Use all data and avoid the partial replicate design for the FDA [Design Issues]
❝ For the product like Valsartan + Amlodipine or Telmisartan + Amlodipine, is it possible to plan a analysis with 3 way design for Valsartan/Telmisartan and 2 way design for Amlodipine in same study.
❝ For e.g. if we plan a 3 way Partial replicate in 48 subjects (RTR/TRR/RRT).
❝ For Val/Telm, sample size will be 48 (All three period) …
❝ … and for Amlodipine, sample size will be 32 (First two period and with sequence RTR and TRR only).
❝ Is there any statistical issues with such design?
❝ I know the ideal way is to analyse both Val and Aml in same way.
There is a massive problem with the FDA’s RSABE in the partial replicate design if \(\small{s_\text{wR}<0.294}\) because the study has to be assessed for – conventional, unscaled – ABE.
- The model with the the FDA’s covariance structure in the guidances is over-specified.2 Therefore, the optimizer may fail to converge (independent from the software) and you get no (‼) result at all.
Remedy in SAS-lingo: Instead ofFA0(2)
, orCS
.3 Since that is not given in the guidances, state it unambigously in the SAP or – likely better – initiate a controlled correspondence with the OGD.
- An alternative is one of the 3-period 2-sequence full replicate designs (TRT|RTR or TRR|RTT). Then you can keep the FDA’s covariance structure and there will be no issues with convergence.4
- Kang WY, Seong SJ, Ohk B, Gwon M-R, Kim BK, La S, Kim H-J, Cho S, Yoon Y-R, Yang DH, Lee HW. Pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence study of a telmisartan/S-amlodipine fixed-dose combination (CKD-828) formulation and coadministered telmisartan and S-amlodipine in healthy subjects. Drug Des Devel Ther. 2018; 12: 545–53. doi:10.2147/DDDT.S156492. Free Full text.
- The model tries to estimate the within-subject variances of both reference and test (\(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wR}^2}\), \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wT}^2}\)). Where \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wR}^2}\) can be estimated in any reference-replicated design, \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wT}^2}\) cannot be estimated in a partial replicate design since the test is only administered once. Even if you are lucky and the model converges, \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wT}^2}\) will be plain nonsense. For details see this article.
= No Diagonal Factor Analytic with two factors,FA0(1)
= No Diagonal Factor Analytic with one factor,CSH
= Heterogenous Compound-Symmetry,CS
= Compound-Symmetry.
- Since both treatments are replicated, the within-subject variances of reference \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wR}^2}\) and test \(\small{\widehat{\sigma}_\text{wT}^2}\) can be estimated.
PS: Why is the bloody partial replicate design still so popular? Beyond me.
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Helmut Schütz
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Complete thread:
- Amlodipine/Valsartan Bebac user 2023-09-09 06:34 [Design Issues]
- Amlodipine/Valsartan Helmut 2023-09-12 06:48
- Amlodipine/Valsartan Kumarnaidu2 2023-12-06 09:36
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- Amlodipine/Valsartan Kumarnaidu2 2023-12-07 02:42
- Use all data and avoid the partial replicate design for the FDAHelmut 2023-12-07 09:01
- Amlodipine/Valsartan dshah 2023-12-06 16:49
- Amlodipine/Valsartan Kumarnaidu2 2023-12-06 09:36
- Amlodipine/Valsartan Helmut 2023-09-12 06:48