Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies [General Statistics]
Hi BEQool,
>❝ I doubt that your model even gives you anything? Do you get any results?
Oh, I got a bunch of non-estimables because there were not enough degrees of freedom left. Obviously, I had more terms in the model than degrees of freedom. I think I got only the LSMeans of the 2 treatments, but nothing else could be estimated.
Thanks again for your feedback. I am going to try the following codes later today. What do you think?
>❝ I doubt that your model even gives you anything? Do you get any results?
Oh, I got a bunch of non-estimables because there were not enough degrees of freedom left. Obviously, I had more terms in the model than degrees of freedom. I think I got only the LSMeans of the 2 treatments, but nothing else could be estimated.
Thanks again for your feedback. I am going to try the following codes later today. What do you think?
PROC MIXED data=BEdata;
ESTIMATE 'T vs. R' TRT 1 -1/CL ALPHA=0.1;
lsmeans TRT/ cl alpha=0.1; * <-- for parallel design studies, alpha=0.1;
ods output lsmeans=lsmeans; * Least Squares means Output;
ods output covparms=covparms; * Covariance output;
ods output estimates=ests; * Estimate of differences between treatments;
Complete thread:
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies jag009 2024-10-14 01:44 [General Statistics]
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies dshah 2024-10-14 08:38
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies jag009 2024-10-14 15:40
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies BEQool 2024-10-14 11:37
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studiesjag009 2024-10-14 15:45
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies BEQool 2024-10-18 12:03
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies dshah 2024-10-15 06:11
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studiesjag009 2024-10-14 15:45
- Question about computing 90% CI w data from 2 separate studies dshah 2024-10-14 08:38