ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2024-02-19 10:51 (336 d 19:39 ago) Posting: # 23868 Views: 3,287 |
Hi all, I continue to be a little baffled by R's lm and related functions. Let's say we have a typical BE-related model like M=lm(log(Cmax) ~ factor(Seq)+factor(Subj)+factor(Trt)+factor(Per)) I want a full rank model matrix, for example because further downstream I need access to the projection matrix (or hat matrix, H). The matrix, not just the diagonal entries. Should be easy, right?
H=X(X'X)-1X' , where X is the full rank model matrix. So I just make a call like X=model.matrix(M) and we plug that into the equation for H. But no.... Unfortunately, R doesn't let me get away with it, because the X I extract from the call above is not full rank. Neither is does it contain a column for every level of every factor. It is somehwere in between the two extremes and I do no understand how that X offers any advantage at all. Next, ok, there's probably an easy way to make X full rank, right? A simple call in R's stats library must definitely exist, right? Well, perhaps you guys know it, but I don't. I find myself having to write a stupid function like MakeFullRank=function(X) This will convert the X into a full rank X. It all seems so odd to me... R is such a functional language and all sorts of functions are optimised, and offer all sorts of handy functionality, so:
Many thanks for any input. — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
mittyri ★★ Russia, 2024-02-22 21:21 (333 d 09:08 ago) @ ElMaestro Posting: # 23873 Views: 2,548 |
Dear ElMaestro! I (and many others) understand your degree of discontent. Yes, this is something unexpected. I suppose you already read this answer I have nothing to add to this: that's a price for identifiability. The only solution I see besides you already gave is to turn off the contrasts as shown there: f <- sample(gl(3, 4, labels = letters[1:3])) — Kind regards, Mittyri |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2024-02-23 18:41 (332 d 11:49 ago) @ mittyri Posting: # 23878 Views: 2,536 |
Hi Mittyri, ❝ I have nothing to add to this: that's a price for identifiability. The only solution I see besides you already gave is to turn off the contrasts as shown there: ❝ ❝ # [1] c a a b b a c b c b a c ❝ #Levels: a b c ❝ ❝ g <- sample(gl(3, 4, labels = LETTERS[1:3])) ❝ # [1] A B A B C B C A C C A B ❝ #Levels: A B C ❝ X0 <- model.matrix(~ f + g, contrasts.arg = list( ❝ g = contr.treatment(n = 3, contrasts = FALSE))) Nice, but are you aware that this model matrix is also not full rank, but rank-deficient? A cardinal question was how to get the (or a) full rank matrix. The rank of your X0 is 5 but there are 7 columns. Seems you went to the opposite extreme of full rank, i.e. one column for every level of factors, plus intercept. Deficiency here = 2 redundant columns. Anyways, I guess I will just live with it and do my stuff in a dumb but necessary fashion. Keep me posted if you find a nifty way of generating a full rank matrix model, please. — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
mittyri ★★ Russia, 2024-02-23 20:39 (332 d 09:51 ago) @ ElMaestro Posting: # 23879 Views: 2,518 |
Hi ElMaestro, may be I misunderstood your ❝ is not full rank. Neither is does it contain a column for every level of every factor. > (MakeFullRank(model.matrix(~ f + g))) — Kind regards, Mittyri |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2024-02-23 23:15 (332 d 07:15 ago) (edited on 2024-02-24 00:00) @ mittyri Posting: # 23880 Views: 2,517 |
Hi Mittyri, ❝ may be I misunderstood your ❝ ❝ ❝ is not full rank. Neither is does it contain a column for every level of every factor. ❝ The solution you proposed with qr() does not give a column for every level of every factor ❝ ❝ 1 1 0 0 1 0 ❝ 2 1 0 1 1 0 ❝ 3 1 1 0 0 1 ❝ 4 1 0 1 1 0 ❝ 5 1 0 0 0 0 ❝ 6 1 0 0 0 1 ❝ 7 1 0 1 0 0 ❝ 8 1 1 0 0 0 ❝ 9 1 0 1 1 0 ❝ 10 1 1 0 0 0 ❝ 11 1 0 0 0 1 ❝ 12 1 1 0 0 1 A full rank model matrix means there are not more columns than the rank. Then XtX becomes invertible. A model matrix with a column for every level of every factor (plus intercept) is not the same. Rather that's redundancy. XtX now becomes trouble My function creates a full rank model matrix. — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |