
2018-02-26 11:15
(2543 d 22:32 ago)

Posting: # 18462
Views: 7,061

 intra-subject variability from CI [General Sta­tis­tics]

Dear All,

From the forum, I found the way to calculate intra-subject variability from confidence interval.

I am wondering how I cite this calculation or anyone can tell me where this calculation originate from?


Berlin, Germany,
2018-02-26 13:26
(2543 d 20:21 ago)

@ verstc
Posting: # 18464
Views: 6,114

 intra-subject variability from CI

Dear shawn,

❝ From the forum, I found the way to calculate intra-subject variability from confidence interval.

Fine for you. If you are interested in a software for doing this, habe a look into R package PowerTOST / function CI2CV().

❝ I am wondering how I cite this calculation or anyone can tell me where this calculation originate from?

This is a little bit algebra based on the formula of the CI. I don't think that there is a paper dealing with this algebra. I further think there is no need to have a citation for that.

IIRC the little algebra was first mentioned in Helmut's lecture for the conference on "Bioequivalence and Bioavailability" Budapest 2009.



2018-02-26 14:41
(2543 d 19:06 ago)

@ d_labes
Posting: # 18465
Views: 6,095

 intra-subject variability from CI

Dear Detlew

Thanks for your detailed response.

best regards,


Edit: Full quote removed. Please delete everything from the text of the original poster which is not necessary in understanding your answer; see also this post #5! [Helmut]
Vienna, Austria,
2018-02-26 14:51
(2543 d 18:56 ago)

@ verstc
Posting: # 18466
Views: 6,119

 intra-subject variability from CI

Hi Shawn,

no rocket science but basic algebra an 8th-grade pupil should be able to handle. I derived the formula about thirty years ago. ;-) Hence, no reference…
For background see this post and followings. If you want a reference for such a trivial calculation see this post.

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Helmut Schütz

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2018-03-09 15:27
(2532 d 18:19 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 18510
Views: 5,601

 intra-subject variability from CI

On this subject of finding the CV intra based on info from a previous study/paper, is there a function in Power.TOST or other package that would be something like CVfromCI but based on a DDI rather than BE? Let's say a DDI with one sequence for which we know the PE and CLs for the GMR (test vs. reference).
Vienna, Austria,
2018-03-09 15:39
(2532 d 18:08 ago)

@ Louis52
Posting: # 18511
Views: 5,636


Hi Louis,

❝ […] something like CVfromCI but based on a DDI rather than BE? Let's say a DDI with one sequence for which we know the PE and CLs for the GMR (test vs. reference).

One sequence? Are you thinking about a paired design? IMHO, DDI studies should be performed as crossovers. In paired designs you have to assume (!) that there are no period effects. However, if you have data of such a study, use e.g.,

CVfromCI(lower=0.89, upper=1.15, n=24, design="paired")

# [1] 0.2634199

BTW, the function CVfromCI() (alias CI2CV()) supports all designs listed in known.designs().

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Helmut Schütz

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2018-03-09 16:13
(2532 d 17:34 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 18512
Views: 5,604


Hi Helmut,

I thought about the 'paired' design as I looked into known designs(), but I was not sure. Indeed the DDIs are COs but in several instances it happens that in period 1 a subject receives what is called the 'probe' while in period 2 it receives the "probe+investigational drug". I'm trying to find the CV intra associated with a particular "probe" based on DDI study in a published paper (no CV intra, just PE, CI, and N), as I need to use it in the sample size determination (precision only, no power) for a new DDI. Would 'paired' cover this situation? Of course, I can try to do it manually, but if it is already out there,...then why not use it.
Vienna, Austria,
2018-03-09 16:42
(2532 d 17:05 ago)

@ Louis52
Posting: # 18513
Views: 5,674


Hi Louis,

❝ I thought about the 'paired' design as I looked into known designs(), but I was not sure.

You were guessing right.

❝ […] in several instances it happens that in period 1 a subject receives what is called the 'probe' while in period 2 it receives the "probe+investigational drug".

Designed without consulting a statistician? Lacking period effects is a strong assumption.
The only designs where a paired design is common is assessing linear PK of a new drug. Such a study starts with a single dose followed by saturation and another profile in (pseudo) steady state. Then we compare AUC0–τ (MD) with AUC0–∞ (SD). Performing such a study as a crossover would be a logistic nightmare. Never ever have seen one.

❝ I'm trying to find the CV intra associated with a particular "probe" based on DDI study in a published paper (no CV intra, just PE, CI, and N), as I need to use it in the sample size determination (precision only, no power) for a new DDI. Would 'paired' cover this situation?


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Helmut Schütz

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