optimizing schedule for late concentrations > LLOQ [NCA / SHAM]
❝ That answers my question perfectly thank you.
❝ How can we know if the sampling points chosen at the terminal phase of elimination are above the lower limit of bioanalytical quantification?
You need some information about PK of the drug. Then with a given sampling schedule and LLOQ use one of the -functions at the end. If you have limited information about the PK, use the second function in order to reproduce something reported in the literature by trial and error.
Example with the first function:
D <- 1000 # dose
f <- 0.8 # fraction absorbed
V <- 5 # volume of distribution
t.12a <- 0.5 # absorption half live
t.12e <- 4 # elimination half live
tlag <- 0.25 # lag time
LLOQ <- 5 # lower limit of quantification
t <- c(seq(0, 3.5, 0.5),
4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24) # sampling schedule
micro(D, f, V, k01 = log(2) / t.12a, k10 = log(2) / t.12e, tlag, LLOQ, t)
1 0.0 0.00000 TRUE
2 0.5 45.80507 FALSE
3 1.0 95.92186 FALSE
4 1.5 114.91995 FALSE
5 2.0 118.86166 FALSE
6 2.5 115.73643 FALSE
7 3.0 109.50068 FALSE
8 3.5 102.09751 FALSE
9 4.0 94.46631 FALSE
10 5.0 80.03327 FALSE
11 6.0 67.44892 FALSE
12 8.0 47.73428 FALSE
13 12.0 23.86910 FALSE
14 16.0 11.93456 FALSE
15 24.0 NA TRUE
However, we’re not done yet! Never design a study based on an average half life. Be aware of two issues:
- Subjects with fast elimination will give BQLs at the end of the profile. Not desirable.
- Subjects with slow elimination will have a relatively high Clast, leading into trouble with the extrapolated AUC.
t.12e <- seq(2, 6, 0.5) # fast to slow
res <- data.frame(t.half = t.12e, tmax = NA_real_, Cmax = NA_real_,
BQLs = NA_integer_, tlast = NA_real_,
Clast = NA_real_, f = NA_real_, extr = NA_real_)
for (j in seq_along(t.12e)) {
tmp <- micro(D, f, V, k01 = log(2) / t.12a,
k10 = log(2) / t.12e[j], tlag, LLOQ, t)
res$Cmax[j] <- max(tmp$C, na.rm = TRUE)
res$tmax[j] <- tmp$t[which(tmp$C == res$Cmax[j])]
res$BQLs[j] <- sum(is.na(tmp$C))
res$tlast[j] <- tail(t[!is.na(tmp$C)], 1)
res$Clast[j] <- tmp$C[tmp$t == res$tlast[j]]
res$f[j] <- 100 * res$Clast[j] / res$Cmax[j]
res$extr[j] <- calc.AUC(tmp$C, t)$AUCextr.pct
names(res)[7:8] <- c("Clast/Cmax (%)", "extr. (%)")
print(signif(res, 4), row.names = FALSE)
t.half tmax Cmax BQLs tlast Clast Clast/Cmax (%) extr. (%)
2.0 1.5 100.6 3 8 14.540 14.450 9.400
2.5 1.5 106.1 2 12 7.695 7.255 4.912
3.0 2.0 111.2 1 16 5.045 4.538 3.162
3.5 2.0 115.5 1 16 8.250 7.143 5.170
4.0 2.0 118.9 1 16 11.930 10.040 7.480
4.5 2.0 121.6 1 16 15.910 13.090 9.972
5.0 2.0 123.8 0 24 6.607 5.338 4.136
5.5 2.0 125.6 0 24 8.823 7.024 5.524
6.0 2.0 127.2 0 24 11.230 8.830 7.032
If you sample only till 16 hours:
t.half tmax Cmax BQLs tlast Clast Clast/Cmax (%) extr. (%)
2.0 1.5 100.6 2 8 14.540 14.450 9.400
2.5 1.5 106.1 1 12 7.695 7.255 4.912
3.0 2.0 111.2 0 16 5.045 4.538 3.162
3.5 2.0 115.5 0 16 8.250 7.143 5.170
4.0 2.0 118.9 0 16 11.930 10.040 7.480
4.5 2.0 121.6 0 16 15.910 13.090 9.972
5.0 2.0 123.8 0 16 20.030 16.180 12.550
5.5 2.0 125.6 0 16 24.180 19.250 15.160
6.0 2.0 127.2 0 16 28.290 22.250 17.740
Let’s explore an example from the literature* where only little PK information is available. Half lives 1.34 – 5.87 h (geometric mean 1.93 h), tmax 0.25 – 4 h (median 0.75 h), sampling schedule 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h. Lowest reported concentration 0.30 µg/mL. Hence, I set the LLOQ to 0.25 µg/mL. By trial and error coeff 60 µg/mL. Since we don’t know the hybrid absorption rate constant \(\small{\alpha}\) we can approximate it from \(\small{t_\text{1/2}}\) and \(\small{t_\text{max}}\) by numerically solving $$\log_{e}\left(\alpha-t_\text{1/2}/\log_{e}2 \right )/\left(\alpha-(\log_{e}2/t_\text{1/2}) \right)-t_\text{max}=0$$
t.12e <- c(1.34, 1.93, 5.87)
tmax <- c(0.25, 0.75, 4)
t <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8)
LLOQ <- 0.25
coeff <- 60
beta <- log(2) / t.12e
res <- data.frame(t.half = t.12e, tmax = NA_real_, Cmax = NA_real_,
BQLs = NA_integer_, tlast = NA_real_,
Clast = NA_real_, f = NA_real_, extr = NA_real_)
for (j in seq_along(t.12e)) {
alpha <- uniroot(opt, interval = c(0, 72), tol = 1e-8,
beta = beta[j], tmax = tmax[j])$root
tmp <- macro(coeff, alpha, beta = beta[j],
tlag = 0, LLOQ, t)
res$Cmax[j] <- max(tmp$C, na.rm = TRUE)
res$tmax[j] <- tmp$t[which(tmp$C == res$Cmax[j])]
res$BQLs[j] <- sum(is.na(tmp$C))
res$tlast[j] <- tail(t[!is.na(tmp$C)], 1)
res$Clast[j] <- tmp$C[tmp$t == res$tlast[j]]
res$f[j] <- 100 * res$Clast[j] / res$Cmax[j]
res$extr[j] <- calc.AUC(tmp$C, t)$AUCextr.pct
names(res)[7:8] <- c("Clast/Cmax (%)", "extr. (%)")
print(signif(res, 4), row.names = FALSE)
Error in est.elim(C, t) : Estimation of lambda.z not possible.
t.half tmax Cmax BQLs tlast Clast Clast/Cmax (%) extr. (%)
1.34 0.25 50.72 0 8 0.9571 1.887 1.714
1.93 1.00 39.74 0 8 3.3910 8.533 6.423
5.87 4.00 27.72 0 8 21.7600 78.510 NA
We need to sample at least till 20 h. With
t <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20
): t.half tmax Cmax BQLs tlast Clast Clast/Cmax (%) extr. (%)
1.34 0.25 50.72 3 8 0.9571 1.887 1.714
1.93 1.00 39.74 2 12 0.8062 2.029 1.526
5.87 4.00 27.72 0 20 5.6490 20.380 13.500
- Wagener HH, Vögtle-Junkert U. Intrasubject variability in bioequivalence studies illustrated by the example of ibuprofen. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1996; 34(1): 21–31. PMID:8688993.
micro <- function(D, f, V, k01, k10, tlag = 0, LLOQ, t) {
# one-compartment model with optional lag time: micro constants
# concentrations < LLOQ are set to NA
# concentrations before tmax are set to zero
# returns data frame with time, concentration and BQL-information
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(k01, k10))) { # common: k01 != k10
C <- f * D * k01 / (V * (k01 - k10)) *
(exp(-k10 * (t - tlag)) - exp(-k01 * (t - tlag)))
} else { # flip-flop PK
k <- k10
C <- f * D / V * k * (t - tlag) * exp(-k * (t - tlag))
C[C < LLOQ] <- NA
tmax <- t[which(C == max(C, na.rm = TRUE))]
C[which(is.na(C[t < tmax]))] <- 0
res <- data.frame(t = t, C = C, BQL = FALSE)
res$BQL[res$C == 0 | is.na(res$C)] <- TRUE
names(res)[3] <- "<LLOQ"
macro <- function(coeff, alpha, beta, tlag = 0, LLOQ, t) {
# one-compartment model with optional lag time: macro (hybrid) constants
# concentrations < LLOQ are set to NA
# concentrations before tmax are set to zero
# returns data frame with time, concentration and BQL-information
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(alpha, beta))) { # common: alpha != beta
C <- coeff * (exp(-beta * (t - tlag)) - exp(-alpha * (t - tlag)))
} else { # flip-flop PK
stop("flip-flop PK not implemented.")
C[C < LLOQ] <- NA
tmax <- t[which(C == max(C, na.rm = TRUE))]
C[which(is.na(C[t < tmax]))] <- 0
res <- data.frame(t = t, C = C, BQL = FALSE)
res$BQL[res$C == 0 | is.na(res$C)] <- TRUE
names(res)[3] <- "<LLOQ"
est.elim <- function(C, t) {
# estimate lambda.z by the ‘two times tmax’ method
# if less than three values, try R²adj.
data <- data.frame(t = t, C = C)
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ] # discard NAs
Cmax <- max(data$C)
tmax <- data$t[data$C == Cmax]
data <- data[data$t >= 2 * tmax, ] # discard values < 2 * tmax
if (nrow(data) < 3) { # TTT-method doesn’t work - fall back to R2adj
data <- data.frame(t = t, C = C)
Cmax <- max(data$C, na.rm = TRUE)
tmax <- data$t[data$C[!is.na(data$C)] == Cmax]
data <- data[data$t > tmax, ] # discard tmax and earlier
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ] # discard NAs
if (nrow(data) < 3) stop("Estimation of lambda.z not possible.")
lz.end <- tail(data$t, 1)
# start with the last three concentrations
x <- tail(data, 3)
r2 <- a <- b <- numeric()
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t, data = x)
a[1] <- coef(m)[[1]]
b[1] <- coef(m)[[2]]
r2[1] <- summary(m)$adj.r.squared
# work backwards
i <- 1
for (j in 4:nrow(data)) {
i <- i + 1
x <- tail(data, j)
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t, data = x)
a[i] <- coef(m)[[1]]
b[i] <- coef(m)[[2]]
r2[i] <- summary(m)$adj.r.squared
# don’t proceed if no improvement
if (r2[i] < r2[i-1] | abs(r2[i] - r2[i-1]) < 0.0001) break
# location of the largest adjusted R2
loc <- which(r2 == max(r2, na.rm = TRUE))
if (b[loc] >= 0 || r2[loc] <= 0) {
stop("Unreliable estimate - check your data.")
} else {
R2adj <- r2[loc]
intcpt <- a[loc]
lambda.z <- -b[loc]
lz.start <- x$t[2]
lz.n <- nrow(x) - 1
message("Less than 3 values for TTT - lambda.z estimated by R²adj.")
} else { # TTT-method
lz.start <- head(data$t, 1)
lz.end <- tail(data$t, 1)
lz.n <- nrow(data)
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t, data = data)
intcpt <- coef(m)[[1]]
lambda.z <- -coef(m)[[2]]
R2adj <- summary(m)$adj.r.squared
if (lambda.z <= 0) stop("Unreliable estimate - check your data.")
res <- data.frame(R2adj = R2adj, intcpt = intcpt, lambda.z = lambda.z,
lz.start = lz.start, lz.end = lz.end, lz.n = lz.n)
calc.AUC <- function(C, t) {
# calulate AUC by linear-up / log-down trapezoidal method
# extrapolate based on the predicted Clast
data <- data.frame(t = t, C = C, pAUC = 0, AUC = 0)
Cmax <- max(data$C, na.rm = TRUE)
tmax <- data$t[data$C[!is.na(data$C)] == Cmax]
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ] # discard NAs
for (j in 1:(nrow(data) - 1)) {
if (data$C[j+1] < data$C[j]) { # decreasing
data$pAUC[j+1] <- (data$t[j+1] - data$t[j]) * (data$C[j+1] - data$C[j]) /
log(data$C[j+1] / data$C[j])
} else { # increasing or equal
data$pAUC[j+1] <- 0.5 * (data$t[j+1] - data$t[j]) *
(data$C[j+1] + data$C[j])
data$AUC <- cumsum(data$pAUC)
extr <- est.elim(C, t)[2:3]
Clast.pred <- exp(extr[[1]] - extr[[2]] * tail(data$t, 1))
AUCinf.pred <- as.numeric(tail(data$AUC, 1) + Clast.pred / extr[[2]])
AUCextr.pct <- 100 * (AUCinf.pred - tail(data$AUC, 1)) / AUCinf.pred
return(list(AUC = data, Clast.pred = Clast.pred,
AUCinf.pred = AUCinf.pred,
AUCextr.pct = AUCextr.pct))
opt <- function(x, beta, tmax) {
# find alpha for given beta and tmax
suppressWarnings(log(x / beta) / (x - beta) - tmax)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- terminal rate constant estimation Imph 2022-07-12 17:05 [NCA / SHAM]
- terminal rate constant estimation Helmut 2022-07-12 17:39
- terminal rate constant estimation Imph 2022-07-19 12:13
- optimizing schedule for late concentrations > LLOQHelmut 2022-07-21 12:21
- terminal rate constant estimation Imph 2022-07-19 12:13
- terminal rate constant estimation Helmut 2022-07-12 17:39