Hi Achievwin,
❝ R PowerTOST has a neat code that gives tabular listing of N and power attained for Scaled ABE using the macro below.
❝ Is there a similar code for ABE for 2x2 or parallel design studies. Any help is much appreciated.
Not out of the box. Consider the functions
– please in the R-console and not in RStudio.
If you are interested in a table, try the lengthy
-script at the end, which works for all covered designs (ABE, and if applicable, RSABE or ABEL, or the FDA’s RSABE for NTIDs).
power.table(CV = 0.25) # using all defaults
design : 2x2x2
alpha : 0.0500
method : Average Bioequivalence (ABE)
power method : exact
CVw : 0.2500
theta0 : 0.9500
theta1 : 0.8000
theta2 : 1.2500
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 28 (achieved power 0.80744)
n power
24 0.73912
26 0.77606
28 0.80744
power.table(CV = 0.4, design = "parallel")
design : parallel
alpha : 0.0500
method : Average Bioequivalence (ABE)
power method : exact
CVtotal : 0.4000
theta0 : 0.9500
theta1 : 0.8000
theta2 : 1.2500
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 130 (achieved power 0.80351)
n power
104 0.70576
106 0.71491
108 0.72375
110 0.73229
112 0.74053
114 0.74850
116 0.75620
118 0.76365
120 0.77085
122 0.77781
124 0.78456
126 0.79108
128 0.79740
130 0.80351
power.table(CV = 0.46, theta0 = 0.93, target = 0.9, ABE = FALSE, design = "2x2x3",
regulator = "FDA", lower = 0.6) # your example
design : 2x2x3
alpha : 0.0500
regulator : FDA
method : Reference-scaled Average Bioequivalence (RSABE)
simulations : intra-subject contrasts
number of sims: 100,000
CVswitch : 0.3000
Reg. constant : 0.8925742
PE constraints: 0.8000, 1.2500
CVw : 0.4600
theta0 : 0.9300
targetpower : 0.9000
n : 40 (achieved power 0.91323)
n power
24 0.72529
26 0.76284
28 0.79686
30 0.82498
32 0.84757
34 0.86782
36 0.88550
38 0.89948
40 0.91323
power.table(CV = 0.4, ABE = FALSE, design = "2x2x4") # default ABEL (EMA),
# additionally Type I Error
design : 2x2x4
alpha : 0.0500
regulator : EMA
method : Average Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)
simulations : ANOVA
number of sims: 100,000
CVswitch : 0.3000
Reg. constant : 0.76
PE constraints: 0.8000, 1.2500
Cap : 0.5000
CVw : 0.4000
theta0 : 0.9000
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 30 (achieved power 0.80656)
n power TIE
24 0.72851 0.059438
26 0.75868 0.059873
28 0.78286 0.059994
30 0.80656 0.059119
power.table(CV = 0.4, ABE = FALSE, design = "2x2x4",
regulator = "HC") # ABEL for Health Canada
design : 2x2x4
alpha : 0.0500
regulator : HC
method : Average Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)
simulations : intra-subject contrasts
number of sims: 100,000
CVswitch : 0.3000
Reg. constant : 0.76
PE constraints: 0.8000, 1.2500
Cap : 0.5738
CVw : 0.4000
theta0 : 0.9000
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 32 (achieved power 0.8134)
n power
26 0.73791
28 0.76636
30 0.79108
32 0.81340
power.table(CV = 0.4, ABE = FALSE, design = "2x2x4",
regulator = "GCC") # the Gulf Cooperation Council’s variant
design : 2x2x4
alpha : 0.0500
regulator : GCC
method : Average Bioequivalence with widened limits
simulations : ANOVA
number of sims: 100,000
CVswitch : 0.3000
Reg. constant : 0.9799758
PE constraints: 0.8000, 1.2500
CVw : 0.4000
theta0 : 0.9000
L : 0.7500
U : 1.3333
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 30 (achieved power 0.81111)
n power
24 0.72505
26 0.75653
28 0.78532
30 0.81111
power.table(CV = 0.15, theta1 = 0.9, design = "2x2x4",
lower = 0.7) # narrower limits
design : 2x2x4
alpha : 0.0500
method : Average Bioequivalence (ABE) (NTID: EMA and others)
power method : exact
CVw : 0.1500
theta0 : 0.9750
theta1 : 0.9000
theta2 : 1.1111
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 24 (achieved power 0.82627)
n power
18 0.70436
20 0.75296
22 0.79299
24 0.82627
power.table(CV = c(0.17, 0.15), NTID = TRUE, design = "2x2x4",
lower = 0.7) # NTID for the FDA, CVwT > CVwR
design : 2x2x4
alpha : 0.0500
regulator : FDA or CDE
method : RSABE (NTID)
simulations : intra-subject contrasts
number of sims: 100,000
Reg. constant : 1.053605
‘Cap’ : 0.2142
Implied limits: 0.8546, 1.1702
ABE limits : 0.8000, 1.2500
CVw : 0.1700, 0.1500 (T, R)
theta0 : 0.9750
targetpower : 0.8000
n : 18 (achieved power 0.83074)
n power pwr.RSABE pwr.ABE pwr.sratio
14 0.68508 0.76537 0.99680 0.84246
16 0.76718 0.83156 0.99908 0.88913
18 0.83074 0.87845 0.99978 0.92548
Sorry, 248 lines of code. May I charge you for three hours of coding and testing? 
power.table <- function(alpha = 0.05, CV = CV, theta0, theta1, theta2,
design = "2x2x2", ABE = TRUE, NTID = FALSE,
target = 0.80, method = "exact", regulator = "EMA",
nsims = 1e5, lower = 0.80, upper = 1, TIE = FALSE) {
# Arguments: #
# alpha : Nominal level of the test (default 0.05) #
# CV : within-subject (crossovers, paired design), total (parallel) #
# can be a two-element vector (for SABE only) #
# first element CVw of T, second element CVw of R #
# theta0 : assumed T/R-ratio (default 0.95 for ABE, 0.90 for SABE, #
# 0.975 for NTID and ABE if theta1 = 0.9 or theta1 = 1 / 0.9 #
# theta1 : lower BE-limit (ABE/NTID), lower PE-constraint (SABE) #
# default 0.80 for ABE/NTID, fixed PE-constraint 0.80 for SABE #
# theta2 : upper BE-limit (ABE/NTID), upper PE-constraint (SABE) #
# default 1.25 for ABE/NTID, fixed PE-constraint 1.25 for SABE #
# design : any supported; see known.designs() #
# ABE : TRUE (default) for ABE, FALSE for SABE #
# NTID : FALSE (default), TRUE for RSABE (FDA, CDE) #
# target : target (desired) power (default 0.8) #
# method : ABE only; power method (default "exact") #
# nsims : SABE only; number of simulations for SABE (default 1e5) #
# regulator: SABE only; any of "EMA", "FDA", "HC", "GCC" (default "EMA") #
# lower : lower fraction of the estimated sample size (default 0.80) #
# upper : upper fraction of the estimated sample size (default 1) #
# TIE : SABE only; empiric Type I Error (default FALSE) #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Note: #
# Only for the multiplicative model, i.e., in PowerTOST’s functions for #
# ABE logscale = TRUE is applied #
balance <- function(n, ns) {
return(as.integer(ns * (n %/% ns + as.logical(n %% ns))))
# fair amount of error handling
if (NTID) {
regulator <- "FDA"
if (ABE & length(CV) > 1)
stop("Give \"CV\" as a one element vector for ABE.")
if (!ABE & !regulator %in% c("EMA", "FDA", "HC", "GCC"))
stop("regulator \"", regulator, "\" not supported.")
if (!ABE & !design %in% c("2x3x3", "2x2x4", "2x2x3"))
stop("A replicate design is required for reference-scaling.")
if (NTID & !design %in% c("2x2x4", "2x2x3"))
stop("A full replicate design is required for reference-scaling.")
if (missing(theta1) & missing(theta2)) theta1 <- 0.80
if (missing(theta1)) theta1 <- 1/theta2
if (missing(theta2)) theta2 <- 1/theta1
# default theta0
if (missing(theta0)) {
if (NTID | theta1 == 0.9 | theta2 == 1 / 0.9) {
theta0 <- 0.975
} else {
ifelse (ABE, theta0 <- 0.95, theta0 <- 0.90)
if (!method %in% c("exact", "owenq", "mvt", "noncentral",
"nct", "central", "shifted"))
stop("method \"", method, "\" not supported.")
if (upper <= lower) stop("\"upper\" must be > \"lower\".")
ifelse (length(CV) > 1, CVwR <- CV[2], CVwR <- CV)
designs <- known.designs()[, c(2, 5)]
n.step <- designs[designs$design == design, "steps"]
if (NTID) {
if (!theta1 == 0.8) {
msg <- paste("theta1 =", sprintf("%.4f", theta1),
"not compliant with the guidance.")
if (!theta2 == 1.25) {
msg <- paste("theta2 =", sprintf("%.4f", theta2),
"not compliant with the guidance.")
n <- sampleN.NTID(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, targetpower = target,
design = design, nsims = nsims, details = FALSE,
print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
} else {
if (ABE) {
if (length(CV) > 1)
stop("Give \"CV\" as a one element vector for ABE.")
n <- sampleN.TOST(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, targetpower = target,
design = design, method = method,
print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
} else {
if (!design %in% c("2x3x3", "2x2x4", "2x2x3"))
stop("Replicate design required for reference-scaling.")
if (regulator == "FDA") {
n <- sampleN.RSABE(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
targetpower = target, design = design,
nsims = nsims, details = FALSE,
print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
} else {
if (!regulator == "HC" & design == "2x3x3" & CV[1] > CV[2]) {
# subject simulations if partial replicate and heteroscedasticity
n <- sampleN.scABEL.sdsims(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
targetpower = target, design = design,
regulator = regulator, nsims = nsims,
details = FALSE,
print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
} else {
n <- sampleN.scABEL(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
targetpower = target, design = design,
regulator = regulator, nsims = nsims,
details = FALSE, print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
n.lower <- balance(n * lower, n.step)
n.upper <- balance(n * upper, n.step)
x <- data.frame(n = seq(n.lower, n.upper, n.step), power = NA_real_)
if (NTID) x <- cbind(x, pwr.RSABE = NA_real_, pwr.ABE = NA_real_,
pwr.sratio = NA_real_)
if (!ABE & TIE) x <- cbind(x, TIE = NA_real_)
for (j in 1:nrow(x)) {
if (NTID) {
tmp <- suppressMessages(
power.NTID(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, design = design,
n = x$n[j], nsims = nsims, details = TRUE)[1:4]))
x[j, 2:5] <- tmp
} else {
if (ABE) {
x$power[j] <- power.TOST(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2,
design = design, method = method, n = x$n[j])
} else {
reg <- reg_const(regulator = regulator)
U <- scABEL(CV = CVwR, regulator = regulator)[["upper"]]
if (regulator == "FDA") {
x$power[j] <- power.RSABE(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
design = design, n = x$n[j], nsims = nsims)
if (TIE) {
x$TIE[j] <- power.RSABE(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = U,
design = design, n = x$n[j], nsims = 1e6)
} else {
if (!regulator == "HC" & design == "2x3x3" & CV[1] > CV[2]) {
x$power[j] <- power.scABEL.sdsims(alpha = alpha, CV = CV,
theta0 = theta0, design = design,
regulator = regulator, n = x$n[j],
nsims = nsims)
if (TIE) {
x$TIE[j] <- power.scABEL.sdsims(alpha = alpha, CV = CV,
theta0 = U, design = design,
regulator = regulator,
n = x$n[j], nsims = 1e6)
} else {
x$power[j] <- power.scABEL(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
design = design, regulator = regulator,
n = x$n[j], nsims = nsims)
if (TIE) {
x$TIE[j] <- power.scABEL(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = U,
design = design, regulator = regulator,
n = x$n[j], nsims = 1e6)
f1 <- "\n%-14s: %s"
f2 <- "\n%-14s: %.4f"
f3 <- "\n%-14s: %.7g"
f4 <- "\n%-14s: %.4f, %.4f"
txt <- paste("\ndesign :", design,
sprintf(f2, "alpha", alpha))
if (ABE) {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "method", "Average Bioequivalence (ABE)"))
if (theta1 == 0.9) txt <- paste(txt, "(NTID: EMA and others)")
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "power method", method))
} else {
if (NTID) {
r_const <- -log(0.9) / 0.1
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "regulator", "FDA or CDE"))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "method", "RSABE (NTID)"))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "simulations", "intra-subject contrasts"))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf("\n%-14s:", "number of sims"),
formatC(nsims, format = "d", big.mark = ","))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f3, "Reg. constant", r_const),
sprintf(f2, "‘Cap’", se2CV(log(theta2) / r_const)))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f4, "Implied limits",
exp(-r_const * CV2se(CVwR)),
exp(r_const * CV2se(CVwR))))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f4, "ABE limits", theta1, theta2))
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "regulator", regulator))
if (regulator == "FDA") {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "method",
"Reference-scaled Average Bioequivalence (RSABE)"))
} else {
if (!regulator == "GCC") {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "method",
"Average Bioequivalence with Expanding Limits (ABEL)"))
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "method",
"Average Bioequivalence with widened limits"))
if (reg$est_method == "ANOVA") {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "simulations", "ANOVA"))
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f1, "simulations", "intra-subject contrasts"))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf("\n%-14s:", "number of sims"),
formatC(nsims, format = "d", big.mark = ","))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "CVswitch", reg$CVswitch),
sprintf(f3, "Reg. constant", reg$r_const))
if (reg$pe_constr) {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f4, "PE constraints", theta1, theta2))
if (!regulator %in% c("FDA", "GCC")) {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "Cap", reg$CVcap))
if (design == "parallel") {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nCVtotal :",
paste(sprintf("%.4f", CV), collapse = ", "))
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nCVw :",
paste(sprintf("%.4f", CV), collapse = ", "))
if (length(CV) > 1) {
txt <- paste(txt, "(T, R)")
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "theta0", theta0))
if (ABE) {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "theta1", theta1),
sprintf(f2, "theta2", theta2))
if (regulator == "GCC" & CVwR > 0.3) {
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "L", 0.75), sprintf(f2, "U ", 1 / 0.75))
txt <- paste(txt, sprintf(f2, "targetpower", target),
"\nn :", n,
sprintf("(achieved power %.5g)", x$power[x$n == n]), "\n\n")
print(signif(x, 5), row.names = FALSE)