Achievwin ★★ US, 2020-04-25 02:24 (1753 d 01:13 ago) Posting: # 21349 Views: 7,665 |
Hi Just wanted to know are there any CROs open for business and actually conducting BE studies during this shutdown. I am talking about healthy subjects BA/BE studies. Any lea is appreciated. AchieveWin |
jag009 ★★★ NJ, 2020-04-28 19:29 (1749 d 08:07 ago) @ Achievwin Posting: # 21355 Views: 4,692 |
Hi, US, Canada = No. India (last time I heard a few wks ago) No. You can work with them on the planning/protocol etc, no clinical unless it's for things like Covid trials, which I don't think is that you are after. J |
BRB ☆ Canada, 2020-04-30 19:41 (1747 d 07:55 ago) @ jag009 Posting: # 21375 Views: 4,590 |
Hi Jag009, ❝ US, Canada = No. I work at a CRO in Canada and we are fully operational as things here are not as bad (thankfully). Just taking extra safety precautions with staff and subjects, physical distancing by spacing people out, etc. I would inform which CRO it is, but I don't want to break the 'no commercial posts' rule ;) @AchieveWin, if you would like to contact me about doing BA/BE studies with us, please send a message to me directly. regards, BRB Edit: Full quote removed. Please delete everything from the text of the original poster which is not necessary in understanding your answer; see also this post #5! [Helmut] |
jag009 ★★★ NJ, 2020-05-02 06:38 (1745 d 20:59 ago) @ BRB Posting: # 21386 Views: 4,521 |
Hi, Good to know. As far as I know the ones I have been working with in Canada said no (as of last week). Are you happen to be in one of the big provinces (hint hint). Thx J |
BRB ☆ Canada, 2020-05-04 18:44 (1743 d 08:52 ago) @ jag009 Posting: # 21398 Views: 4,365 |
Hi jag009, Yes, ours is in the biggest province (by population) :) and we are able to operate since it is big enough to accommodate physical distancing whereas some of the others may not be able to do so, thus that is why they may not be open. Stay safe everyone! |
Achievwin ★★ US, 2020-05-07 05:23 (1740 d 22:13 ago) @ jag009 Posting: # 21402 Views: 4,254 |
Thank you everyone for responding to my inquiry - AchievWin |
Relaxation ★ Germany, 2020-04-28 21:26 (1749 d 06:10 ago) @ Achievwin Posting: # 21356 Views: 4,710 |
Hi Achievwin. Disclaimer: I am a CRO employee, so maybe biased information ![]() Don't know anything about the current situation in US or India, sorry. With regard to Europe (it depends on the local situation and everything may change within days): at least in Germany we currently conduct and initiate clinical parts of (BA/BE) trials. Yes, trials were stopped or delayed immediately, but at the moment measures to protect subjects and personnel were accepted and so we keep up. We (yes, I asked around here) don't know about other CROs, but chances are we are not the only one, right? So you may try German/European CROs. Best regards, Steven. |
Ohlbe ★★★ France, 2020-04-28 21:33 (1749 d 06:03 ago) @ Relaxation Posting: # 21357 Views: 4,689 |
Dear Achievwin and all, ❝ So you may try German/European CROs. In France: currently no, but the lockdown is due to be eased somewhat after 11 May, so you can always try your luck and contact CROs over here. — Regards Ohlbe |