‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach; ≥3 treatments: new 🇷 script [Design Issues]
❝ I'll be in Amsterdam this September for the 5th global BE harmonisation conference, so hopefully we'll have time to have a drink together
Great! BioBridges (22/23 September) as well?
❝ By the way, the Article section is new, am I right? (Don't tell me I missed this section all those years...)
<1½ years.
❝ I am supprised that no one mentioned it in the forum.
Well, I do. Actually I was bored of answering similar questions over and over again.
Now I reply only with: “

❝ I don't have time to read the lengthy ones yet but I really enjoy the reading among the few short ones that I've picked.

❝ What I understood about balanced IBD here is that, e.g., the number for A vs. F comparison should be same as number of F vs. A. So there should be 10 for each comparison for 20 in total.
❝ If that is a correct understanding, …
Of course, it is.
❝ … it seems that for B, C and D, yes, but for A and E, not... There're 11 AF (FE) but 9 FA (EF). Shouldn't it be 10 and 10 like B/C/D vs F?

If debugging is the process of removing bugs,
then programming must be the process of putting them in.
New (lengthy) script at the end. More flexible (
, theta1
, theta2
, target
, do.rate
, and a vector of references ref
can be specified).Call the function with e.g.,
make.ibds(ntmt = 6, CV = 0.2)
: subject seqno sequence IBD 1 IBD 2 IBD 3 IBD 4 IBD 5
1 5 ECFABD ••FA•• ••F•B• •CF••• ••F••D E•F•••
2 6 FEBCDA F••••A F•B••• F••C•• F•••D• FE••••
3 5 ECFABD ••FA•• ••F•B• •CF••• ••F••D E•F•••
4 6 FEBCDA F••••A F•B••• F••C•• F•••D• FE••••
5 3 CAEDFB •A••F• ••••FB C•••F• •••DF• ••E•F•
6 1 ADCBEF A••••F •••B•F ••C••F •D•••F ••••EF
7 2 BFDEAC •F••A• BF•••• •F•••C •FD••• •F•E••
8 4 DBAFCE ••AF•• •B•F•• •••FC• D••F•• •••F•E
9 3 CAEDFB •A••F• ••••FB C•••F• •••DF• ••E•F•
10 2 BFDEAC •F••A• BF•••• •F•••C •FD••• •F•E••
11 1 ADCBEF A••••F •••B•F ••C••F •D•••F ••••EF
12 4 DBAFCE ••AF•• •B•F•• •••FC• D••F•• •••F•E
13 4 DBAFCE ••AF•• •B•F•• •••FC• D••F•• •••F•E
14 3 CAEDFB •A••F• ••••FB C•••F• •••DF• ••E•F•
15 1 ADCBEF A••••F •••B•F ••C••F •D•••F ••••EF
16 2 BFDEAC •F••A• BF•••• •F•••C •FD••• •F•E••
17 5 ECFABD ••FA•• ••F•B• •CF••• ••F••D E•F•••
18 2 BFDEAC •F••A• BF•••• •F•••C •FD••• •F•E••
19 6 FEBCDA F••••A F•B••• F••C•• F•••D• FE••••
20 3 CAEDFB •A••F• ••••FB C•••F• •••DF• ••E•F•
Reference : F
Tests : A, B, C, D, E
Subjects per sequence : 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 (imbalanced)
Estimated sample size : 20
Achieved power : 0.8347
Randomized : 2022-07-13 22:55:28 CEST
Seed : 820697
Runtime : 30 ms (1 call for balance of IBDs)
RL4(n = 20, seqs = c("ADCBEF", "BFDEAC", "CAEDFB", "DBAFCE", "ECFABD", "FEBCDA"),
seed = 820697)
Warning message:
Unbalanced design! # of subj. in sequences ADCBEF BFDEAC CAEDFB DBAFCE ECFABD FEBCDA: 3 4 4 3 3 3
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
A 3 4 3 3 4 3
B 4 3 3 3 3 4
C 4 3 3 3 3 4
D 3 3 4 4 3 3
E 3 3 4 4 3 3
F 3 4 3 3 4 3
bal = TRUE
in the call:tmp <- make.ibds(ntmt = 6, CV = 0.2, print = FALSE, bal = TRUE)
cat(tmp$txt, "\n")
Reference : F
Tests : A, B, C, D, E
Subjects per sequence : 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 (balanced)
Estimated sample size : 20
Achieved power : 0.8347
Adjustment to obtain period-balance
Adjusted sample size : 24
Achieved power : 0.8960
Randomized : 2022-07-15 11:13:50 CEST
Seed : 9503537
Runtime : 20 ms (1 call for balance of IBDs)
If you are interested in the performance:
calls <- et <- integer(1000)
for (j in seq_along(calls)) {
tmp <- make.ibds(ntmt = 6, CV = 0.2, print = FALSE)
calls[j] <- as.integer(tmp$calls)
et[j] <- as.integer(tmp$et)
probs <- c(0, 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975, 1)
perf <- matrix(data = c(quantile(calls, probs = probs),
round(quantile(et, probs = probs))),
nrow = 2, ncol = length(probs), byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("calls", "runtimes (ms)"),
paste0(100 * probs, "%")))
0% 2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5% 100%
calls 1 1 3 7 14 35 59
runtimes (ms) 0 10 30 70 140 360 610
More arguments (NTID, T/R-ratio 0.975, power ≥90%, adjusting for anticipated dropout-rate 5%, runtime suppressed):
make.ibds(ntmt = 4, CV = 0.1, theta0 = 0.975, theta1 = 0.9, target = 0.9,
do.rate = 0.05, sep = "–", details = FALSE)
subject seqno sequence IBD 1 IBD 2 IBD 3
1 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
2 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
3 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
4 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
5 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
6 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
7 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
8 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
9 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
10 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
11 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
12 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
13 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
14 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
15 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
16 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
17 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
18 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
19 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
20 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
21 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
22 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
23 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
24 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
25 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
26 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
27 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
28 1 ABCD A––D –B–D ––CD
29 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
30 4 DCBA D––A D–B– DC––
31 3 CADB –AD– ––DB C–D–
32 2 BDAC –DA– BD–– –D–C
Reference : D
Tests : A, B, C
Sequences : ABCD, BDAC, CADB, DCBA
Subjects per sequence : 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 (balanced)
Estimated sample size : 30
Achieved power : 0.9167
Anticipated dropout-rate: 5%
Adjusted sample size : 32
Achieved power : 0.9318
Randomized : 2022-07-13 23:02:13 CEST
Seed : 874461
You can also assign the stuff to a list-variable for checking. No counting any more.

tmp <- make.ibds(ntmt = 6, CV = 0.2)
[1] 20
[1] 4 4 3 3 3 3
[1] "imbalanced"
seq n seq n
IBD 1 AF 10 FA 10
IBD 2 BF 10 FB 10
IBD 3 CF 10 FC 10
IBD 4 DF 10 FD 10
IBD 5 EF 10 FE 10
Comparison of one test with two references:
make.ibds(ntmt = 3, CV = 0.15, ref = c("B", "C"), sep = "–")
subject seqno sequence IBD 1 IBD 2
1 3 BAC BA– –AC
2 3 BAC BA– –AC
3 1 ABC AB– A–C
4 6 CBA –BA C–A
5 1 ABC AB– A–C
6 2 ACB A–B AC–
7 6 CBA –BA C–A
8 5 CAB –AB CA–
9 4 BCA B–A –CA
10 4 BCA B–A –CA
11 5 CAB –AB CA–
12 2 ACB A–B AC–
References : B, C
Test : A
Sequences : ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA
Subjects per sequence : 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 (balanced)
Estimated sample size : 12
Achieved power : 0.8305
Randomized : 2022-07-13 23:04:24 CEST
Seed : 9664508
Runtime : 20 ms (1 call for balance of IBDs)
If all pairwise comparisons are required (i.e., additionally between the tests), the number rises quickly:
$$N_\text{comp}=\frac{n!}{2\,(n-2)!}$$ For six treatments we have already 15 pairwise comparisons.
make.ibds <- function(ntmt = 3, CV, alpha = 0.05, theta0 = 0.95,
theta1, theta2, target = 0.80, ref, do.rate = 0,
bal = FALSE, sep = "•", print = TRUE, details = TRUE) {
# Estimates the sample size of a Higher-Order (Williams’) design #
# to be evaluated by the ‘Two at a Time’ approach, i.e., with #
# extracted Incomplete Block Designs. All IBDs will be balanced. #
# Note: Balanced IBDs cannot be extracted from Latin Squares. #
# Optionally the estimated sample size can be adjusted for an #
# anticipated dropout-rate and/or uprounded to obtain balanced #
# sequences. #
# -------------------------------------------------------------- #
# TODO: All pairwise comparisons, i.e., additionally between the #
# tests. #
if (ntmt < 3) stop("ntmt must be at least 3.")
if (missing(CV)) stop("CV must be given.")
if (missing(theta1) & missing(theta2)) theta1 <- 0.80
if (missing(theta1)) theta1 <- 1/theta2
if (missing(theta2)) theta2 <- 1/theta1
if (theta0 < theta1 | theta0 > theta2) stop("theta0 must lie within BE limits.")
if (target <= 0.5) stop("target ", target, " does not make sense.")
if (alpha > 0.5) stop("alpha ", alpha, " does not make sense.")
make.equal <- function(n, ns) {
return(as.integer(ns * (n %/% ns + as.logical(n %% ns))))
nadj <- function(n, do.rate, ns) {
return(as.integer(make.equal(n / (1 - do.rate), ns)))
st <- proc.time()[[3]]
# Sample size for evaluation by ‘Two at a Time’ approach.
# Note that we are using the default design = "2x2".
smpl <- sampleN.TOST(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2,
targetpower = target, print = FALSE)
n.orig <- smpl[["Sample size"]]
p.orig <- smpl[["Achieved power"]]
# Get sequences of a Williams’ design.
seqs <- williams(ntmt)
ns <- 2 # because 2x2!
# Adjust for dropout-rate.
n <- nadj(n.orig, do.rate, ns)
# Eventual uprounding if balance is requested.
if (bal) n <- make.equal(n, length(seqs))
pwr <- power.TOST(alpha = alpha, CV = CV, theta0 = theta0,
theta1 = theta1, theta2 = theta2, n = n)
# Extract treatment codes.
trts <- sort(
strsplit(Reduce(function(x, y) paste0(x, y), seqs), ""))))
if (missing(ref)) { # The last treatment in lexical order is the reference.
s <- Reduce(function(x, y) paste0(x, y), trts)
ref <- substr(s, nchar(s), nchar(s))
if (sum(ref %in% trts) == 0)
stop("ref \'", ref, "\'not in trts \'", trts, "\'")
# Extract test(s).
tests <- trts[!trts %in% ref]
calls <- 0
repeat { # Call randomizations until all IBDs are balanced.
# Get a randomization list.
calls <- calls + 1
tmp <- suppressWarnings( # Not relevant for TaT.
RL4(nsubj = n, seqs = seqs, randctrl = FALSE))
rand <- tmp$rl
# Generate columns for the IBDs.
n.ibd <- length(tests) * length(ref)
for (j in 1:n.ibd) {
rand[[paste0("IBD.", j)]] <- NA
# Build the IBDs.
for (j in 1:nrow(rand)) {
c <- 3
for (k in seq_along(ref)) {
for (m in seq_along(tests)) {
c <- c + 1
excl <- tests[!tests == tests[m]]
excl <- c(excl, ref[!ref == ref[k]])
excl <- paste0("[", paste(excl, collapse = ", "), "]")
rand[j, c] <- gsub(excl, sep, rand$sequence[j])
# Check the IBDs for balance.
checks <- NA
ibd.seq <- as.data.frame(
matrix(data = NA,
nrow = n.ibd,
ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(names(rand)[4:ncol(rand)],
paste0(rep(c("seq.", "n."), 2),
rep(1:2, each = 2)))))
for (j in 1:n.ibd) {
ibd <- gsub("[^[:alnum:], ]", "", rand[3 + j])
ibd <- gsub("c", "", ibd)
ibd <- gsub(" ", "", unlist(strsplit(ibd, ",")))
ibd.seq[j, c(1, 3)] <- sort(unique(ibd))
ibd.seq[j, c(2, 4)] <- c(length(ibd[ibd == sort(unique(ibd))[1]]),
length(ibd[ibd == sort(unique(ibd))[2]]))
checks[j] <- ibd.seq[j, 2] == ibd.seq[j, 4]
if (sum(checks) == length(trts) - 1) break # Success!
ifelse (do.rate == 0, f <- "\n%-22s: ", f <- "\n%-25s: ") # Cosmetics.
if (bal) f <- "\n%-25s: "
ifelse (length(ref) == 1,
txt <- paste0(sprintf(f, "Reference"), ref),
txt <- paste0(sprintf(f, "References"), paste(ref, collapse = ", ")))
ifelse (length(tests) == 1,
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Test"), tests),
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Tests"), paste(tests, collapse = ", ")))
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Sequences"), paste(seqs, collapse = ", "))
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Subjects per sequence"),
paste(tmp$ninseqs, collapse = " | "))
ifelse (length(unique(tmp$ninseqs)) == 1,
info <- "balanced", info <- "imbalanced")
txt <- paste0(txt, " (", info, ")")
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Estimated sample size"), n.orig,
sprintf(f, "Achieved power"), sprintf("%.4f", p.orig))
if (!n == n.orig) {
if (bal) {
txt <- paste0(txt, "\nAdjustment to obtain period-balance")
if (do.rate > 0) {
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf("\n %-24s: ", "Anticipated dropout-rate"),
sprintf("%.3g%%", 100 * do.rate))
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf("\n %-24s: ", "Adjusted sample size"), n,
sprintf("\n %-24s: ", "Achieved power"), sprintf("%.4f", pwr))
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Randomized"), format(tmp$date, usetz = TRUE),
sprintf(f, "Seed"), tmp$seed)
ibd <- names(rand)[4:ncol(rand)]
names(rand)[4:ncol(rand)] <- gsub("\\.", " ", ibd)
row.names(ibd.seq) <- names(rand)[4:ncol(rand)]
names(ibd.seq) <- rep(c("seq", "n"), 2)
et <- signif(1000 * (proc.time()[[3]] - st), 3)
if (details) { # Only if requested.
ifelse (et < 10, rt <- "<10 ms", rt <- paste(et, "ms"))
txt <- paste0(txt, sprintf(f, "Runtime"), rt, " (", calls, " call")
if (calls > 1) txt <- paste0(txt, "s")
txt <- paste(txt, "for balance of IBDs)")
if (print) { # To the console.
print(rand, row.names = FALSE)
txt <- paste0(txt, "\n")
# Results as a list.
return(invisible(list(rand = rand, n = n, sequences = seqs,
n.seq = tmp$ninseqs, info = info,
ibds = ibd.seq, seed = tmp$seed,
calls = calls, et = et,
txt = substr(txt, 2, nchar(txt)))))
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
![[image]](https://static.bebac.at/img/CC by.png)
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Helmut 2022-06-12 11:37 [Design Issues]
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Shuanghe 2022-06-12 19:02
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Helmut 2022-06-12 20:10
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Shuanghe 2022-07-10 00:05
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach; ≥3 treatments: new 🇷 scriptHelmut 2022-07-10 16:02
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach; ≥3 treatments: new 🇷 script Shuanghe 2022-07-13 15:35
- You’re a NE🇷D! Helmut 2022-07-13 16:46
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach; ≥3 treatments: new 🇷 script Shuanghe 2022-07-13 15:35
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach; ≥3 treatments: new 🇷 scriptHelmut 2022-07-10 16:02
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Shuanghe 2022-07-10 00:05
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Helmut 2022-06-12 20:10
- ‘Two-at-a-Time’ approach with >3 treatments Shuanghe 2022-06-12 19:02