‘Percentage covered’ [BE/BA News]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2024-08-06 00:13 (42 d 07:39 ago) – Posting: # 24137
Views: 2,118

Hi Mittyri,

❝ ICH group was copying many things from EMA BE Guideline (and this is good).

❝ But what prompted the ICH group to replace the Residual Area term with Ratio? Was there some kind of dissatisfaction with the 80% coverage criterion and the ambiguity surrounding Residual Area? :-D

Not the slightest idea. I know a few members of the group and can ask. Answer not guaranteed. ;-)

Edit 1: Perhaps the members were not familiar with what is given in the output of PK software (Phoenix WinNonlin, PKanalix, PKNCA ([image]), ncappc ([image]), NonCompart ([image]), ncar ([image])Pumas (Julia), …):

AUClast, AUCINF_obs, AUCINF_pred, AUC_%Extrap_obs, AUC_%Extrap_pred or similar

Since the ‘percentage covered’ (\(\small{100\times AUC_{{0-}\text{t}}/AUC_{0-\infty}}\)) is not part of the output, we have to set up any of these transformations (terminology used by the first three goodies above):Until software is updated to automatically provide something like AUC_%Covered_obs and AUC_%Covered_pred we have to live with it.

An example of the setup in Phoe­nix Win­Non­lin (at the bottom the User Defined Parameters and on top the last lines of the Core output):
Output Data FinalFinal Parameters Pivoted (last columns)
Table after some transformations and cosmetics:

Edit 2: I realized that the guideline does not require a breakdown by treatment but »… 20% of the observations …« Therefore:


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