Two at a Time [Power / Sample Size]

posted by XH7081 – 2022-09-22 19:13 (723 d 04:45 ago) – Posting: # 23315
Views: 2,576

❝ ❝ Parallel design (3 arms, assuming true theta=1, pooled CV=0.4). R results indicate I need 132 total subjects (44 subjects per arm), not considering drop out etc. Is it correct, or the 132 is for 2 arms (66 per arm) and I actually need 198 total subjects?

❝ Yes.

Thank you for your reply. Just to clarify, when you say "Yes", do you mean that total of 132 subjects (44 per arm) is correct, or total of 198 subjects (66 per arm) is correct?

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