Likely it does not work (potentially inflated Type I Error) [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
I could not resist and had a closer look (a lengthy -script at the end).
Say, we have a 2-sequence 4-period (full) replicate design and start the study in 16 subjects (n1).
We observe a CVwR of 0.30. Since swR < 0.294, we have to go with ABE (no scaling). Power based on a fixed GMR 0.95 is below the target of 0.80. Hence, we initiate a second stage. With Pocock’s adjusted α 0.0294 we recruit 6 subjects (n2). We observe a CVwR of 0.30 again and GMR 0.92 in the final analysis of pooled data.
Power will be only 0.7093 since the GMR is worse than assumed. However, the Type I Error will be significantly inflated (0.0861 > α). We would have needed at least an adjusted α of 0.0149 (which is substantially lower than the one we used) in order to control the Type I Error.
Call the script with the example’s data:
RSABE.TSD(adj = 0.0294, design = "2x2x4", n1 = 16, CVwR = 0.3, GMR = 0.95,
target = 0.8, CVwR.2 = 0.3, GMR.2 = 0.92)
adjusted alpha : 0.0294 (Pocock’s for superiority)
design : 2x2x4
n1 : 16
futility on N : none
CVwR : 0.3000 (observed)
theta1 : 0.8000 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.2500 (upper implied limit)
power : 0.6812 (estimated)
Stage 2 initiated (insufficent power in stage 1)
GMR : 0.9500 (fixed)
target power : 0.8000 (fixed)
n2 : 6
N : 22; less than the FDA’s minimum of 24 subjects!
CVwR : 0.3000 (observed)
GMR : 0.9200 (observed)
theta1 : 0.8000 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.2500 (upper implied limit)
power : 0.7093 (estimated, may pass RSABE)
empirical TIE : 0.0861 (all publications; significantly inflated))
An adjusted alpha of 0.0149 (or less)
would be needed to control the Type I Error.
Try a fixed GMR of 0.90 – which is more realistic for HVD(P)s – and you will be surprised.
Note also that in the RSABE-branch (swR ≥ 0.294) the empirical Type I Error drops to the adjusted α for CVwR infinitesimal greater than 30%. Example above changed to:
CVwR.2 = 0.30 + 1e-9
theta1 : 0.7695 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.2996 (upper implied limit)
empirical TIE : 0.0294 (all publications)
Of course, increasing the sample size in stage 1 does not help in the ABE-branch (swR < 0.294).
RSABE.TSD(adj = 0.0304, design = "2x2x4", n1 = 38, ...)
adjusted alpha : 0.0304 (Pocock’s for equivalence)
design : 2x2x4
n1 : 38
futility on N : none
CVwR : 0.3000 (observed)
theta1 : 0.8000 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.2500 (upper implied limit)
power : 0.9708 (estimated)
Study stopped in stage 1 (sufficient power)
empirical TIE : 0.1122 (all publications; significantly inflated)
An adjusted alpha of 0.0100 (or less)
would be needed to control the Type I Error.
Let’s go fully adaptive, i.e., use the observed stage 1 GMR rather than a fixed one. In the final analysis the GMR is worse than in the first stage and the CVwR lower. We use some of the defaults. We have to increase our target power. That’s a guessing game because in the interim we don’t know what will happen in the second stage.
RSABE.TSD(adj = 0.0304, design = "2x2x4", n1 = 24, CVwR = 0.35, GMR = 0.9,
usePE = TRUE, target = 0.9, CVwR.2 = 0.32, GMR.2 = 0.88)
adjusted alpha : 0.0304 (Pocock’s for equivalence)
design : 2x2x4
n1 : 24
futility on N : none
CVwR : 0.3500 (observed)
theta1 : 0.7383 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.3545 (upper implied limit)
power : 0.6906 (estimated)
Stage 2 initiated (insufficent power in stage 1)
GMR : 0.9000 (observed)
target power : 0.9000 (fixed)
n2 : 20
N : 44
CVwR : 0.3200 (observed)
GMR : 0.8800 (observed)
theta1 : 0.7568 (lower implied limit)
theta2 : 1.3214 (upper implied limit)
power : 0.7762 (estimated, may pass RSABE)
empirical TIE : 0.0271 (all publications
Only if you are a devout follower of the FDA church and believe in the ‘desired consumer risk model’,1 run the first example with
RSABE.TSD(adj = 0.0294, design = "2x2x4", n1 = 16, CVwR = 0.3, GMR = 0.95,
target = 0.8, CVwR.2 = 0.3, GMR.2 = 0.92, risk = TRUE)
adjusted alpha : 0.0294 (Pocock’s for superiority)
design : 2x2x4
n1 : 16
futility on N : none
CVwR : 0.3000 (observed)
theta1 : 0.8000 (lower implied limit)
0.7695 (lower limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)
theta2 : 1.2500 (upper implied limit)
1.2996 (upper limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)
power : 0.6812 (estimated)
Stage 2 initiated (insufficent power in stage 1)
GMR : 0.9500 (fixed)
target power : 0.8000 (fixed)
n2 : 6
N : 22; less than the FDA’s minimum of 24 subjects!
CVwR : 0.3000 (observed)
GMR : 0.9200 (observed)
theta1 : 0.8000 (lower implied limit)
0.7695 (lower limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)
theta2 : 1.2500 (upper implied limit)
1.2996 (upper limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)
power : 0.8354 (estimated, may pass RSABE)
empirical TIE : 0.0861 (all publications; significantly inflated)
0.0294 (‘desired consumer risk model’)
An adjusted alpha of 0.0149 (or less)
would be needed to control the Type I Error.
- Davit BM, Chen ML, Conner DP, Haidar SH, Kim S, Lee CH, Lionberger RA, Makhlouf FT, Nwakama PE, Patel DT, Schuirmann DJ, Yu LX. Implementation of a Reference-Scaled Average Bioequivalence Approach for Highly Variable Generic Drug Products by the US Food and Drug Administration. AAPS J. 2012; 14(4): 915–24. doi:10.1208/s12248-012-9406-x. Free Full text.
- The FDA’s regulatory constant \(\small{\theta_\text{s}=\log_{e}(1.25)/0.25\cong0.8925742\ldots}\)
The null hypothesis on inequivalence \(\small{\theta_0}\) is assessed in the ‘desired consumer risk model’:- If \(\small{s_\text{wR}\leq0.25}\) with \(\small{\theta_0=\left\{0.8000,1.2500\right\}}\)
- If \(\small{s_\text{wR}>0.25}\) with \(\small{\theta_0=\exp(\mp\theta_\text{s}\times s_\text{wR})}\)
- If \(\small{CV_\text{wR}\leq30\%}\) with \(\small{\theta_0=\left\{0.8000,1.2500\right\}}\)
- If \(\small{CV_\text{wR}>30\%}\) with \(\small{\theta_0=\exp(\mp\theta_\text{s}\times s_\text{wR})}\)
nulls <- function(CVwR, risk = FALSE) { # null hypotheses in RSABE
theta.s <- log(1.25) / 0.25 # regulatory constant
swR <- sqrt(log(CVwR^2 + 1)) # within-subject standard deviation of R
if (risk) { # ‘desired consumer risk model’
if (swR <= 0.25) {
thetas <- c(0.8, 1.25)
} else {
thetas <- exp(c(-1, +1) * theta.s * swR)
} else { # ‘implied limits’
if (CVwR <= 0.3) {
thetas <- c(0.8, 1.25)
} else {
thetas <- exp(c(-1, +1) * theta.s * swR)
names(thetas) <- c("H0.1", "H0.2")
Examples (CVwR = 0.27, swR ≈ 0.2652645…):
nulls(CVwR = 0.27, risk = TRUE)
H0.1 H0.2
0.7891741 1.2671474
nulls(CVwR = 0.27, risk = FALSE)
H0.1 H0.2
0.80 1.25
- If \(\small{s_\text{wR}\leq0.25}\) with \(\small{\theta_0=\left\{0.8000,1.2500\right\}}\)
RSABE.TSD <- function(adj = 0.0294, design = "2x2x4", n1, CVwR, GMR = 0.9, target = 0.8,
usePE = FALSE, nmax = Inf, final = TRUE, CVwR.2, GMR.2 = 0.9,
risk = FALSE, details = TRUE) {
# adj : adjusted alpha (stage 1 and final analysis) like Potvin ‘Method B’
# design : "2x2x2": 2-sequence 4-period full replicate
# "2x2x3": 2-sequence 4-period full replicate
# "2x3x3": 3-sequence 2-period partial replicate
# n1 : stage 1 sample size
# CvwR : within-subject CV of R in stage 1
# GMR : T/R-ratio in stage 1
# usePE : FALSE: use the fixed GMR, TRUE: use the observed GMR
# nmax : futility on total sample size
# final : TRUE : final analysis (requires CVwR.2 and GMR.2)
# FALSE: interim analyis only
# risk : FALSE: TIE acc. to all publications based on the ‘implied limits’
# TRUE : additionallly TIE acc. to the ‘desired consumer risk model’
# details: TRUE : output to the console
# FALSE: data.frame of results
if (!design %in% c("2x2x4", "2x2x3", "2x3x3"))
stop ("design ", design, " not supported.")
if (missing(n1)) stop ("n1 must be given.")
if (missing(CVwR)) stop ("CVwR must be given.")
if (GMR <= 0.8 | GMR >= 1.25) stop ("GMR must be within 0.8 – 1.25.")
if (nmax <= n1) stop ("nmax <= n1 does not make sense.")
if (target <= 0.5 | target >= 1)
stop ("target ", target, " does not make sense.")
if (final) {
if (missing(CVwR.2)) stop ("CVwR.2 must be given.")
if (missing(GMR.2)) stop ("GMR.2 must be given.")
suppressMessages(require(PowerTOST)) # ≥1.5-4 (2022-02-21)
limits <- function(CVwR, risk = FALSE) { # limits
thetas <- scABEL(CV = CVwR, regulator = "FDA") # implied
if (risk) { # ‘desired consumer risk model’
swR <- CV2se(CVwR)
if (swR > 0.25) {
thetas <- setNames(exp(c(-1, +1) * log(1.25) / 0.25 * swR),
c("lower", "upper"))
} else {
thetas <- setNames(c(0.8, 1.25), c("lower", "upper"))
power <- function(alpha = 0.05, CVwR, GMR, n, design) {
return(power.RSABE(alpha = alpha, CV = CVwR, theta0 = GMR,
n = n, design = design))
TIE <- function(alpha = 0.05, CVwR, n, design, risk) {
return(power.RSABE(alpha = alpha, CV = CVwR, n = n,
theta0 = limits(CVwR, risk)[["upper"]],
design = design, nsims = 1e6))
TIE.1.1 <- TIE.1.2 <- TIE.2.1 <- TIE.2.2 <- NA
pwr.1 <- power(adj, CVwR, GMR, n = n1, design)
sig <- binom.test(0.05 * 1e6, 1e6, alternative = "less",
conf.level = 0.95)$[2]
txt <- paste("adjusted alpha :", sprintf("%.4f", adj))
if (adj == 0.0294) {
txt <- paste(txt, "(Pocock’s for superiority)")
} else {
if (adj == 0.0304) {
txt <- paste(txt, "(Pocock’s for equivalence)")
} else {
if (adj == 0.0250) {
txt <- paste(txt, "(Bonferroni’s for two tests)")
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, "(custom)")
txt <- paste(txt, "\ndesign :", design,
"\nn1 :", sprintf("%3.0f", n1))
if (nmax < Inf) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nfutility on N :", sprintf("%3.0f", nmax))
} else {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nfutility on N : none")
txt <- paste(txt, "\nCVwR :", sprintf("%.4f (observed)", CVwR),
"\ntheta1 :", sprintf("%.4f (lower implied limit)",
if (risk) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ",
sprintf("%.4f (lower limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)",
limits(CVwR, risk)[["lower"]]))
txt <- paste(txt, "\ntheta2 :", sprintf("%.4f (upper implied limit)",
if (risk) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ",
sprintf("%.4f (upper limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)",
limits(CVwR, risk)[["upper"]]))
txt <- paste(txt, "\npower :", sprintf("%.4f (estimated)", pwr.1))
if (pwr.1 >= target) { # stop in the interim
TIE.1.1 <- TIE(adj, CVwR, n1, design, risk = FALSE)
txt <- paste0(txt, "\nStudy stopped in stage 1 (sufficient power)",
"\nempirical TIE :", sprintf(" %.4f", TIE.1.1),
" (all publications")
if (TIE.1.1 > sig) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "; significantly inflated)")
} else {
txt <- paste0(txt, ")")
if (risk) {
TIE.1.2 <- TIE(adj, CVwR, n1, design, risk = TRUE)
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ", sprintf("%.4f", TIE.1.2),
"(‘desired consumer risk model’")
if (TIE.1.2 > sig) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "; significantly inflated)")
} else {
txt <- paste0(txt, ")")
if (TIE.1.1 > sig) {
req <- = adj, theta0 = GMR, CV = CVwR,
design = design, regulator = "FDA", n = n1,
print = FALSE, details = FALSE)[["alpha.adj"]]
txt <- paste(txt, "\nAn adjusted alpha of", sprintf("%.4f", req),
"(or less)\nwould be needed to control the Type I Error.")
} else { # initiate stage 2
N <- sampleN.RSABE(alpha = adj, CV = CVwR, theta0 = GMR,
targetpower = target, design = design,
print = FALSE, details = FALSE)[["Sample size"]]
if (N > nmax) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nStage 2 not initiated",
"(insufficent power in stage 1\nbut total sample size",
N, "above futility limit)")
} else {
if (final) {
pwr.2 <- power(adj, CVwR.2, GMR.2, n = N, design)
if (GMR.2 <= 0.8 | GMR.2 >= 1.25) {
final.est <- FALSE
} else {
final.est <- TRUE
TIE.2.1 <- TIE(adj, CVwR.2, N, design, risk = FALSE)
if (risk) TIE.2.2 <- TIE(adj, CVwR.2, N, design, risk = TRUE)
} else {
CVwR.2 <- GMR.2 <- pwr.2 <- TIE.2.1 <- TIE.2.2 <- NA
theta1.1 <- theta1.2 <- req <- NA
txt <- paste(txt, "\nStage 2 initiated (insufficent power in stage 1)",
"\nGMR :", sprintf("%.4f", GMR))
ifelse (usePE, txt <- paste(txt, "(observed)"),
txt <- paste(txt, "(fixed)"))
txt <- paste(txt, "\ntarget power :", sprintf("%.4f (fixed)", target),
"\nn2 :", sprintf("%3.0f", N - n1),
"\nN :", sprintf("%3.0f", N))
if (N < 24) txt <- paste0(txt, "; less than the FDA’s minimum of 24 subjects!")
if (final) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\nCVwR :", sprintf("%.4f (observed)", CVwR.2),
"\nGMR :", sprintf("%.4f (observed)", GMR.2),
"\ntheta1 :", sprintf("%.4f (lower implied limit)",
if (risk) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ",
sprintf("%.4f (lower limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)",
limits(CVwR.2, risk)[["lower"]]))
txt <- paste(txt, "\ntheta2 :",
sprintf("%.4f (upper implied limit)", limits(CVwR.2)[["upper"]]))
if (risk) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ",
sprintf("%.4f (upper limit of the ‘desired consumer risk model’)",
limits(CVwR.2, risk)[["upper"]]))
txt <- paste(txt, "\npower :", sprintf("%.4f (estimated,", pwr.2))
ifelse (pwr.2 < 0.5, txt <- paste(txt, "fails RSABE)"),
txt <- paste(txt, "may pass RSABE)"))
if (final.est) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "\nempirical TIE :", sprintf(" %.4f", TIE.2.1),
" (all publications")
if (TIE.2.1 > sig) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "; significantly inflated)")
} else {
txt <- paste0(txt, ")")
if (risk) {
txt <- paste(txt, "\n ", sprintf("%.4f", TIE.2.2),
"(‘desired consumer risk model’")
if (TIE.2.2 > sig) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "; significantly inflated)")
} else {
txt <- paste0(txt, ")")
if (TIE.2.1 > sig) {
req <- = adj, theta0 = GMR.2, CV = CVwR.2,
design = design, regulator = "FDA", n = N,
print = FALSE, details = FALSE)[["alpha.adj"]]
txt <- paste(txt, "\nAn adjusted alpha of", sprintf("%.4f", req),
"(or less)\nwould be needed to control the Type I Error.")
if (details) { # output to the console
cat(txt, "\n")
} else { # data.frame of results
# limits in stage 1
L.1.1 <- limits(CVwR, FALSE)[["lower"]]
U.1.1 <- limits(CVwR, FALSE)[["upper"]]
L.1.2 <- U.1.2 <- NA
if (risk) {
L.1.2 <- limits(CVwR, TRUE)[["lower"]]
U.1.2 <- limits(CVwR, TRUE)[["upper"]]
if (final) {
# limits in the final analysis
L.2.1 <- limits(CVwR.2, FALSE)[["lower"]]
U.2.1 <- limits(CVwR.2, FALSE)[["upper"]]
L.2.2 <- U.2.2 <- NA
if (risk) {
L.2.2 <- limits(CVwR.2, TRUE)[["lower"]]
U.2.2 <- limits(CVwR.2, TRUE)[["upper"]]
} else {
L.2.1 <- U.2.1 <- L.2.2 <- U.2.2 <- NA
result <- data.frame(alpha.adj = adj, design = design, n1 = n1, CVwR = CVwR,
GMR = GMR, usePE = usePE, nmax = nmax, risk.model = risk,
L.1.1 = L.1.1, U.1.1 = U.1.1,
L.1.2 = L.1.2, U.1.2 = U.1.2, power.1 = pwr.1,
TIE.1.1 = TIE.1.1, TIE.1.2 = TIE.1.2,
n2 = N - n1, N = N, CVwR.2 = CVwR.2, GMR.2 = GMR.2,
L.2.1 = L.2.1, U.2.1 = U.2.1,
L.2.2 = L.2.2, U.2.2 = U.2.2,
power.2 = pwr.2, TIE.2.1 = TIE.2.1, TIE.2.2 = TIE.2.2,
alpha.req = req)
result <- result[, colSums( < nrow(result)]
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Adaptive Design for the FDA’s RSABE? Helmut 2023-12-18 11:20 [Two-Stage / GS Designs]
- Likely it does not work (potentially inflated Type I Error)Helmut 2023-12-19 11:10
- Exploring package adaptIVPT, function rss() Helmut 2023-12-20 13:27
- Extreme test case Helmut 2023-12-24 13:01
- Extreme GMR Naksh 2023-12-25 04:16
- PE outside {0.80, 1.25} not possible Helmut 2023-12-25 10:54
- PE outside {0.80, 1.25} not possible Naksh 2023-12-25 11:42
- Forget rss() Helmut 2023-12-25 13:15
- Forget rss() Naksh 2023-12-26 04:49
- TSD useful at all? Helmut 2023-12-26 12:50
- Forget rss() Naksh 2023-12-26 04:49
- Forget rss() Helmut 2023-12-25 13:15
- PE outside {0.80, 1.25} not possible Naksh 2023-12-25 11:42
- PE outside {0.80, 1.25} not possible Helmut 2023-12-25 10:54
- Extreme GMR Naksh 2023-12-25 04:16
- Extreme test case Helmut 2023-12-24 13:01
- Exploring package adaptIVPT, function rss() Helmut 2023-12-20 13:27
- Likely it does not work (potentially inflated Type I Error)Helmut 2023-12-19 11:10