Simple minded [Software]

posted by d_labes  – Berlin, Germany, 2008-12-12 14:28 (5759 d 22:45 ago) – Posting: # 2914
Views: 28,910

Dear Helmut,

❝ ❝ Black magic :confused: or some sort of perpetuum mobile of information?

❝ Neither nor - just the 'power to know'!

❝ For my simple mind it seems to be quite strange to get the variance of a measurement we have performed only once.

I am the last to tout "SAS all over the world" (although I have to deal with the 'power to know' most time of my working day). But here I must defend it.

I guess this is not a problem of SAS. It may be a problem of what we (I) do with it. Fitting an inappropriate? or over-specified? model.

Eventually anybody can fit the underlying model in WINNONLIN or R using REML to see what happens?
I have taken my data to play with from example 4.2 of Patterson/Jones "Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology" ( with data and SAS code), changed the original sequences to TRR/RTR.

I place a bet that then also a fitted value for s2WT is obtained :-P . Maybe it is even correct!?
(I confabulate: total variability of T: estimable; variability of T-R: estimable and sum of intra-subject variabilities + treatment*subject interaction; intra-subject variability of R: estimable; so ......)

BTW: Simple minds are more then 30 years successful :-D .



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