FARTSSIE 3.0 [Software]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2024-06-19 16:55 (87 d 07:07 ago) – Posting: # 24032
Views: 1,606

Dear all,

two days ago Dave published v3.0 on GitHub. Changed: Correct calculation of CVtotal from the 90 or 95% CI of a study in a parallel design (sheet [Bioequivalence, Parallel], CV from published Point Estimate and CI); it was wrong in v2.8 and v2.9.
Like in the 🇷-package PowerTOST – function CVfromCI(), the CI and group sizes are mandatory and the PE is optional.
With the Cmax-results of this post (90% CI: 0.7475–1.3656, n1 10, n2 9) in Excel 365 on Windows 11:


CVfromCI() and Phoenix WinNonlin give 39.08% as well.

Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна! [image]
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