Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2011-07-26 18:03 (4927 d 16:23 ago) Posting: # 7226 Views: 12,349 |
Dear all! From a consultant’s diary:
— Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2011-07-27 12:58 (4926 d 21:28 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 7227 Views: 10,295 |
Hi HS, ❝ What do you think? A wise guy at the CRO probably got the brilliant idea to write a script that does the linear regression from the first points after Tmax and onwards. This is a brilliant idea for several reasons:
— Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2011-07-27 17:10 (4926 d 17:16 ago) @ ElMaestro Posting: # 7228 Views: 10,300 |
Dear ElMaestro! Great ideas! But I guess it’s even worse. The half-life of this drug is reported in the literature with 1–4 hours. The CRO has a pretty good analytical method – with a worse LLOQ you wouldn’t see the slower phase(s). He/she/it didn’t run a script, since in some subjects with lower concentrations he/she/it was happy with just the last 3–4 points. I think that he/she/it tried to tweak the results in such a way that results are not too far away from the literature. According to the report (54 profiles): x̃ 4.61 h (2.49 – 8.34 h), while my eyeballing PK gives 5.05 h (2.78 – 8.34 h). Since the CRO had no problems with extrapolations (Clast >LLOQ in all profiles; max. residual AUC 6.2%) probably he/she/it wanted to avoid trouble in reporting a ‘long’ t½… Perhaps a case of anticipatory obedience (vorauseilender Gehorsam). No, the CRO was not in Germany). ❝ Probably the wise guy has already been promoted as we speak? Oh goodness! — Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
d_labes ★★★ Berlin, Germany, 2011-07-28 10:44 (4925 d 23:43 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 7230 Views: 10,364 |
Dear Helmut! ❝ What do you think? The more interesting question is: What do regulators think? I never have seen deficiency questions concerning the fit of the terminal phase of concentration time courses in my ~30 years career. Even if the 'fit' was done with only 2 points . Although I find the fit a little bit strange, I have the opinion it doesn't matter much in the case shown.
BTW: What is Your eyeball solution for this curve? — Regards, Detlew |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2011-07-28 13:38 (4925 d 20:49 ago) @ d_labes Posting: # 7232 Views: 10,466 |
Dear D. Labes! ❝ The more interesting question is: What do regulators think? According to our Master the average time for assessing a BE report is one hour – therefore, nothing. ❝ I never have seen deficiency questions […] Me not either. ❝ Although I find the fit a little bit strange, […] Right. Actually the sponsor wants to perform another study and felt that they had too many data points in the previous one (little bit tricky, three drug combo). First I asked for spaghetti plots. Nil. Next for raw data. Received an M$-DOC (actually part of the Appendix to the study report) containing SAS-output like the following (one page per profile): Plasma Really handy to be imported into PK software. Next: An Excel-file converted from the SAS-binary. Finally something to work with. ❝ BTW: What is Your eyeball solution for this curve? Last three data-points. t½ 8.00 h, R² 0.751 (R with 0.867 below the CRO’s cut-off 0.95). Before I start to fit individuals I use to have a look at spaghetti plots. Subjects with higher concentrations consistently showed such a slow phase (t½ >6 h). The quality of fits was sometimes pretty good (R²adj 0.998) and mainly >0.9… Taking the overall-PK into account, I would say that the bad fit of this subject is still justified (haha – I don’t have a R-cutoff…). I this study residual AUCs were not an issue, but I’m concerned about careless fitting – which might tweak residual AUCs to <20%. The only people who see the whole picture — Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2011-07-28 12:24 (4925 d 22:03 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 7231 Views: 10,187 |
Hello again HS, For my own clarification: In the description above do you mean to say that the CROs internal requirement is an r squared of at least 0.95 but that data like this are reported even though -in this case at least- the r sq is less than 0.95? — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2011-07-28 13:53 (4925 d 20:34 ago) @ ElMaestro Posting: # 7233 Views: 10,206 |
Hi ElMaestro! ❝ In the description above do you mean to say that the CROs internal requirement is an r squared of at least 0.95… Not R² – R! ❝ … but that data like this are reported even though -in this case at least- the r sq is less than 0.95? Well, their fit’s R was 0.9610 (R² 0.9235, R²adj 0.9172). They didn’t report any of those at all. For my fit see above. — Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2011-07-28 18:38 (4925 d 15:49 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 7235 Views: 10,130 |
Hi HS, I would do an audit. Clearly some practice is bad here but it has to be said that there might not be a QA issue involved. Does the CRO have 100% QC, and if yes, how did the QC people get around this one? — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2011-07-28 19:03 (4925 d 15:24 ago) @ ElMaestro Posting: # 7236 Views: 10,103 |
Hi ElMaestro! ❝ I would do an audit. Me too. ❝ Clearly some practice is bad here but it has to be said that there might not be a QA issue involved. Does the CRO have 100% QC, and if yes, how did the QC people get around this one? No idea (as I said: big CRO). Actually I got this issue like the virgin a child. I was asked by the sponsor for support in designing another study (see above). I wanted to run a PopPK model and play around with different sampling schedules – and, hocus-pocus! – the rabbit jumped out of the hat.* I forwarded a lot of stuff to the (very, very big) sponsor and they are definitely not amused.
— Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |