Histogram charlatanry [Two-Stage / GS Designs]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2015-06-09 15:43 (3531 d 16:24 ago) – Posting: # 14932
Views: 19,173

Dear Detlew!

❝ Wow! That made me dumbfounded! Clever, clever.


THX for the premature praise. Unfortunately my code is just approximate (euphemism for quick & dirty):

[1] 42.25025

Whereas correct is
power.2stage(CV=0.3, alpha=c(0.001, 0.0413), n1=24, print=F, details=F)$nmean
[1] 42.26836

If one wants to get the histograms right, download the source from CRAN and after the line
  } # end stage 2 calculations
  hist <- hist(ntot, plot=FALSE)
At the res-list change the last line to
  nmean=mean(ntot), nrange=range(ntot), nperc=quantile(ntot, p=npct),

Now the data needed to plot a histogram of the total sample size are accessible for further use:

CV  <- 0.3
n1  <- 24
col <- "#AAF7FF"
alpha <- matrix(nrow=4, ncol=2, byrow=T, dimnames=list(
  c("Haybittle/Peto 0.0010/0.0413",
    "O\u2019Brien/Fleming 0.0050/0.0416",
    "Zheng 0.0100/0.0412",
    "Potvin 0.0302/0.0302"),
  c("alpha1", "alpha2")))
alpha[1, ] <- c(0.001, 0.0413)
alpha[2, ] <- c(0.005, 0.0416)
alpha[3, ] <- c(0.010, 0.0412)
alpha[4, ] <- rep(0.0302, 2)
invisible(split.screen(c(2, 2)))
for(j in 1:nrow(alpha)) {
  res <- power.2stage(CV=CV, alpha=alpha[j, ], n1=n1, print=F, details=F)
  plot(res$hist, freq=F, xlim=c(12, 120), ylim=c(0, 0.1),
    main=rownames(alpha)[j], xlab=expression(n[total]),
    cex.main=0.95, cex.axis=0.9, col=col, las=1)
  abline(v=c(res$nmean, res$nperc[["50%"]]), lty=c(1, 3))
  legend("topright", box.lty=0, legend=c("mean", "median"), lty=c(1, 3),


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