patel_prakash79 ☆ India, 2006-05-19 09:56 (6821 d 22:08 ago) Posting: # 129 Views: 15,000 |
Dear Sir, I would like to go through various GCP guidelines issued by different regulatories like ICH, WHO, EU etc..... I will be very thankful to you, if can you provide such infomation on this site. |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2006-05-19 15:25 (6821 d 16:40 ago) @ patel_prakash79 Posting: # 131 Views: 12,006 |
Dear Prakash! You made a valuable suggestion. But unlike BA/BE, which is generally covered only in guidelines (except - as always - in the USA and Brazil), GCP is part of the legal framework in many countries. This has some drawbacks for interested 'outsiders':
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