Brazil, Mexico: Proc GLM? [Regulatives / Guidelines]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2024-07-18 11:01 (63 d 00:58 ago) – Posting: # 24081
Views: 1,128

Hi John,

❝ Does anyone know if Brazil or Mexico accepts bioequivalence study with statistics based on Proc GLM or Proc Mixed?

Not knowing, only guessing…

  1. ANVISA. Dispõe sobre os critérios para a condução de estudos de biodisponibilidade relativa/bioequivalência (BD / BE) e estudos farmacocinéticos. Brasilia. 17 August 2022. Online [Portuguese].
  2. EMA. Guideline on the Investigation of Bioequivalence. London. 20 January 2010. Online.
  3. WHO. Essential Medicines and Health Products. Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1003, Annex 6. Geneva. 28 April 2017. Online.
  4. EMA. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacokinetics: questions and answers. 3.1 Which statistical method for the analysis of a bioequivalence study does the Agency recommend? London. 21 September 2016. Online.
  5. Secretario del Salud. NORMA Oficial Mexicana NOM-177-SSA1-2013, Que establece las pruebas y procedimientos para demostrar que un medicamento es intercambiable. 20 September 2013. Web Archive 18 November 2017 [Spanish].

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