Vienna, Austria,
2024-09-02 15:55
(65 d 16:49 ago)

Posting: # 24175
Views: 1,439

 Pooling of studies? [Regulatives / Guidelines]

Dear all,

recently I read the EMA’s BE guideline again. Was not a particularly good idea.

4.1.8 Evaluation: Presentation of data
If for a particular formulation at a particular strength multiple studies have been performed some of which demonstrate bioequivalence and some of which do not, the body of evidence must be considered as a whole. Only relevant studies, as defined in section 4.1, need be considered. The existence of a study which demonstrates bioequivalence does not mean that those which do not can be ignored. The applicant should thoroughly discuss the results and justify the claim that bioequivalence has been demonstrated. Alternatively, when relevant, a combined analysis of all studies can be provided in addition to the individual study analyses. It is not acceptable to pool together studies which fail to demonstrate bioequivalence in the absence of a study that does.

It happens regularly that a study was repeated. Sometimes (esp. without a pilot study) it turned out that there were too few sampling time points around tmax, or the variability was larger and/or the T/R-ratio worse than assumed. A higher than anticipated dropout-rate rarely is a problem. However, in all of these cases the study is underpowered and may fail.
If the study is repeated and passes BE, all seems to be good. Submit the synopsis of the failed study and the full report of the passing one, together with a discussion/justification of why you repeated it. After that sometimes an agency wants to see the full report of the failed study as well. So far, so good – I thought.
I came across a case where the EMA asked for a »coverage probability«. I beg your pardon, the what? In frequentist inference the outcome of any test is dichotomous (in BE regardless whether TOST or the confidence interval inclusion approach is applied). Either the study passed or failed. Full stop. ‘Coverage probability’ smells of Bayesian statistics, which had its heyday in the mid 1980s. History, gone with the wind.

Now it gets tricky, namely the sentence »Alternatively, when relevant, a combined analysis of all studies can be provided in addition to the individual study analysesAlternatively? What might be considered relevant?
Pooling of data is always only exploratory and supportive. If the failed study is not complete crap, any confidence interval of the pooled data will be likely narrower than the ones of both of the studies (large sample size, more degrees of freedom). Which confidence level one uses is actually arbitrary. In each of the confirmatory studies, the entire α was already spent. Hence, α = 0.0294 (the wrong one of the guideline’s two-stage design) or α = 0.0304 (the correct one for equivalence but in a parallel group-sequential design) is wrong as any other. If you really want to dive into the murky water, report the usual 90% CI. Even if the 90% CI is outside the BE-limits, it does not matter.

P.S.: The M13A does not contain stuff like that. THX!

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

2024-09-02 19:22
(65 d 13:23 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 24176
Views: 1,215

 coverage probability

Hi Helmut,

❝ I came across a case where the EMA asked for a »coverage probability«. I beg your pardon, the what? In frequentist inference the outcome of any test is dichotomous (in BE regardless whether TOST or the confidence interval inclusion approach is applied). Either the study passed or failed. Full stop. ‘Coverage probability’ smells of Bayesian statistics, which had its heyday in the mid 1980s. History, gone with the wind.


Firstly I'd cite this goody:1

We hope that this article reflects some of the surprise and delight that we experienced when discovering these many connections between decision-theoretic mathematical statistics, Bayes and frequency inference, limaçons, and bioequivalence.

[image]I guess this phrase clearly explains what is expected from your side (gymnastics in R with bootstrapping), even if the result is already known :-D (reinvented in this paper2)

Then of course you should generate some limaçon like this one.

  1. Brown LD, Casella G, Gene Hwang JT. Optimal Confidence Sets, Bioequivalence, and the Limaçon of Pascal. J Am Stat Assoc. 1995; 90(431): 880–9. doi:10.2307/2291322.
  2. Li K, Sinks S, Sun P, Yang L. On the Confidence Intervals in Bioequivalence Studies. arXiv:2306.06698v1.

Edit: Plot resized, references as footnotes. [Helmut]

Kind regards,

2024-09-02 19:37
(65 d 13:07 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 24178
Views: 1,198


Dear Helmut,

❝ P.S.: The M13A does not contain stuff like that. THX!

Well, hum... The guideline itself doesn't, but you should have a look at question 4.1 in the Q&A...

Vienna, Austria,
2024-09-06 10:31
(61 d 22:13 ago)

@ Ohlbe
Posting: # 24189
Views: 2,855

 M13 Q&A

Dear Ohlbe,

❝ […] you should have a look at question 4.1 in the Q&A...

THX for reminding me, I missed it.

Apart from Mittyri’s stuff above, calculating any confidence interval in the pooled analysis is statistically deeply flawed. All studies were confirmatory and thus, the entire \(\small{\alpha}\) was already spent in each of them. Therefore, even using an ‘adjusted \(\small{\alpha}\)’ – like in group-se­quen­ti­al designs – is outright wrong. Only the T/R-ratio (like Health Canada for Cmax) would make sense in a pooled analysis. If the software insists to specify a CI-level, use 50%. Of course, that results in a noninformative zero-width CI.
Does the almighty oracle mean by ‘coverage probability’ \(\small{1-2\times p(\text{TOST})}\), where a failed study shows < 0.90 and ≥ 0.90 otherwise? What’s the point of it? See above. Or is the ugly post hoc power creeping through the back door (<50% is a failure and ≥50% a success)?
I also saw deficiency letters asking for a ‘tipping point analysis’. No idea how that can be done here. Usually it is used to assess the impact of imputations of missing data.

Lengthy [image]-script for the examples at the end.
First example:
We plan a study based on assumptions (CV 0.2, T/R-ratio 0.95) and target a power of ≥80% as usual. However, the outcome was unfavorable. The CV was higher and the PE worse than assumed; we had two dropouts → the study failed.

Study 1 planned on assumptions (CV, T/R-ratio)
   values   CV    T/R    PE   n  power lower  upper  BE  width post.hoc
  planned 0.200 0.9500   –   20 0.8347   –      –    –     –      –
 observed 0.220    –   90.25 18    –   79.52 102.42 fail 22.90  47.521%
‘coverage probability’ 88.43% < 90%

We plan the second study based on the first (by the Carved-in-Stone’ approach for simplicity). Of course, we need a substantially larger sample size. We were lucky. The CV was lower and the PE better than assumed. Although we had a higher dropout-rate than in the first study, the second passed with flying colors.

Study 2 planned on observed values of Study 1
   values   CV    T/R    PE   n  power lower  upper  BE  width post.hoc
  planned 0.220 0.9025   –   42 0.8032   –      –    –     –      –
 observed 0.198    –   92.56 36    –   85.61 100.09 pass 14.48  92.611%
‘coverage probability’ 99.67% >= 90%

What happens if we combine the studies (acceptable according to the guideline because one was passing)?

Pooled analysis: CV = 0.205 (50 df), N = 54
 PE    alpha    CI                                 lower upper   BE   width post.hoc
 91.79 0.0294 94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority) 87.23 96.60 “pass”  9.37  99.934%
 91.79 0.0304 93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence) 87.26 96.56 “pass”  9.30  99.938%
 91.79 0.0500 90.00%: wrong (naïve)                87.81 95.95 “pass”  8.14  99.974%
 91.79 0.5000 50%   : correct (but noninformative) 91.79 91.79 “pass”  0.00 100.000%
‘coverage probability’ 99.9999% >= 90%

I don’t get the idea behind. Can someone enlighten me?

If the same batches of the test and comparator were used in the passing study than in the failed one, I would definitely

»discuss the results and justify the BE claim«

instead of performing a wacky pooled analysis.

I would be wary if a study was repeated with the same sample size like the first (The Guy in the Armani Suit[© ElMaestro] said “The study was planned for 80% power and there was a 20% chance of failure. Let’s cross fingers and try it again!” The biostatistician shook his head in despair and mused about getting a new job…).

Second example with the conditions as above, random CV, PE, and number of dropouts in the studies. I simulated a failed study and repeated studies until one passed.

      Study  n    PE lower   upper     CV  BE  width  ‘coverage’ post.hoc
    Pivotal 18 82.59  75.40  90.48 0.1566 fail  15.08   0.4526    14.552%
 Repeated 1 20 89.66  78.88 101.90 0.2368 fail  23.03   0.8600    43.301%
 Repeated 2 19 86.61  77.92  96.26 0.1886 fail  18.34   0.7913    34.822%
 Repeated 3 19 90.22  83.07  97.99 0.1469 pass  14.92   0.9785    78.359%
Pooled analysis: CV = 0.1866 (68 df), N = 76
   PE  alpha    CI                                 lower upper   BE   width ‘coverage’ post.hoc
 87.36 0.0294 94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority) 82.47 92.54 “pass” 10.07   0.9955    84.348%
 87.36 0.0304 93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence) 82.51 92.50 “pass”  9.99   0.9955    84.712%
 87.36 0.0500 90.00%: wrong (naïve)                83.10 91.84 “pass”  8.74   0.9955    89.658%
 87.36 0.5000 50%   : correct (but noninformative) 87.36 87.36 “pass”  0.00   0.9955    99.833%

Since the sample size wasn’t increased, how often would one repeat studies? In some of my simulations it needed four studies to pass. What would they present? Three failed ones and the one passing? What about the whole body of evidence? Why should an assessor trust in the passing study more than in the failed ones?

The Guy in the Armani Suit feels confirmed because there is indeed a high probability that already the first repeated study will pass. Sure, planned for 80% power again.

[image]100,000 simulations; studies until passing
 repeated probability cumulative
     1      81.205%     81.205%
     2      15.330%     96.535%
     3       2.819%     99.354%
     4       0.515%     99.869%
     5       0.108%     99.977%
     6       0.019%     99.996%
     7       0.003%     99.999%
     8       0.001%    100.000%

But what if not? We have again a producer’s risk of 20%… Will he sack the deplorable biostatistician or listen the next time? The biostatistician mutters “geometric series…” and walks away.


Regulators are concerned that if the first study failed (pointing towards a ‘bad’ T/R-ratio), the applicant starts hunting for a comparator’s batch, which – based on the measured content – is expected to give a ‘better’ T/R-ratio. Resources allowing, the applicant might even produce a set of biobatches. Finally, a favorable combination is selected for the next study.

First example

# assumptions for the first study
CV.1            <- 0.20
theta0.1        <- 0.95
outcome         <- rep(FALSE, 2)
study.1         <- data.frame(values = c("planned", "observed"),
                              CV = c(CV.1, NA_real_),
                              theta0 = c(theta0.1, NA_real_),
                              PE = rep(NA_real_, 2), n = NA_integer_,
                              power = NA_real_, lower = NA_real_,
                              upper = NA_real_, BE = NA_character_,
                              width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)
study.1[1, 5:6] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV.1, theta0 = theta0.1,
                                print = FALSE)[c("Sample size",
                                                 "Achieved power")]
# higher CV, worse T/R-ratio, 2 dropouts
study.1[2, c(2, 4:5)] <- c(CV.1 * 1.1, theta0.1 * 0.95, study.1$n[1] - 2)
study.1[2, 7:8] <- round(100 * CI.BE(CV = study.1$CV[2], pe = study.1$PE[2],
                                     n = study.1$n[2]), 2)
if (study.1$lower[2] >= 80 & study.1$upper[2] <= 125) {
  study.1$BE[2] <- "pass"
  outcome[1]    <- TRUE
} else {
  study.1$BE[2] <- "fail"
study.1[2, 10]  <- sprintf("%5.2f", study.1$upper[2] - study.1$lower[2])
study.1[2, 11]  <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                           100 * power.TOST(CV = study.1$CV[2],
                                            theta0 = study.1$PE[2],
                                            n = study.1$n[2]))
# is that meant?
coverage.1      <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = study.1$CV[2], pe = study.1$PE[2],
                                       n = study.1$n[2])
if (coverage.1 < 0.95) {
  cov.1 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% < 90%s", 100 * coverage.1, "%\n")
} else {
  cov.1 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% >= 90%s", 100 * coverage.1, "%\n")
# ‘Carved-in-Stone’ approach, i.e., plan based on the outcome of study 1
study.2         <- data.frame(values = c("planned", "observed"),
                              CV = c(study.1$CV[2], NA_real_),
                              theta0 = c(study.1$PE[2], NA_real_),
                              PE = rep(NA_real_, 2), n = NA_integer_,
                              power = NA_real_, lower = NA_real_,
                              upper = NA_real_, BE = NA_character_,
                              width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)

study.2[1, 5:6] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[1], theta0 =  study.2$theta0[1],
                                print = FALSE)[c("Sample size",
                                                 "Achieved power")]
# lower CV, better T/R-ratio, 6 dropouts
study.2[2, c(2, 4:5)] <- c(study.2$CV[1] * 0.9, study.2$theta0[1] / 0.975, study.2$n[1] - 6)
study.2[2, 7:8] <- round(100 * CI.BE(CV = study.2$CV[2], pe = study.2$PE[2],
                                     n = study.2$n[2]), 2)
if (study.2$lower[2] >= 80 & study.2$upper[2] <= 125) {
  study.2$BE[2] <- "pass"
  outcome[2]    <- TRUE
} else {
  study.2$BE[2] <- "fail"
study.2[2, 10]  <- sprintf("%5.2f", study.2$upper[2] - study.2$lower[2])
study.2[2, 11]  <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                           100 * power.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[2],
                                            theta0 = study.2$PE[2],
                                            n = study.2$n[2]))
coverage.2      <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[2], pe = study.2$PE[2],
                                       n = study.2$n[2])
if (coverage.2 < 0.90) {
  cov.2 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% < 90%s", 100 * coverage.2, "%\n")
} else {
  cov.2 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% >= 90%s", 100 * coverage.2, "%\n")

# pooled analysis of the two pivotal studies only if at least one passed
if (sum(outcome) >= 1) {
  CVdata          <- data.frame(source = c("Study 1", "Study 2"),
                                CV = c(study.1$CV[2], study.2$CV[2]),
                                n = c(study.1$n[2], study.2$n[2]), design = "2x2")
  tmp             <- CVpooled(CVdata)
  CV.pooled       <- tmp$CV
  df.pooled       <- tmp$df
  PE.pooled       <- (study.1$PE[2] * study.1$n[2] + study.2$PE[2] * study.2$n[2]) /
                     (study.1$n[2] + study.2$n[2])
  alpha           <- c(0.0294, 0.0304, 0.05, 0.5)
  pooled          <- data.frame(PE = PE.pooled, alpha = alpha,
                                CI = c("94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority)",
                                       "93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence)",
                                       "90.00%: wrong (naïve)",
                                       "50%   : correct (but noninformative)"),
                                lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_, BE = "“fail”",
                                width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)
  for (j in 1:4) {
    pooled[j, 4:5] <-  round(100 * CI.BE(alpha = alpha[j], CV = CV.pooled,
                                         pe = PE.pooled,
                                         n = study.1$n + study.2$n), 2)
    if (pooled$lower[j] >= 80 & pooled$upper[j] <= 125) pooled$BE[j] <- "“pass”"
    pooled[j, 7]   <- sprintf("%5.2f", pooled[j, 5] - pooled[j, 4])
    pooled[j, 8]   <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                              100 * power.TOST(alpha = alpha[j],
                                               CV = CV.pooled,
                                               theta0 = PE.pooled,
                                               n = study.1$n + study.2$n))
  coverage.3      <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = CV.pooled, pe = PE.pooled,
                                         n = study.1$n + study.2$n)
  if (coverage.3 < 0.90) {
    cov.3 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.4f%% < 90%s",
                     100 * coverage.3, "%\n")
  } else {
    cov.3 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.4f%% >= 90%s",
                     100 * coverage.3, "%\n")
  pooled[, 1]       <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * pooled[, 1])
  names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6)] <- paste0("  ", names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6)])
# pure cosmetics
study.1[, 2]    <- sprintf("%.3f", study.1[, 2])
study.1[, 3:6]  <- signif(study.1[, 3:6], 4)
study.1[, 4]    <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * study.1[, 4])
study.1[, 3]    <- sprintf("%.4f", study.1[, 3])
study.1[is.na(study.1)] <- study.1[1, 4] <- study.1[2, 3] <- "–  "
study.1[1, 11]  <- "–    "
names(study.1)[c(2, 9)] <- paste0(names(study.1)[c(2, 9)], " ")
study.2[, 2]    <- sprintf("%.3f", study.2[, 2])
study.2[, 3:6]  <- signif(study.2[, 3:6], 4)
study.2[, 4]    <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * study.2[, 4])
study.2[is.na(study.2)] <- study.2[1, 4] <- study.2[2, 3] <- "–  "
study.2[1, 11]  <- "–    "
names(study.2)[c(2, 9)] <- paste0(names(study.2)[c(2, 9)], " ")
names(study.1)[3] <- names(study.2)[3] <- "T/R "
names(study.1)[4] <- names(study.2)[4] <- names(pooled)[1] <- "PE "
names(study.1)[3] <- names(study.2)[3] <- "T/R "
t               <- c("\nStudy 1 planned on assumptions (CV, T/R-ratio)\n",
                     "\nStudy 2 planned on observed values of Study 1\n")
if (sum(outcome) == 1) {
  t <- c(t, paste0("\nPooled analysis: CV = ", signif(CV.pooled, 3),
                   " (", df.pooled, " df)",
                   ", N = ", study.1$n[2] + study.2$n[2], "\n"))
  cat(t[1]); print(study.1, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.1)
  cat(t[2]); print(study.2, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.2)
  cat(t[3]); print(pooled, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE); cat(cov.3)
} else {
  cat(t[1]); print(study.1, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.1)
  cat(t[2]); print(study.2, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.2)

Second example (with every execution of the script you get a different number of repeats)

sim.study <- function(alpha = 0.05, theta0 = 0.95, CV, CVb, n, eligible,
                      per.effect = c(0, 0), carryover = c(0, 0),
                      setseed = TRUE) {
  if (length(per.effect) == 1) per.effect <- c(0, per.effect)
  # carryover: first element R → T, second element T → R
  if (setseed) set.seed(123456)
  if (missing(eligible)) eligible <- n
  if (missing(CVb)) CVb <- CV * 1.5 # arbitrary
  sd     <- CV2se(CV)
  sd.b   <- CV2se(CVb)
  subj   <- 1:n
  # within subjects
  T      <- rnorm(n = n, mean = log(theta0), sd = sd)
  R      <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sd)
  # between subjects
  TR     <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sd.b)
  T      <- T + TR
  R      <- R + TR
  TR.sim <- exp(mean(T) - mean(R))
  data   <- data.frame(subject   = rep(subj, each = 2),
                       period    = 1:2L,
                       sequence  = c(rep("RT", n),
                                     rep("TR", n)),
                       treatment = c(rep(c("R", "T"), n/2),
                                     rep(c("T", "R"), n/2)),
                       logPK     = NA_real_)
  subj.T <- subj.R <- 0L    # subject counters
  for (j in 1:nrow(data)) { # clumsy but transparent
    if (data$treatment[j] == "T") {
      subj.T  <- subj.T + 1L
      if (data$period[j] == 1L) {
        data$logPK[j] <- T[subj.T] + per.effect[1]
      } else {
        data$logPK[j] <- T[subj.T] + per.effect[2] + carryover[1]
    } else {
      subj.R  <- subj.R + 1L
      if (data$period[j] == 1L) {
        data$logPK[j] <- R[subj.R] + per.effect[1]
      } else {
        data$logPK[j] <- R[subj.T] + per.effect[2] + carryover[2]
  data    <- data[data$subject <= eligible, ]
  f       <- c("subject", "period", "sequence", "treatment")
  data[f] <- lapply(data[f], factor)
  # bogus nested model acc. to the GLs
  muddle  <- lm(logPK ~ sequence + subject %in% sequence +
                        period + treatment, data = data)
  PE      <- 100 * exp(coef(muddle)[["treatmentT"]])
  CI      <- 100 * as.numeric(exp(confint(muddle, "treatmentT",
                                          level = 1 - 2 * alpha)))
  MSE     <- anova(muddle)[["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]]
  CV.hat  <- mse2CV(MSE)
  if (round(CI[1], 2) >= 80 & round(CI[2], 2) <= 125) {
    BE <- "pass"
  } else {
    BE <- "fail"
  res <- data.frame(n = eligible, PE = PE, lower = CI[1], upper = CI[2],
                    CV = CV.hat, BE = BE)

CV       <- 0.20 # assumed with-subject CV
theta0   <- 0.95 # assumed T/R-ratio
do.rate  <- 0.1  # i.e., 10% anticipated
n        <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV, theta0 = theta0, print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
runs.1   <- 0L
passed.1 <- 0L
failed.1 <- 0L
CVdata   <- data.frame(source = 1L, CV = NA_real_,
                       n = NA_integer_, PE = NA_real_, design = "2x2")
repeat { # until the first study fails by chance
  runs.1   <- runs.1 + 1L
  eligible <- round(runif(1, min = n * (1 - do.rate), max = n), 0)
  study.1  <- sim.study(theta0 = theta0, CV = CV, n = n, eligible = eligible,
                        setseed = FALSE)
  if (study.1$BE == "pass") passed.1 <- passed.1 + 1L
  if (study.1$BE == "fail") failed.1 <- failed.1 + 1L
  if (study.1$BE == "fail") {
    study.1          <- cbind(study = runs.1 + 1L, study.1)
    study.1$width    <- study.1$upper - study.1$lower
    study.1$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
                          pvalue.TOST(CV = study.1$CV,
                                      pe = study.1$PE / 100,
                                      n = study.1$n))
    study.1$post.hoc <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                                100 * suppressMessages(
                                        power.TOST(CV = study.1$CV,
                                                   theta0 = study.1$PE / 100,
                                                   n = study.1$n)))
    study.1[, c(3:6, 8:9)] <- signif(study.1[, c(3:6, 8:9)], 4)
CVdata[failed.1, 2:4] <- study.1[c(6, 2:3)]
study.rep <- data.frame(n = integer(), PE = numeric(), lower = numeric(),
                        upper = numeric(), CV = numeric(), BE = character(),
                        width = numeric(), coverage = numeric(),
                        post.hoc = character())
runs.2   <- 0L
passed.2 <- 0L
failed.2 <- 0L
repeat { # until a repeated study passes by chance
  runs.2 <- runs.2 + 1L
  eligible <- round(runif(1, min = n * (1 - do.rate), max = n), 0)
  study.rep[runs.2, ] <- sim.study(theta0 = theta0, CV = CV, n = n,
                                   eligible = eligible, setseed = FALSE)
  tmp <- data.frame(source = runs.2 + 1L, CV = study.rep[runs.2, 5],
                    n = study.rep[runs.2, 1], PE = study.rep[runs.2, 2],
                    design = "2x2")
  CVdata <- rbind(CVdata, tmp)
  if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "pass") passed.2 <- passed.2 + 1L
  if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "fail") failed.2 <- failed.2 + 1L
  study.2          <- cbind(study = runs.2 + 1, study.rep[runs.2, ])
  study.2$width    <- study.2$upper - study.2$lower
  study.2$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
                        pvalue.TOST(CV = study.2$CV,
                                    pe = study.2$PE / 100,
                                    n =  study.2$n))
  study.2$post.hoc <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                              100 * suppressMessages(
                                      power.TOST(CV = study.2$CV,
                                                 theta0 = study.2$PE / 100,
                                                 n = study.2$n)))
  study.rep[runs.2, c(2:5, 7:9)] <- signif(study.2[, c(3:6, 8:9)], 4)
  study.rep[runs.2, 9]           <- study.2$post.hoc
  if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "pass") break
studies <- rbind(study.1[, 2:10], study.rep)
studies$coverage <- sprintf("%.4f  ", studies$coverage)
names(studies)[c(3, 6:7)] <- paste0(names(studies)[c(3, 6:7)], " ")
names(studies)[8]         <- "‘coverage’"
studies   <- cbind(Study = c("Pivotal", paste0("Repeated ", 1:runs.2)), studies)
tmp       <- CVpooled(CVdata)
CV.pooled <- tmp$CV
df.pooled <- tmp$df
PE.pooled <- sum(CVdata$PE * CVdata$n) / sum(CVdata$n)
alpha     <- c(0.0294, 0.0304, 0.05, 0.5)
pooled    <- data.frame(PE = PE.pooled, alpha = alpha,
                        CI = c("94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority)",
                               "93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence)",
                               "90.00%: wrong (naïve)",
                               "50%   : correct (but noninformative)"),
                        lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_, BE = "“fail”",
                        width = NA_character_, coverage = NA_real_,
                        post.hoc = NA_character_)
for (j in 1:4) {
  pooled[j, 4:5] <-  round(100 * suppressMessages(
                                   CI.BE(alpha = alpha[j], CV = CV.pooled,
                                         pe = PE.pooled / 100,
                                         n = sum(CVdata$n))), 2)
  if (pooled$lower[j] >= 80 & pooled$upper[j] <= 125) pooled$BE[j] <- "“pass”"
  pooled[j, 7]   <- sprintf("%5.2f", pooled[j, 5] - pooled[j, 4])
  pooled[j, 9]   <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
                            100 * suppressMessages(
                                    power.TOST(alpha = alpha[j],
                                               CV = CV.pooled,
                                               theta0 = PE.pooled / 100,
                                               n = sum(CVdata$n))))
pooled$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
                     pvalue.TOST(CV = CV.pooled, pe = PE.pooled / 100,
                                 n = sum(CVdata$n)))
pooled$PE       <- round(pooled$PE, 2)
pooled$coverage <- sprintf("  %.4f", pooled$coverage)
names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6, 8)] <- c("  PE", "  CI", "  BE", "‘coverage’")
t1 <- paste0("Simulation target: A failed pivotal and repeated",
             "studies until one passed.",
             sprintf("\nPivotals: %2i (%2i failed = target, %2i passed)",
                     runs.1, failed.1, passed.1),
             sprintf("\nRepeats : %2i (%2i passed = target, %2i failed)",
                     runs.2, passed.2, failed.2), "\n\n")
t2 <- paste0("\nPooled analysis: CV = ", sprintf("%.4f", CV.pooled), " (",
             df.pooled, " df)", ", N = ", sum(CVdata$n), "\n")
cat(t1); print(studies, row.names = FALSE)
cat(t2); print(pooled, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)

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