Phoenix Win­Non­lin vs Power­TOST [Software]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2024-05-29 11:39 (228 d 14:05 ago) – Posting: # 24008
Views: 2,621

Hi Jietian,

❝ I got a problem related to the CV% (from a parallel BE) and confidence interval. The CV% from winnonlin is ~14% but confidence interval is 74%-136%. Although the sample size for this trial is rather small (19 for analysis), the calculated CV% using confidence interval in PowerTOST is quite large (~39%). I'm not sure why the result is counterintuitive.

Confirmed the result from PowerTOST:

cat(paste0("CV (total) ~",
    signif(100 * CI2CV(lower = 0.74, upper = 1.36,
                        n = 19, design = "parallel"), 2), "%\n"))

Unbalanced parallel design. n(i)= 10/9 assumed.
CV (total) ~39%

❝ Anyone have ideas?

Can you please post your data, the version of Phoenix, and the model specifications?

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