devender_naik ☆ Hyderabad, 2006-05-06 11:56 (6837 d 22:56 ago) Posting: # 106 Views: 10,127 |
Dear all, Can any one let me know the time gap for a volunteer to participate in a study and also the weight range as per ANVISA. Thank You, Devender — dd |
Helmut ★★★ Vienna, Austria, 2006-05-06 12:21 (6837 d 22:30 ago) @ devender_naik Posting: # 108 Views: 7,643 |
Dear Devender, I don't think that there is a specific time interval mentioned in any of ANISA's regulations. Concerning the weight range: the last regulation was published on 19 Apr 2006 and presently is available only in Portuguese; the text has not changed from previous versions (the weight of the subjects must be within a limit of ± 15% of the weight considered normal for men and women, considering height and physical structure). (Annex, 1. Clinical stage, paragraph l) — Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! Helmut Schütz The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮 Science Quotes |