Base 🇷 for comparison [Software]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2024-05-30 13:08 (195 d 00:36 ago) – Posting: # 24011
Views: 2,270

Hi Jietian,

reproducing your complete AUC-result in base-[image]:

T   <- c(11029.0530, 18369.9140,  8917.8605,  6406.6051,  7019.6639,
          7646.7725,  7030.7416, 16904.9660, 11311.8470, 11325.7340)
R   <- c(10206.9030, 11803.9700, 18095.8210,  7356.8581,  5089.1634,
          6358.7897,  7418.6390,  1301.4833, 14322.1320, 13184.4070) # subject K015
wt  <- t.test(x = log(T), y = log(R),
              conf.level = 0.90) # Welch-test by default (implicit var.equal = FALSE)
tt  <- t.test(x = log(T), y = log(R), var.equal = TRUE,
              conf.level = 0.90) # force to conventional t-test
AUC <- data.frame(df = rep(NA_real_, 2), PE = NA_real_,
                  lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_)
AUC[1, ]   <- c(tt$parameter, 100 * exp(c(diff(rev(tt$estimate)), tt$
AUC[2, ]   <- c(wt$parameter, 100 * exp(c(diff(rev(wt$estimate)), wt$
AUC[, 1]   <- round(AUC[, 1], 4)
AUC[, 2:4] <- round(AUC[, 2:4], 2) # acc. to guidelines
WNL <- data.frame(df = c(18, 13.1164), PE = rep(125.89, 2),
                  lower = c(79.71, 78.97), upper = c(198.81, 200.69))
res <- paste("Are results of R and Phoenix WinNonlin equal?",
             all.equal(AUC, WNL), "\n") # check
AUC <- cbind(Method = c(tt$method, wt$method), AUC)
names(AUC)[4:5] <- c("lower CL", "upper CL")
print(AUC, row.names = FALSE); cat(res)

                  Method      df     PE lower CL upper CL
       Two Sample t-test 18.0000 125.89    79.71   198.81
 Welch Two Sample t-test 13.1164 125.89    78.97   200.69
Are results of R and Phoenix WinNonlin equal? TRUE

Phoenix WinNonlin:


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