carry over effect investigation based on what? [General Sta­tis­tics]

posted by dshah  – India, 2023-10-06 15:20 (347 d 03:38 ago) – Posting: # 23746
Views: 3,080

Hi Helmut & Mittyri!

❝ I agree with what Mittyri wrote above. Is is possible that you mixed it up with the 20% of subjects with extrapolated AUC >20%?

Yes, Probability I may have mixed up the things.
But with carry over effect, there is high probability that the subject would not have ratio of AUCt/AUCinf>0.8? which can be due to insufficient washout period? So there is high chance that where carry over is observed, the AUCt/AUCinf> 0.8 is not achieved and thus the investigation on this.

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