ICH M13A (IR BE) [BE/BA News]

posted by SMA – Europe, 2023-01-17 10:30 (611 d 01:53 ago) – Posting: # 23424
Views: 4,480

Dear Rasha_J

Public consultations are launched regionally.
You can track who has launched the consultation by accessing the ICH multidisciplinary guideline, and clicking the link within M13.

So far, only TFDA Chinese Taipei has launched their consultation.

Public consultation dates:
TFDA, Chinese Taipei - Deadline for comments by 30 April 2023

❝ Is there a link to submit comments

Links to submit comments are made available by regional agencies once they open their consultation process.

The more the scientific community contributes to the consultations (and use data to support recommendations, where possible), the better the chances that the ICH Expert Working Group can address the points.


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