("%s %d %s%.1f%% %s",
      paste0("\n", types[match(method, methods)], " TSD, n1 :"),
      n1, "(", 100*n1/N, "of N)"),
    sprintf("%s %.1f", "\n  ASN=E[N]       :", res$nmean),
    sprintf("%s %.3f", "\n  power (interim):", res$pBE_s1),
    sprintf("%s %.3f", "\n  power (final)  :", res$pBE), "\n")

2. Comparison of GSD and TSD

findCV <- function(x) power.TOST(CV=x, n=n1+n2)-0.8
n1    <- 52 # 48
n2    <- 26 # 48
t     <- c(n1/(n1+n2), 1)
bnds  <- bounds(t=t, iuse=2, alpha=0.05)
alpha <- 1-pnorm(bnds$upper.bounds)
CVest <- uniroot(findCV, interval=c(0.01, 3), tol=1e-7)$root
CV    <-sort(c(seq(0.3, 0.6, 0.1), CVest))
sig   <- binom.test(x=0.05*1e6, n=1e6, alternative="less",
res   <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(CV)*2, ncol=8, byrow=TRUE,
           dimnames=list(NULL, c("CV%", "method", "alpha[1]",
                                 "alpha[2]", "ASN=E[N]", "power",
                                 "TIE", " ")))
k     <- 0
for (j in seq_along(CV)) {
  k <- k + 1
  GSD.TIE <- power.2stage.GS(alpha=alpha, n=c(n1, n2), CV[j],
                             theta0=1.25, nsims=1e6, details=FALSE)
  GSD.pwr <- power.2stage.GS(alpha=alpha, n=c(n1, n2), CV[j],
                             theta0=0.95, nsims=1e5, details=FALSE)
  Pot.TIE <- power.2stage(alpha=rep(0.0294, 2), n1=n1, CV=CV[j],
                          theta0=1.25, nsims=1e6, details=FALSE)
  Pot.pwr <- power.2stage(alpha=rep(0.0294, 2), n1=n1, CV=CV[j],
                          theta0=0.95, nsims=1e5, details=FALSE)
  res[k, 1] <- sprintf("%.2f", CV[j]*100)
  res[k, 2] <- "GSD"
  res[k, 3] <- sprintf("%.5f", alpha[1])
  res[k, 4] <- sprintf("%.5f", alpha[2])
  res[k, 5] <- sprintf("%.1f", (1-GSD.pwr$pct_s2/100)*n1 +
  res[k, 6] <- sprintf("%.4f", GSD.pwr$pBE)
  res[k, 7] <- sprintf("%.5f", GSD.TIE$pBE)
  if (GSD.TIE$pBE <= sig) res[k, 8] <- "ns" else res[k, 8] <- "*"
  k <- k + 1
  res[k, 1] <- sprintf("%.2f", CV[j]*100)
  res[k, 2] <- "Potvin B"
  res[k, 3:4] <- rep(sprintf("%.5f", 0.0294), 2)
  res[k, 5] <- sprintf("%.1f", Pot.pwr$nmean)
  res[k, 6] <- sprintf("%.4f", Pot.pwr$pBE)
  res[k, 7] <- sprintf("%.5f", Pot.TIE$pBE)
  if (Pot.TIE$pBE <= sig) res[k, 8] <- "ns" else res[k, 8] <- "*"
print(, row.names=FALSE)

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