multiple dose studies [Design Issues]

posted by dshah  – India, 2024-03-08 18:36 (185 d 00:55 ago) – Posting: # 23895
Views: 1,603

Hello Loky do!

❝ I have a solifenacin succinate/tamsulosin HCl bioequivalence study, I will perform a multiple-dose study for tamsulosin modified release for Europe, I'm a little confused about the planned washout for this study as there are no enough public assessment reports for the combination, should I take in account the solifenacin washout period also or to design on tamsulosin only is enough (i.e one-week washout between 2 periods from last dose)

As this is FDC- both the drug needs to be analyzed and thus also consider Solifenacin for washout consideration.


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