PKNCA defaults to the linear-up/log-down rule [🇷 for BE/BA]
❝ I modified the PKNCA codes from the example above to calculate PK parameters for the following dataset. PKNCA's AUClast value was 5997.7885480, but my excel calculated value was 6825.422.???? I am not sure what went wrong.
the linear-up/log-down rule is the default (see this article). Let’s go for a second opinion:calc.AUC <- function(t, C, rule = "linlog", digits = 5) {
# if nonnumeric codes like BQL or NR are used, they
# must be enclosed in 'single' or "double" quotes
if (!length(C) == length(t))
stop ("Both vectors must have the same number of elements.")
if (!length(unique(t)) == length(t))
stop ("Values in t-vector are not unique.")
if (!rule %in% c("lin", "linlog"))
stop ("rule must be either \"lin\" or \"linlog\".")
# convert eventual nonnumerics to NAs
C <- unlist(suppressWarnings(lapply(C, as.numeric)))
tmax <- min(t[C == max(C, na.rm = TRUE)], na.rm = TRUE)
C[t < tmax &] <- 0 # set NAs prior to tmax to zero
x <- NULL
y <- data.frame(t = t, C = C, section = "", pAUC = 0)
y <- y[with(y, order(t)), ] # belt plus suspenders
NAs <- which( # location of eventual NAs
if (sum(NAs) > 0) { # remove NAs temporarily
x <- y[!complete.cases(y), ]
x$pAUC <- x$AUC <- NA
y <- y[complete.cases(y), ]
for (i in 1:(nrow(y) - 1)) {
if (rule == "linlog") {
y$section[1] <- "up"
if (y$C[i+1] < y$C[i]) { # decreasing
y$pAUC[i+1] <- (y$t[i+1] - y$t[i]) * (y$C[i+1] - y$C[i]) / log(y$C[i+1] / y$C[i])
y$section[i+1] <- "down"
} else { # increasing or equal
y$pAUC[i+1] <- 0.5 * (y$t[i+1] - y$t[i]) * (y$C[i+1] + y$C[i])
y$section[i+1] <- "up"
} else {
y$pAUC[i+1] <- 0.5 * (y$t[i+1] - y$t[i]) * (y$C[i+1] + y$C[i])
y$AUC <- cumsum(y$pAUC) # sum partial AUCs
y <- rbind(x, y) # get the NAs back
y <- y[with(y, order(t)), ] # sort by time
y[, 4:5] <- round(y[, 4:5], digits)
if (rule == "lin") y <- y[, -3] # not needed
if (rule == "linlog") {
attr(y, "rule") <- "linear-up/log-down rule"
} else {
attr(y, "rule") <- "linear rule"
t <- c(0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 24, 48, 72)
C <- c(0, 307.838, 467.58, 439.886, 489.621, 306.011, 54.424, 3.628, 'BQL')
df <- calc.AUC(t, C, rule = "linlog", digits = 6)
cat(attr(df, "rule"), "\n"); print(df, row.names = FALSE)
linear-up/log-down rule
t C section pAUC AUC
0.0 0.000 up 0.0000 0.0000
0.5 307.838 up 76.9595 76.9595
1.0 467.580 up 193.8545 270.8140
2.0 439.886 down 453.5921 724.4061
4.0 489.621 up 929.5070 1653.9131
8.0 306.011 down 1562.6031 3216.5162
24.0 54.424 down 2331.1067 5547.6230
48.0 3.628 down 450.1656 5997.7885
72.0 NA NA NA
df <- calc.AUC(t, C, rule = "lin", digits = 6)
cat(attr(df, "rule"), "\n"); print(df, row.names = FALSE)
linear rule
0.0 0.000 0.0000 0.0000
0.5 307.838 76.9595 76.9595
1.0 467.580 193.8545 270.8140
2.0 439.886 453.7330 724.5470
4.0 489.621 929.5070 1654.0540
8.0 306.011 1591.2640 3245.3180
24.0 54.424 2883.4800 6128.7980
48.0 3.628 696.6240 6825.4220
72.0 NA NA NA
is using the linear-up/log-down and you the linear trapezoidal in bloody Excel. If you really want to do that (I hope, you don’t), see there.Note: If you give
at 72
, you will get the same result with the lin-up/log-down, but 6868.958
with the linear rule. That’s Pharsight’s crappy AUCall
.Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- PKNCA calculation of AUC jag009 2024-05-19 23:45 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- PKNCA defaults to the linear-up/log-down ruleHelmut 2024-05-20 07:39