
2018-01-23 00:49
(2513 d 12:47 ago)

Posting: # 18254
Views: 6,046

 A little off topic: data.frame members [🇷 for BE/BA]

Hi all,
there is something about R internals that I don 't understand and I can best exemplify it using some code from power.TOST but my question really isn't about anything in that package.

Imagine I do this in R with powerTOST:

sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)
Now, assume I don't want all that intermediate mumbojumbo, and let us for the time being completely forget the print/verbose/details option so I just want the sample size itself as a numeric.

If I inspect the code I see the last few lines:

    res <- data.frame(design = design, alpha = alpha, CVwT = CVwT,
        CVwR = CVwR, theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2,
        n = n, power = pwr, targetpower = targetpower, nlast = nlast)
    names(res) <- c("Design", "alpha", "CVwT", "CVwR", "theta0",
        "theta1", "theta2", "Sample size", "Achieved power",
        "Target power", "nlast")
    if (print | details)
    else return(res)

...and therefore I can simply do this:
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$n
(the n column is baptised as "Sample size" but is still accessible via $n)

If I look at the corresponding code snippet from sampleN.TOST we have:
     res <- data.frame(design = design, alpha = alpha, CV = CV,
        theta0 = theta0, theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, n = n,
        power = pow, targetpower = targetpower)
    names(res) <- c("Design", "alpha", "CV", "theta0", "theta1",
        "theta2", "Sample size", "Achieved power", "Target power")
    if (print)
    else return(res)

But if I go
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$n
then I get NULL.

What determines that difference in behaviour? Why does the res data.frame from both the two functions not hold an extractable $n ?

Note, this really is solely about R behaviour and R function return/internals (if I want the sample sizes I can also easily get them via [1,7] or [1,8] from the sample size object returned; all this isn't really what this question is about).:-)

Pass or fail!
Vienna, Austria,
2018-01-23 14:37
(2512 d 23:00 ago)

@ ElMaestro
Posting: # 18268
Views: 5,140


Hi ElMaestro,

that’s strange. Let’s try to access all values by their (original) names.

sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$design
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$alpha
[1] 0.05
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$CVwT
[1] 0.3
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$CVwR
[1] 0.3
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta0
[1] 0.95
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta1
[1] 0.8
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta2
[1] 1.25
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$n
[1] 27
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$power
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$targetpower
sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$nlast
[1] 27

sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$design
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$alpha
[1] 0.05
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$CV
[1] 0.3
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta0
[1] 0.95
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta1
[1] 0.8
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$theta2
[1] 1.25
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$n
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$power
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$targetpower

We get some NULLs also from sample.RSABE(). Even more interesting calling a variable which does not exist (since R is case-sensitive). foo()$design gave NULL, but:

sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$Design
[1] 2x3x3
Levels: 2x3x3

sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$Design
[1] 2x2
Levels: 2x2

In the functions of PowerTOST design is character variable, but Design is a 1-level factor:
is.factor(sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$Design)
[1] TRUE

I don’t get it.

❝ […] if I want the sample sizes I can also easily get them via [1,7] or [1,8] from the sample size object returned …

I suggest to use Sample.Nfoo()[["Sample size"]] instead. You can use it in all functions and the current indices are not carved in stone. If we introduce another variable before #7 or reorder variables in a future version of PowerTOST your code will not work any more.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
Helmut Schütz

The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes

Berlin, Germany,
2018-01-23 16:03
(2512 d 21:34 ago)

@ Helmut
Posting: # 18270
Views: 5,133


Hi Helmut, hi ElMaestro,

❝ that’s strange...

In deed!

The answer to that problem:
R is an interactive language and tries to save the user from keystrokes.
Partial match of names is one of these tries.
See Patrick Burns R-Inferno, Paragraph "8.1.20 partial matching can partially confuse".

That means what we see in case of power.RSABE()$n is the value of power.RSABE()$nlast.
r2 <- sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95, print=F)
# will give 27, the original nlast
r2$nlast <- 100
# will give our changed content nlast=100

sampleN.TOST() doesn't have a return parameter which could be matched with n.
Thefore we obtain correctly NULL.

❝ ... In the functions of PowerTOST design is character variable, but Design is a 1-level factor.

Thats the known crazy default behaviour if character variables are incorporated in data.frames.
The lazy author of the functions had forgotten to use the argument stringsAsFactors in creating the return data.frame. Have his butt's :-D. Also for capitalizing Design.



2018-01-23 16:26
(2512 d 21:10 ago)

@ d_labes
Posting: # 18272
Views: 5,080

 Thanks :-D

What a fantastic little story. Mysteri solved. Thank you, Hötzi, for confirming that I am not completely hopeless. And thank you, d_labes, for confirming that I partially am :lookaround:

Conclusion: from this point onwards I will do e.g. sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$Sa etc.

This code apparently illustrates the phenomenon:

A=c("foo", "bar")
names(C)=c("Banana", "Boxer")

Now I can have peace of mind. Or closure :-D:-D:-D, no pun intended.

Pass or fail!

Berlin, Germany,
2018-01-23 16:39
(2512 d 20:58 ago)

@ ElMaestro
Posting: # 18273
Views: 5,105

 Safe side syntax

Dear ElMaestro,

❝ Conclusion: from this point onwards I will do e.g. sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$Sa etc.

to be on the safe side use sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95, print=F)$`Sample size`.
Ugly. But you get always what you want. Contrary to the Stones :cool:.


Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
2018-01-23 18:47
(2512 d 18:49 ago)

@ ElMaestro
Posting: # 18279
Views: 5,123

 A little off topic: data.frame members

Hi all,

I think we can use str() to preview all factors' name in a data.frame.

df <- sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)
'data.frame':   1 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ Design        : Factor w/ 1 level "2x2": 1
 $ alpha         : num 0.05
 $ CV            : num 0.3
 $ theta0        : num 0.95
 $ theta1        : num 0.8
 $ theta2        : num 1.25
 $ Sample size   : num 40
 $ Achieved power: num 0.816
 $ Target power  : num 0.8

There is no 'n' in df or sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95). So it returns NULL. If we do

df['Sample size']
  Sample size
1          40
df['Target power']
  Target power
1          0.8
sampleN.TOST(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)['Sample size'] 

+++++++++++ Equivalence test - TOST +++++++++++
            Sample size estimation
Study design:  2x2 crossover
log-transformed data (multiplicative model)

alpha = 0.05, target power = 0.8
BE margins = 0.8 ... 1.25
True ratio = 0.95,  CV = 0.3

Sample size (total)
 n     power
40   0.815845

  Sample size
1          40

then it works.

❝ ...and therefore I can simply do this:

sampleN.RSABE(CV=0.3, theta0=0.95)$n

❝ (the n column is baptised as "Sample size" but is still accessible via $n)

All the best,
-- Yung-jin Lee
bear v2.9.2:- created by Hsin-ya Lee & Yung-jin Lee
Kaohsiung, Taiwan https://www.pkpd168.com/bear
Download link (updated) -> here
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