Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2019-08-28 16:58 (1972 d 13:40 ago) Posting: # 20527 Views: 9,289 |
Dear all, since occasionally the question is asked whether is accepted in regulatory environments, here the answers:
Any (!) system has to pass three levels (definitions given in ISO 9000 and by the FDA in 1999 and 2002):
Since the source code of commercial software is not accessible to the user, only a black box validation can be performed (i.e., compare results of reference data sets with published ones). Open source software (e.g., R, GNU Octave, …) allows – by definition – a white box validation but this can be tough (requires an experienced coder). Hence, in practice most users opt for a black box validation as well. See also reference data sets for various designs in BE.1,2,3 Quotes from relevant documents:
When it comes to , a lot is going on – especially with support of regulators, the academia, and innovators.9,10,11,12 Sebastian Wolf of Roche Diagnostics presented11 a 500,000+ lines Shiny application.14 One reason for the increasing popularity of in the industry is that the statistical curriculum gradually shifted from SAS to and nowadays graduates are at least “bilingual” (nerds are even proficient in FORTRAN, C, C++). Young statisticians are no more willing to accept a “SAS only” working environment.
— Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2020-01-09 17:04 (1838 d 12:34 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 21070 Views: 6,076 |
Dear all, we know that the FDA uses internally, e.g., in all simulations which lead to its reference-scaling method for NTIDs. THX to ElMaestro discovering another example. Though I attended the 4th GBHI workshop last month in Bethesda, it is hidden in the backup slides.*
Of note, Robert Lionberger (Director Office of Research and Standards, Office of Generic Drugs) told me that he visits the Forum regularly.
— Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |
Achievwin ★★ US, 2020-01-27 21:21 (1820 d 08:17 ago) @ Helmut Posting: # 21088 Views: 5,526 |
I heard the same question during the BE-GBH meeting in Bethesda (and had a coffee Helmut). The short and sweet answer was you can submit your analysis whatever the software you are comfortable FDA runs their own analysis using internal tools, in the event the results differs by what magnitude is subjective) it triggers a review question. Having said that I agree with the original post we need to do some kind of qualification, simple example is to do a cross comparison between R analysis and SAS/WinNonlin analysis (even better a 3 way comparison) This strategy worked in the past. It is better to have some validation than having no validation. Regards, Achievwin |
ElMaestro ★★★ Denmark, 2020-01-28 00:13 (1820 d 05:25 ago) @ Achievwin Posting: # 21089 Views: 5,513 |
❝ It is better to have some validation than having no validation. You'll certainly get my vote if you run for president, Achievwin — Pass or fail! ElMaestro |
mittyri ★★ Russia, 2020-01-28 17:00 (1819 d 12:38 ago) @ Achievwin Posting: # 21091 Views: 5,521 |
Hi Achievwin, ❝ The short and sweet answer was you can submit your analysis whatever the software you are comfortable FDA runs their own analysis using internal tools, in the event the results differs 9by what magnitude is subjective) it triggers a review question. really interesting how do they come with modelling where NONMEM is attacked by many competitors (R: nlmixr or solutions with common ODE solvers; RStan) — Kind regards, Mittyri |