TSDs for RSABE/ABEL - run-time [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
Dear Helmut,
this is a very eminent important post
But I believe those to whom it really concerns unfortunately will not read it or are not able to read or duno understand its message
This is an optimistic (sic!) estimation since you forgot the sims necessary for the sample size estimation step of 2 ... 8 iterations with 105 simulations each, since the start values of sample size search are naturally not as good as for the case of the classical sample size estimation.
So let us estimate more pessimistically (but may be too optimistically) an additional factor of 4 (one for the power monitoring step + 3 for the sample size estimation) within each of the simulations of your preferred grid of CV and n1.
This will then give, using your determined ~80 msecs, ~ 4x1014 sims x 80 ms =
3.2x 1013 secs = 533.333.333.333 min = 8.888.888.889 h = 370.370.370 days = 1.014.713 years!
calculated with the newest R version 3.2.0
(hope I got all the conversions using the thousands sparator "." correct, prove me wrong)
Oh what a weired calculation. Seems yesterday evening there was one beer too much
. And alcohol impairs the ability of self critics.
Try it once more, hope now I got it right:
1.1×109 sims each with 4x80 msecs for the power calculations =
5,866,667 min = 97,777.78 h = 4,074.074 days = 11.16185 years
Even if someone came out with a much more clever algo having a boost of 1E3 (thousand) faster than mine in
) we all will not be alive we have to wait more than one month (~41 days) for noticing the result for one shot of alpha adjustment. And you need more than one ...
Just to make your message crystal clear!
If this all is necessary to be really done for a certain regulatory body (which one remains my secret
) remains an open question. As elsewhere said: Regulators are a bunch of strange people.
this is a very eminent important post

But I believe those to whom it really concerns unfortunately will not read it or are not able to read or duno understand its message

❝ Contrary to 2×2×2 and parallel designs – where power can be directly calculated – for scaling we need simulations since the limits are not fixed, we have a restriction on the GMR, and an upper cap at 50% for EMA. The convergence is fine, but we still need 105 simulations within every simulated study. This leads to ~1014 (110,000,000,000,000‼) simulations overall.
This is an optimistic (sic!) estimation since you forgot the sims necessary for the sample size estimation step of 2 ... 8 iterations with 105 simulations each, since the start values of sample size search are naturally not as good as for the case of the classical sample size estimation.
So let us estimate more pessimistically (but may be too optimistically) an additional factor of 4 (one for the power monitoring step + 3 for the sample size estimation) within each of the simulations of your preferred grid of CV and n1.
3.2x 1013 secs = 533.333.333.333 min = 8.888.888.889 h = 370.370.370 days = 1.014.713 years!
calculated with the newest R version 3.2.0
(hope I got all the conversions using the thousands sparator "." correct, prove me wrong)
Oh what a weired calculation. Seems yesterday evening there was one beer too much

Try it once more, hope now I got it right:
1.1×109 sims each with 4x80 msecs for the power calculations =
5,866,667 min = 97,777.78 h = 4,074.074 days = 11.16185 years
Even if someone came out with a much more clever algo having a boost of 1E3 (thousand) faster than mine in
(which I of course can't believe that it is possible to beat me to such an amount 
Just to make your message crystal clear!
If this all is necessary to be really done for a certain regulatory body (which one remains my secret

Complete thread:
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL Helmut 2015-05-06 02:17 [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL nobody 2015-05-06 11:13
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL Helmut 2015-05-06 11:55
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL nobody 2015-05-06 12:26
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL Helmut 2015-05-06 11:55
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL ElMaestro 2015-05-06 12:31
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL Helmut 2015-05-06 13:49
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL - run-timed_labes 2015-05-08 20:47
- Really worth the efforts? Helmut 2015-05-10 01:11
- TSDs for RSABE/ABEL nobody 2015-05-06 11:13