
2007-02-02 11:10
(6579 d 03:26 ago)

Posting: # 502
Views: 44,595

 IVIVC Studies [Dissolution / BCS / IVIVC]

Dear all,

Please tell me about how to proceed for IVIVC using the pilot data. Also can anybody tell me the important tests and procedure for IVIVC Studies using WinNonlin or any software (SAS, SPSS,.....). If there are any important sites regarding IVIVC kindly let me know.

Thanks and regards,

Vienna, Austria,
2007-02-07 20:56
(6573 d 17:41 ago)

Posting: # 510
Views: 43,526

 IVIVC Studies

Dear Mamidi!

❝ Please tell me about how to proceed for IVIVC using the pilot data.

OK, you are going in the right direction, namely starting with in vivo data!

❝ Also can anybody tell me the important tests and procedure for IVIVC Studies using WinNonlin or any software (SAS, SPSS,.....).

Unless you want to start with parametric deconvolution, even M$-Excel will do the job (I would not trust the built-in Solver-routine)…
Kinetica offers templates for the ‘classical’ methods (Wagner-Nelson, Loo-Riegelman) and convolution/deconvolution.
If you have already a little experience with WinNonlin’s programming language, it should not be too difficult to implement any needed model manually.
An additional product (the IVIVC Tookit) is available for the latest release (5.2) of WinNonlin only.

❝ If there are any important sites regarding IVIVC kindly let me know.

Not directly IVIVC, but browse through the archive at Dissolution Technologies, and have a look at this nice review.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

Mumbai, India,
2007-02-23 07:58
(6558 d 06:39 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 533
Views: 41,308

 IVIVC Studies

Dear HS!

I would like to share this piece of infomation which I am sure will be useful:

Best Regards,
Vandana Panchal

Best Regards,
Ms. Vandana Panchal
Dipesh Jayswal

2007-03-16 08:53
(6537 d 05:43 ago)

@ venu
Posting: # 582
Views: 40,958

 IVIVC Studies

Dear groupmates,

can u please suggest the method for calculating "dose absorbed" at each sampling time point from Plasma concentration Vs Time profile of the subject from Bioequivalence study?

Please suggest me the complete procedure with formula or some easily accessible reference on net.

Thanks in advance,

Dipesh Jayswal
Vienna, Austria,
2007-03-16 16:39
(6536 d 21:57 ago)

@ Dipesh Jayswal
Posting: # 583
Views: 43,304

 Wagner-Nelson, Loo-Riegelman

Dear Dipesh!

First of all get the two ‘classical’ papers;
for the 1-compartment model,[1] and for the 2-compartment model.[2]

❝ Please suggest me the complete procedure with formula…

Below is a simple example of the Wagner-Nelson method.
  1. Estimate kel from t=15 to t=32: 0.1271
  2. Calculate the partial AUCs (column 3)
  3. Calculate amount excreted / central volume of distribution:
    column 4 = column 3 x kel
  4. Calculate amount absorbed / central volume of distribution:
    column 5 = column 2 + column 4
  5. Calculate %absorbed:
    column 6 = column 5 / asymptotic plateau (estimated as mean from t=15 to t=32: 9.976)
│ c1 │  c2  │   c3  │   c4  │   c5  │  c6  │
│  t │ C(t) │ AUC(t)│ Ae/Vp │ Aa/Vp │ %abs │
│  0 │  –   │   –   │   –   │   –   │ 0.00 │
│  1 │ 2.28 │  1.14 │  0.14 │  2.42 │ 0.24 │
│  2 │ 3.69 │  4.13 │  0.52 │  4.21 │ 0.42 │
│  3 │ 5.52 │  8.73 │  1.11 │  6.63 │ 0.66 │
│  4 │ 5.52 │ 14.25 │  1.81 │  7.33 │ 0.73 │
│  5 │ 5.08 │ 19.55 │  2.49 │  7.57 │ 0.76 │
│  6 │ 4.91 │ 24.55 │  3.12 │  8.03 │ 0.80 │
│  8 │ 4.10 │ 33.56 │  4.27 │  8.37 │ 0.84 │
│ 10 │ 3.38 │ 41.04 │  5.22 │  8.60 │ 0.86 │
│ 12 │ 3.33 │ 47.75 │  6.07 │  9.40 │ 0.94 │
152.66 │ 56.73 │  7.21 │  9.87 │ 0.99 │
240.80 │ 72.30 │  9.19 │  9.99 │ 1.00 │
280.49 │ 74.88 │  9.52 │ 10.01 │ 1.00 │
320.31 │ 76.48 │  9.72 │ 10.03 │ 1.01 │
     │0.1271│               │  9.976│
     └──────┘               └───────┘

❝ … or some easily accessible reference on net.

A nice website is run by David Bourne.
If you want to examine your own data you will need the Java-plugin for your browser; for examples on absorption see this one of David's pages and followings.
  1. Wagner JG, Nelson E. Per Cent Absorbed Time Plots Derived from Blood Level and / or Urinary Excretion Data. J Pharm Sci. 1965; 52: 610–1.
  2. Loo JCK, Riegelman S. New Method for Calculating the Intrinsic Absorption Rate of Drugs. J Pharm Sci. 1968; 57: 918–28.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Dipesh Jayswal

2007-03-19 11:04
(6534 d 03:32 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 586
Views: 41,721

 Wagner-Nelson, Loo-Riegelman

Dear HS,

Thanks a lot for ur detailed calculation. :-)


2007-03-19 16:26
(6533 d 22:10 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 587
Views: 41,051


Dr. Helmut,

I have just seen your explanation about Wagner-Nelson and Loo-Riegelman methods (model dependent approach). So, if possible, I would like to know how apply deconvolution approach to obtain fraction absorbed using excel. This method is known as model-independent approach. Could you help me with details about calculations and articles about this topic?

best regards,

Daniel Rossi de Campos
Vienna, Austria,
2007-03-19 17:20
(6533 d 21:17 ago)

@ drcampos
Posting: # 588
Views: 45,348

 Numerical Deconvolution

Dear Daniel!

❝ So, if possible, I would like to know how apply deconvolution approach to obtain fraction absorbed using excel. This method is known as model-independent approach. Could you help me with details about calculations and articles about this topic?

First I would recommend two other ‘classical’ papers:
  1. Vaughan DP, Dennis M. Mathematical Basis of Point-Area Deconvolution Method for Determining In Vivo Input Functions. J Pharm Sci. 1978; 67: 663–5.
  2. Langenbucher F. Numerical Convolution/Deconvolution as a Tool for Correlating in Vitro with in Vivo Drug Availability. Pharm Ind. 1982; 44(11): 1166–72.
Deconvolution is not necessarily model-independent; there are two versions:
  1. A model-dependent version, where models are defined for the functions, and the convolution integral solved for the unknown function by means of Laplace Transformations. Unfortunatelly the integral may be impossible to solve…
  2. A model-independent version, where the data are deconvoluted numerically, i.e. differentials are replaced by differences.
You also might get an impression by an M$-Excel-sheet I prepared, which uses an example from Langenbucher (in German and out of print)… ;-)

Langenbucher F. In vitro Prüfung und Korrelation mit in vivo Daten. In: Meier J, Rettig H, Hess H. Biopharmazie – Theorie und Praxis der Pharmakokinetik. Stuttgart 1981; Georg Thieme: pp 300–3.

Main problems with numerical deconvolution are:
Sampling points of the response function (e.g., an oral formulation), and the weighting function (i.e., an i.v. dose or an oral solution) must be equidistant, which they almost never are. Therefore you must interpolate ‘missing’ data points by a suitable algorithm (first approximation would be linear interpolation until Tmax, and linear/log afterwards, better options are splines or Lagrange-polynoms).
Numerical deconvolution is subject to instability such as sudden oscillations in the input function. Errors in early time points have a cumulative effect upon subsequent estimates.

You may use my speadsheet as some kind of a sandbox: alter values, and watch… :lol3:
But please don’t use it for your actual problems!

For the application of M$-Excel in IVIVC have a look at

Langenbucher F. Handling of computational in vitro/in vivo correlation problems by Microsoft Excel: III. Convolution and deconvolution. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2003; 56(3): 429–37. doi:10.1016/s0939-6411(03)00140-1.

Software packages having a deconvolution module onboard (WinNonlin 5.2+, Kinetica, PDx-IVIVC) rely heavily on smoothing of data – but manufacturers rarely document the actual method in the manual. :angry:

Good look!

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-03-19 22:17
(6533 d 16:20 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 589
Views: 41,362

 Numerical Deconvolution


Thank you for your prompt reply and the excel-sheet with detailed calculation. Therefore, the articles suggested and the explanation were very important to understand the principle of the numerical deconvolution. :-D

I have just requested the IVIVC module of WinNonlin to Pharsight.

Best regards,

Daniel Rossi de Campos

2021-10-07 16:25
(1217 d 23:11 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 22621
Views: 8,501

 Numerical Deconvolution

❝ You may use my speadsheet as some kind of a sandbox: alter values, and watch… :lol3:

Dear Daniel,

Is your excel sheet still available to start with? it will be great if you can share it.

Vienna, Austria,
2021-10-07 18:38
(1217 d 20:58 ago)

@ Rayhope
Posting: # 22622
Views: 8,316

 Daniel still active in the Forum?

Hi Ray,

❝ Is your excel sheet still available to start with? it will be great if you can share it.

If you would have looked at Daniel’s profile, you would have noticed that the last time he logged in was nine years ago. You can try to send him a PM. No idea whether the email he used in registration is still current.

If that doesn’t work, I can ask him (my last contact was in April).

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2021-10-08 11:07
(1217 d 04:30 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 22623
Views: 8,212

 Daniel still active in the Forum?

❝ If you would have looked at Daniel’s profile, you would have noticed that the last time he logged in was nine years ago. You can try to send him a PM. No idea whether the email he used in registration is still current.

❝ If that doesn’t work, I can ask him (my last contact was in April).

Sure I will ask Daniel. Thank you.

2021-11-11 09:35
(1183 d 05:02 ago)

@ Rayhope
Posting: # 22671
Views: 7,684

 Daniel still active in the Forum?

❝ ❝ If that doesn’t work, I can ask him (my last contact was in April).

Hi, I tried to contact Daniel but I guess not active here. Can you ask him please.
Dipesh Jayswal

2007-03-21 09:21
(6532 d 05:15 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 590
Views: 41,349


Dear HS,

Please correct the year of the publication which u have prescribed in ur mail.
  1. Wagner JG and E Nelson; Per Cent Absorbed Time Plots Derived from Blood Level and / or Urinary Excretion Data. J Pharm Sci 52, 610-611 (1963) :ok:
I hope it will help to locate it for future readers.


Vienna, Austria,
2007-03-21 13:13
(6532 d 01:24 ago)

@ Dipesh Jayswal
Posting: # 591
Views: 40,923


Dear Dipesh,

oops, thank you for the correction!

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-09-01 03:38
(6368 d 11:58 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 1045
Views: 40,416



Anyone know how to calculate the plasma profile using in vitro dissolution profile and IVIVC? i.e. in vivo absorption profile -> plasma profile


Vienna, Austria,
2007-09-01 16:49
(6367 d 22:48 ago)

@ jesse08
Posting: # 1046
Views: 40,540

 IVIVC / Mapping

Dear HMY!

❝ Anyone know how to calculate the plasma profile using in vitro dissolution profile and IVIVC?

Yes. :cool:

❝ i.e. in vivo absorption profile -> plasma profile

This is the concept of ‘Mapping’. You should have all tools given previously in this thread handy.
Once you have an IVIVC established, it’s trivial to calculate in vivo dissolution and therefore predict the plasma profile.
What is your question?

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-09-02 02:32
(6367 d 13:04 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 1047
Views: 40,456

 IVIVC / Mapping

❝ Once you have an IVIVC established, it’s trivial to calculate in vivo dissolution and therefore predict the plasma profile.

❝ What is your question?

My question is once I have IVIVC, any software or program I can use to predict in vivo plasma profile (i.e. how to run the convolution? How to run the convolution in WinNonlin?) Thanks.


Edit: Full quote removed. Please see this post! [HS]
Vienna, Austria,
2007-09-02 14:03
(6367 d 01:34 ago)

@ jesse08
Posting: # 1048
Views: 40,748

 IVIVC / Software

Dear HMY!

❝ My question is once I have IVIVC, any software or program I can use to predict in vivo plasma profile (i.e. how to run the convolution? How to run the convolution in WinNonlin?)

In WinNonlin you have two options:
  1. code it yourself (please refer to the references given) – which would be a cumbersome job, or
  2. purchase the IVIVC-Toolkit for WinNonlin (≥5.2).
If you own WNL5.2 already, a description is given either in ‘…/programs/Pharsight/WinNonlin/User Docs/WNL Users Guide v5_2.pdf’ (pp 295) or in the online help-system (section ‘The IVIVC Toolkit’).

Links to other software are given in this thread; Kinetica has IVIVC-Templates ‘onboard’.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-10-03 04:13
(6336 d 11:23 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 1150
Views: 41,672

 IVIVC / Software


Did anyone compare the convolution results (i.e. predicted in vivo concentration profile) between Pharsight's IVIVC toolkit and MS-Excel method by Langenbucher's article: Handling of computational in vitro/in vivo correlation problems by Microsoft Excel: III. Convolution and deconvolution? Are the results similar? I am using the MS-Excel method now to do the convolution. I just want to make sure the IVIVC toolkit will produce the same results.


2007-11-21 13:38
(6287 d 00:59 ago)

@ jesse08
Posting: # 1316
Views: 40,427

 IVIVC / Software

Dear HS,

I have WinNonlin 5.2 version with IVIVC kit.
For IVIVC comparison WinNonlin ask minimum three formulation for comparison. I have only two formulations on hand :-( !
Has WinNonlin any other way to compare two formulations :ponder:

Thanks & Regards,
Vienna, Austria,
2007-11-21 16:25
(6286 d 22:12 ago)

@ Nirali
Posting: # 1317
Views: 40,474

 at least 3 formulations for IVIVC

Dear Nirali,

❝ I have WinNOnlin 5.2 version with IVIVC kit.

How much did the IVIVC Toolkit cost?

❝ For IVIVC comparison WinNonlin ask minimum three formulation for comparison.

You will need at least 3 data pairs for any type of linear dependency; this is not a WinNonlin-problem.
Just imagine:
In a linear regression you estimate two parameters – intercept and slope.
With 3 data pairs, you have 1 degree of freedom left.
With only 2 data pairs you have no degrees of freedom, or in other words you will always be able to draw a straight line, but getting no information on goodness of fit (coefficient of correlation = exactly one).

I have only two formulation on hand :-( !

Oh, that’s bad – no resolution possible, unless you come up with results from a 3rd formulation…

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-11-22 08:53
(6286 d 05:43 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 1320
Views: 40,128

 at least 3 formulations for IVIVC

Dear Helmut,

Thank you. I will definitely get back to you if i have any query about IVIVC.

❝ How much did the IVIVC Toolkit cost?

We purchase WinNonlin IVIVC toolkit in April 2007 and paid 3000$/user/single workstation.

Warm Regards,
Vienna, Austria,
2007-11-22 10:53
(6286 d 03:44 ago)

@ Nirali
Posting: # 1323
Views: 40,308

 at least 1 formulation for Level A

Dear Nirali,

yesterday I was too fast in responding. :cool:
Of course you need ≥3 formulations only for Level B-C correlations. If you were lucky enough to get a point-to-point correlation (Level A), even one formulation (+iv data) is enough.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2007-11-27 07:05
(6281 d 07:32 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 1335
Views: 40,145

 at least 1 formulation for Level A

Dear Mr. Helmut,

Yes you are right. I have little bit idea about level A correlation. I tried it in Excel using Wagner Nelson method.

But here I am not able to perform IVIVC from WinNonlin due to lack of 3rd formulation. Is Level A correlation possible with WinNonlin? Then how?

Friends, pls do share with me if you have exp of WinNonlin IVIVC.

Thanks & Regards,
2009-09-25 11:11
(5613 d 04:25 ago)

@ Nirali
Posting: # 4248
Views: 38,905

 IVIVC / Software

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I just saw your question about

"For IVIVC comparison WinNonlin ask minimum three formulation for comparison"

and I am not sure I see where you get that message - it is recommended to have a minimum of 3 but you can build one with the you have or even 1, although of course you will have difficulty having confidence to go extrapolate in the PREDICTION tab, but the first 3 stages will work fine, that is IN VITRO fitting, IN VIVO fitting and CORRELATION

Senior Scientific Trainer, Certara™

2009-09-23 10:47
(5615 d 04:50 ago)

@ Dipesh Jayswal
Posting: # 4234
Views: 38,792

 IVIVC set up/ requirements

Dear HS Sir,

Please send me information regarding basic requirements for set up of IVIVC department/Laboratory?


Edit: Full quote removed. Please delete anything from the text of the original poster which is not necessary in understanding your answer; see also this post! [Helmut]
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