M13 Q&A [Regulatives / Guidelines]
❝ […] you should have a look at question 4.1 in the Q&A...
Apart from Mittyri’s stuff above, calculating any confidence interval in the pooled analysis is statistically deeply flawed. All studies were confirmatory and thus, the entire \(\small{\alpha}\) was already spent in each of them. Therefore, even using an ‘adjusted \(\small{\alpha}\)’ – like in group-sequential designs – is outright wrong. Only the T/R-ratio (like Health Canada for Cmax) would make sense in a pooled analysis. If the software insists to specify a CI-level, use 50%. Of course, that results in a noninformative zero-width CI.
Does the almighty oracle mean by ‘coverage probability’ \(\small{1-2\times p(\text{TOST})}\), where a failed study shows < 0.90 and ≥ 0.90 otherwise? What’s the point of it? See above. Or is the ugly post hoc power creeping through the back door (<50% is a failure and ≥50% a success)?
I also saw deficiency letters asking for a ‘tipping point analysis’. No idea how that can be done here. Usually it is used to assess the impact of imputations of missing data.
Lengthy -script for the examples at the end.
First example:
We plan a study based on assumptions (CV 0.2, T/R-ratio 0.95) and target a power of ≥80% as usual. However, the outcome was unfavorable. The CV was higher and the PE worse than assumed; we had two dropouts → the study failed.
Study 1 planned on assumptions (CV, T/R-ratio)
values CV T/R PE n power lower upper BE width post.hoc
planned 0.200 0.9500 – 20 0.8347 – – – – –
observed 0.220 – 90.25 18 – 79.52 102.42 fail 22.90 47.521%
‘coverage probability’ 88.43% < 90%
We plan the second study based on the first (by the ‘Carved-in-Stone’ approach for simplicity). Of course, we need a substantially larger sample size. We were lucky. The CV was lower and the PE better than assumed. Although we had a higher dropout-rate than in the first study, the second passed with flying colors.
Study 2 planned on observed values of Study 1
values CV T/R PE n power lower upper BE width post.hoc
planned 0.220 0.9025 – 42 0.8032 – – – – –
observed 0.198 – 92.56 36 – 85.61 100.09 pass 14.48 92.611%
‘coverage probability’ 99.67% >= 90%
What happens if we combine the studies (acceptable according to the guideline because one was passing)?
Pooled analysis: CV = 0.205 (50 df), N = 54
PE alpha CI lower upper BE width post.hoc
91.79 0.0294 94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority) 87.23 96.60 “pass” 9.37 99.934%
91.79 0.0304 93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence) 87.26 96.56 “pass” 9.30 99.938%
91.79 0.0500 90.00%: wrong (naïve) 87.81 95.95 “pass” 8.14 99.974%
91.79 0.5000 50% : correct (but noninformative) 91.79 91.79 “pass” 0.00 100.000%
‘coverage probability’ 99.9999% >= 90%
If the same batches of the test and comparator were used in the passing study than in the failed one, I would definitely
»discuss the results and justify the BE claim«
instead of performing a wacky pooled analysis.I would be wary if a study was repeated with the same sample size like the first (The Guy in the Armani Suit[© ElMaestro] said “The study was planned for 80% power and there was a 20% chance of failure. Let’s cross fingers and try it again!” The biostatistician shook his head in despair and mused about getting a new job…).
Second example with the conditions as above, random CV, PE, and number of dropouts in the studies. I simulated a failed study and repeated studies until one passed.
Study n PE lower upper CV BE width ‘coverage’ post.hoc
Pivotal 18 82.59 75.40 90.48 0.1566 fail 15.08 0.4526 14.552%
Repeated 1 20 89.66 78.88 101.90 0.2368 fail 23.03 0.8600 43.301%
Repeated 2 19 86.61 77.92 96.26 0.1886 fail 18.34 0.7913 34.822%
Repeated 3 19 90.22 83.07 97.99 0.1469 pass 14.92 0.9785 78.359%
Pooled analysis: CV = 0.1866 (68 df), N = 76
PE alpha CI lower upper BE width ‘coverage’ post.hoc
87.36 0.0294 94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority) 82.47 92.54 “pass” 10.07 0.9955 84.348%
87.36 0.0304 93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence) 82.51 92.50 “pass” 9.99 0.9955 84.712%
87.36 0.0500 90.00%: wrong (naïve) 83.10 91.84 “pass” 8.74 0.9955 89.658%
87.36 0.5000 50% : correct (but noninformative) 87.36 87.36 “pass” 0.00 0.9955 99.833%
The Guy in the Armani Suit feels confirmed because there is indeed a high probability that already the first repeated study will pass. Sure, planned for 80% power again.
100,000 simulations; studies until passing
repeated probability cumulative
1 81.205% 81.205%
2 15.330% 96.535%
3 2.819% 99.354%
4 0.515% 99.869%
5 0.108% 99.977%
6 0.019% 99.996%
7 0.003% 99.999%
8 0.001% 100.000%
Regulators are concerned that if the first study failed (pointing towards a ‘bad’ T/R-ratio), the applicant starts hunting for a comparator’s batch, which – based on the measured content – is expected to give a ‘better’ T/R-ratio. Resources allowing, the applicant might even produce a set of biobatches. Finally, a favorable combination is selected for the next study.
First example
# assumptions for the first study
CV.1 <- 0.20
theta0.1 <- 0.95
outcome <- rep(FALSE, 2)
study.1 <- data.frame(values = c("planned", "observed"),
CV = c(CV.1, NA_real_),
theta0 = c(theta0.1, NA_real_),
PE = rep(NA_real_, 2), n = NA_integer_,
power = NA_real_, lower = NA_real_,
upper = NA_real_, BE = NA_character_,
width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)
study.1[1, 5:6] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV.1, theta0 = theta0.1,
print = FALSE)[c("Sample size",
"Achieved power")]
# higher CV, worse T/R-ratio, 2 dropouts
study.1[2, c(2, 4:5)] <- c(CV.1 * 1.1, theta0.1 * 0.95, study.1$n[1] - 2)
study.1[2, 7:8] <- round(100 * CI.BE(CV = study.1$CV[2], pe = study.1$PE[2],
n = study.1$n[2]), 2)
if (study.1$lower[2] >= 80 & study.1$upper[2] <= 125) {
study.1$BE[2] <- "pass"
outcome[1] <- TRUE
} else {
study.1$BE[2] <- "fail"
study.1[2, 10] <- sprintf("%5.2f", study.1$upper[2] - study.1$lower[2])
study.1[2, 11] <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * power.TOST(CV = study.1$CV[2],
theta0 = study.1$PE[2],
n = study.1$n[2]))
# is that meant?
coverage.1 <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = study.1$CV[2], pe = study.1$PE[2],
n = study.1$n[2])
if (coverage.1 < 0.95) {
cov.1 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% < 90%s", 100 * coverage.1, "%\n")
} else {
cov.1 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% >= 90%s", 100 * coverage.1, "%\n")
# ‘Carved-in-Stone’ approach, i.e., plan based on the outcome of study 1
study.2 <- data.frame(values = c("planned", "observed"),
CV = c(study.1$CV[2], NA_real_),
theta0 = c(study.1$PE[2], NA_real_),
PE = rep(NA_real_, 2), n = NA_integer_,
power = NA_real_, lower = NA_real_,
upper = NA_real_, BE = NA_character_,
width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)
study.2[1, 5:6] <- sampleN.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[1], theta0 = study.2$theta0[1],
print = FALSE)[c("Sample size",
"Achieved power")]
# lower CV, better T/R-ratio, 6 dropouts
study.2[2, c(2, 4:5)] <- c(study.2$CV[1] * 0.9, study.2$theta0[1] / 0.975, study.2$n[1] - 6)
study.2[2, 7:8] <- round(100 * CI.BE(CV = study.2$CV[2], pe = study.2$PE[2],
n = study.2$n[2]), 2)
if (study.2$lower[2] >= 80 & study.2$upper[2] <= 125) {
study.2$BE[2] <- "pass"
outcome[2] <- TRUE
} else {
study.2$BE[2] <- "fail"
study.2[2, 10] <- sprintf("%5.2f", study.2$upper[2] - study.2$lower[2])
study.2[2, 11] <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * power.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[2],
theta0 = study.2$PE[2],
n = study.2$n[2]))
coverage.2 <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = study.2$CV[2], pe = study.2$PE[2],
n = study.2$n[2])
if (coverage.2 < 0.90) {
cov.2 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% < 90%s", 100 * coverage.2, "%\n")
} else {
cov.2 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.2f%% >= 90%s", 100 * coverage.2, "%\n")
# pooled analysis of the two pivotal studies only if at least one passed
if (sum(outcome) >= 1) {
CVdata <- data.frame(source = c("Study 1", "Study 2"),
CV = c(study.1$CV[2], study.2$CV[2]),
n = c(study.1$n[2], study.2$n[2]), design = "2x2")
tmp <- CVpooled(CVdata)
CV.pooled <- tmp$CV
df.pooled <- tmp$df
PE.pooled <- (study.1$PE[2] * study.1$n[2] + study.2$PE[2] * study.2$n[2]) /
(study.1$n[2] + study.2$n[2])
alpha <- c(0.0294, 0.0304, 0.05, 0.5)
pooled <- data.frame(PE = PE.pooled, alpha = alpha,
CI = c("94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority)",
"93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence)",
"90.00%: wrong (naïve)",
"50% : correct (but noninformative)"),
lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_, BE = "“fail”",
width = NA_character_, post.hoc = NA_real_)
for (j in 1:4) {
pooled[j, 4:5] <- round(100 * CI.BE(alpha = alpha[j], CV = CV.pooled,
pe = PE.pooled,
n = study.1$n + study.2$n), 2)
if (pooled$lower[j] >= 80 & pooled$upper[j] <= 125) pooled$BE[j] <- "“pass”"
pooled[j, 7] <- sprintf("%5.2f", pooled[j, 5] - pooled[j, 4])
pooled[j, 8] <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * power.TOST(alpha = alpha[j],
CV = CV.pooled,
theta0 = PE.pooled,
n = study.1$n + study.2$n))
coverage.3 <- 1 - 2 * pvalue.TOST(CV = CV.pooled, pe = PE.pooled,
n = study.1$n + study.2$n)
if (coverage.3 < 0.90) {
cov.3 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.4f%% < 90%s",
100 * coverage.3, "%\n")
} else {
cov.3 <- sprintf("‘coverage probability’ %.4f%% >= 90%s",
100 * coverage.3, "%\n")
pooled[, 1] <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * pooled[, 1])
names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6)] <- paste0(" ", names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6)])
# pure cosmetics
study.1[, 2] <- sprintf("%.3f", study.1[, 2])
study.1[, 3:6] <- signif(study.1[, 3:6], 4)
study.1[, 4] <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * study.1[, 4])
study.1[, 3] <- sprintf("%.4f", study.1[, 3])
study.1[is.na(study.1)] <- study.1[1, 4] <- study.1[2, 3] <- "– "
study.1[1, 11] <- "– "
names(study.1)[c(2, 9)] <- paste0(names(study.1)[c(2, 9)], " ")
study.2[, 2] <- sprintf("%.3f", study.2[, 2])
study.2[, 3:6] <- signif(study.2[, 3:6], 4)
study.2[, 4] <- sprintf("%.2f", 100 * study.2[, 4])
study.2[is.na(study.2)] <- study.2[1, 4] <- study.2[2, 3] <- "– "
study.2[1, 11] <- "– "
names(study.2)[c(2, 9)] <- paste0(names(study.2)[c(2, 9)], " ")
names(study.1)[3] <- names(study.2)[3] <- "T/R "
names(study.1)[4] <- names(study.2)[4] <- names(pooled)[1] <- "PE "
names(study.1)[3] <- names(study.2)[3] <- "T/R "
t <- c("\nStudy 1 planned on assumptions (CV, T/R-ratio)\n",
"\nStudy 2 planned on observed values of Study 1\n")
if (sum(outcome) == 1) {
t <- c(t, paste0("\nPooled analysis: CV = ", signif(CV.pooled, 3),
" (", df.pooled, " df)",
", N = ", study.1$n[2] + study.2$n[2], "\n"))
cat(t[1]); print(study.1, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.1)
cat(t[2]); print(study.2, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.2)
cat(t[3]); print(pooled, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE); cat(cov.3)
} else {
cat(t[1]); print(study.1, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.1)
cat(t[2]); print(study.2, row.names = FALSE); cat(cov.2)
Second example (with every execution of the script you get a different number of repeats)
sim.study <- function(alpha = 0.05, theta0 = 0.95, CV, CVb, n, eligible,
per.effect = c(0, 0), carryover = c(0, 0),
setseed = TRUE) {
if (length(per.effect) == 1) per.effect <- c(0, per.effect)
# carryover: first element R → T, second element T → R
if (setseed) set.seed(123456)
if (missing(eligible)) eligible <- n
if (missing(CVb)) CVb <- CV * 1.5 # arbitrary
sd <- CV2se(CV)
sd.b <- CV2se(CVb)
subj <- 1:n
# within subjects
T <- rnorm(n = n, mean = log(theta0), sd = sd)
R <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sd)
# between subjects
TR <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = sd.b)
T <- T + TR
R <- R + TR
TR.sim <- exp(mean(T) - mean(R))
data <- data.frame(subject = rep(subj, each = 2),
period = 1:2L,
sequence = c(rep("RT", n),
rep("TR", n)),
treatment = c(rep(c("R", "T"), n/2),
rep(c("T", "R"), n/2)),
logPK = NA_real_)
subj.T <- subj.R <- 0L # subject counters
for (j in 1:nrow(data)) { # clumsy but transparent
if (data$treatment[j] == "T") {
subj.T <- subj.T + 1L
if (data$period[j] == 1L) {
data$logPK[j] <- T[subj.T] + per.effect[1]
} else {
data$logPK[j] <- T[subj.T] + per.effect[2] + carryover[1]
} else {
subj.R <- subj.R + 1L
if (data$period[j] == 1L) {
data$logPK[j] <- R[subj.R] + per.effect[1]
} else {
data$logPK[j] <- R[subj.T] + per.effect[2] + carryover[2]
data <- data[data$subject <= eligible, ]
f <- c("subject", "period", "sequence", "treatment")
data[f] <- lapply(data[f], factor)
# bogus nested model acc. to the GLs
muddle <- lm(logPK ~ sequence + subject %in% sequence +
period + treatment, data = data)
PE <- 100 * exp(coef(muddle)[["treatmentT"]])
CI <- 100 * as.numeric(exp(confint(muddle, "treatmentT",
level = 1 - 2 * alpha)))
MSE <- anova(muddle)[["Residuals", "Mean Sq"]]
CV.hat <- mse2CV(MSE)
if (round(CI[1], 2) >= 80 & round(CI[2], 2) <= 125) {
BE <- "pass"
} else {
BE <- "fail"
res <- data.frame(n = eligible, PE = PE, lower = CI[1], upper = CI[2],
CV = CV.hat, BE = BE)
CV <- 0.20 # assumed with-subject CV
theta0 <- 0.95 # assumed T/R-ratio
do.rate <- 0.1 # i.e., 10% anticipated
n <- sampleN.TOST(CV = CV, theta0 = theta0, print = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
runs.1 <- 0L
passed.1 <- 0L
failed.1 <- 0L
CVdata <- data.frame(source = 1L, CV = NA_real_,
n = NA_integer_, PE = NA_real_, design = "2x2")
repeat { # until the first study fails by chance
runs.1 <- runs.1 + 1L
eligible <- round(runif(1, min = n * (1 - do.rate), max = n), 0)
study.1 <- sim.study(theta0 = theta0, CV = CV, n = n, eligible = eligible,
setseed = FALSE)
if (study.1$BE == "pass") passed.1 <- passed.1 + 1L
if (study.1$BE == "fail") failed.1 <- failed.1 + 1L
if (study.1$BE == "fail") {
study.1 <- cbind(study = runs.1 + 1L, study.1)
study.1$width <- study.1$upper - study.1$lower
study.1$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
pvalue.TOST(CV = study.1$CV,
pe = study.1$PE / 100,
n = study.1$n))
study.1$post.hoc <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * suppressMessages(
power.TOST(CV = study.1$CV,
theta0 = study.1$PE / 100,
n = study.1$n)))
study.1[, c(3:6, 8:9)] <- signif(study.1[, c(3:6, 8:9)], 4)
CVdata[failed.1, 2:4] <- study.1[c(6, 2:3)]
study.rep <- data.frame(n = integer(), PE = numeric(), lower = numeric(),
upper = numeric(), CV = numeric(), BE = character(),
width = numeric(), coverage = numeric(),
post.hoc = character())
runs.2 <- 0L
passed.2 <- 0L
failed.2 <- 0L
repeat { # until a repeated study passes by chance
runs.2 <- runs.2 + 1L
eligible <- round(runif(1, min = n * (1 - do.rate), max = n), 0)
study.rep[runs.2, ] <- sim.study(theta0 = theta0, CV = CV, n = n,
eligible = eligible, setseed = FALSE)
tmp <- data.frame(source = runs.2 + 1L, CV = study.rep[runs.2, 5],
n = study.rep[runs.2, 1], PE = study.rep[runs.2, 2],
design = "2x2")
CVdata <- rbind(CVdata, tmp)
if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "pass") passed.2 <- passed.2 + 1L
if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "fail") failed.2 <- failed.2 + 1L
study.2 <- cbind(study = runs.2 + 1, study.rep[runs.2, ])
study.2$width <- study.2$upper - study.2$lower
study.2$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
pvalue.TOST(CV = study.2$CV,
pe = study.2$PE / 100,
n = study.2$n))
study.2$post.hoc <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * suppressMessages(
power.TOST(CV = study.2$CV,
theta0 = study.2$PE / 100,
n = study.2$n)))
study.rep[runs.2, c(2:5, 7:9)] <- signif(study.2[, c(3:6, 8:9)], 4)
study.rep[runs.2, 9] <- study.2$post.hoc
if (study.rep$BE[runs.2] == "pass") break
studies <- rbind(study.1[, 2:10], study.rep)
studies$coverage <- sprintf("%.4f ", studies$coverage)
names(studies)[c(3, 6:7)] <- paste0(names(studies)[c(3, 6:7)], " ")
names(studies)[8] <- "‘coverage’"
studies <- cbind(Study = c("Pivotal", paste0("Repeated ", 1:runs.2)), studies)
tmp <- CVpooled(CVdata)
CV.pooled <- tmp$CV
df.pooled <- tmp$df
PE.pooled <- sum(CVdata$PE * CVdata$n) / sum(CVdata$n)
alpha <- c(0.0294, 0.0304, 0.05, 0.5)
pooled <- data.frame(PE = PE.pooled, alpha = alpha,
CI = c("94.12%: wrong (Pocock’s superiority)",
"93.92%: wrong (Pocock’s equivalence)",
"90.00%: wrong (naïve)",
"50% : correct (but noninformative)"),
lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_, BE = "“fail”",
width = NA_character_, coverage = NA_real_,
post.hoc = NA_character_)
for (j in 1:4) {
pooled[j, 4:5] <- round(100 * suppressMessages(
CI.BE(alpha = alpha[j], CV = CV.pooled,
pe = PE.pooled / 100,
n = sum(CVdata$n))), 2)
if (pooled$lower[j] >= 80 & pooled$upper[j] <= 125) pooled$BE[j] <- "“pass”"
pooled[j, 7] <- sprintf("%5.2f", pooled[j, 5] - pooled[j, 4])
pooled[j, 9] <- sprintf("%7.3f%%",
100 * suppressMessages(
power.TOST(alpha = alpha[j],
CV = CV.pooled,
theta0 = PE.pooled / 100,
n = sum(CVdata$n))))
pooled$coverage <- 1 - 2 *
pvalue.TOST(CV = CV.pooled, pe = PE.pooled / 100,
n = sum(CVdata$n)))
pooled$PE <- round(pooled$PE, 2)
pooled$coverage <- sprintf(" %.4f", pooled$coverage)
names(pooled)[c(1, 3, 6, 8)] <- c(" PE", " CI", " BE", "‘coverage’")
t1 <- paste0("Simulation target: A failed pivotal and repeated",
"studies until one passed.",
sprintf("\nPivotals: %2i (%2i failed = target, %2i passed)",
runs.1, failed.1, passed.1),
sprintf("\nRepeats : %2i (%2i passed = target, %2i failed)",
runs.2, passed.2, failed.2), "\n\n")
t2 <- paste0("\nPooled analysis: CV = ", sprintf("%.4f", CV.pooled), " (",
df.pooled, " df)", ", N = ", sum(CVdata$n), "\n")
cat(t1); print(studies, row.names = FALSE)
cat(t2); print(pooled, row.names = FALSE, right = FALSE)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Pooling of studies? Helmut 2024-09-02 13:55 [Regulatives / Guidelines]
- coverage probability mittyri 2024-09-02 17:22
- M13 Ohlbe 2024-09-02 17:37
- M13 Q&AHelmut 2024-09-06 08:31