tryCatch in R [Software]
Hi ElMaestro,
OK, a second attempt with already mentioned processx package
❝ It works with the hamburger example but not when I invoke gcc :
❝ > tryCatch(
❝ + {
❝ + a <- system("gcc -O2 -Wall Tester301.c -o T301", intern=T)
❝ + },
❝ + error = function(cond) {
❝ + a <<- cond
❝ + }
❝ + )
❝ cc1: fatal error: Tester301.c: No such file or directory
❝ compilation terminated.
❝ Warning message:
❝ In system("gcc -O2 -Wall Tester301.c -o T301", intern = T) :
❝ > a
❝ character(0)
❝ attr(,"status")
❝ [1] 1
OK, a second attempt with already mentioned processx package
tryCatchHamburger <- function(string) {
# initializing to prevent 'a' to go higher closures in case of error
a <- NULL
a <- processx::run(string, stderr = NULL)
error = function(cond) {
a <<- cond
b <- tryCatchHamburger("Hamburger")
# [1] "c_error" "rlib_error_3_0" "rlib_error" "error" "condition"
# [1] "cannot start processx process 'gcc -O2 -Wall Tester301.c -o T301' (system error 2, No such file or directory) @unix/processx.c:613 (processx_exec)"
c <- tryCatchHamburger("gcc -O2 -Wall Tester301.c -o T301")
# [1] "c_error" "rlib_error_3_0" "rlib_error" "error" "condition"
# [1] "cannot start processx process 'gcc -O2 -Wall Tester301.c -o T301' (system error 2, No such file or directory) @unix/processx.c:613 (processx_exec)"
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
Complete thread:
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