R2adj improvement limit [Regulatives / Guidelines]
❝ I was always wondering: why the limit is ≤0.0001?
You know that I’m not the right addressee to answer this question.
Simulation script at the end.
limit ≤ 1e-04
lambda.z bias (%) lz.start lz.n
Min. :0.003178 Min. :-97.249 Min. : 3.25 Min. : 3.000
1st Qu.:0.107161 1st Qu.: -7.239 1st Qu.: 5.25 1st Qu.: 3.000
Median :0.118384 Median : 2.475 Median :14.50 Median : 4.000
3rd Qu.:0.136400 3rd Qu.: 18.070 3rd Qu.:17.25 3rd Qu.:10.000
Max. :0.266735 Max. :130.890 Max. :17.25 Max. :13.000
NA's :11 NA's :11 NA's :11 NA's :11
limit ≤ 0.01
lambda.z bias (%) lz.start lz.n
Min. :0.006491 Min. :-94.381 Min. : 3.75 Min. : 3.000
1st Qu.:0.106485 1st Qu.: -7.825 1st Qu.:10.25 1st Qu.: 3.000
Median :0.119452 Median : 3.400 Median :14.50 Median : 4.000
3rd Qu.:0.136873 3rd Qu.: 18.479 3rd Qu.:17.25 3rd Qu.: 6.000
Max. :0.278439 Max. :141.022 Max. :17.25 Max. :12.000
NA's :8 NA's :8 NA's :8 NA's :8
limit ≤ 0
lambda.z bias (%) lz.start lz.n
Min. :0.001576 Min. :-98.636 Min. : 3.25 Min. : 3.000
1st Qu.:0.107295 1st Qu.: -7.124 1st Qu.: 5.25 1st Qu.: 3.000
Median :0.118507 Median : 2.582 Median :14.50 Median : 4.000
3rd Qu.:0.136410 3rd Qu.: 18.078 3rd Qu.:17.25 3rd Qu.:10.000
Max. :0.264027 Max. :128.546 Max. :17.25 Max. :13.000
NA's :10 NA's :10 NA's :10 NA's :10
❝ Not simple <0? Or maybe ≤0.01?
Look at the bias of \(\small{\widehat{\lambda}_\textrm{z}}\). Given that, I don’t know.
Perhaps the outcome would be different for a two-compartment model.
Since you are a ned, check out the distribution of
. Very strange.sim.el <- function(D, f, V, t12.a, t12.e, tlag, t,
CV0, limit = 0.0001) {
one.comp <- function(f, D, V, k01, k10, tlag, t) {
# one-compartment model, first order absorption
# and elimination; optional lag time
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(k01, k10))) { # common: k01 != k10
C <- f * D * k01 / (V * (k01 - k10)) *
(exp(-k10 * (t - tlag)) - exp(-k01 * (t - tlag)))
tmax <- log(k01 / k10) / (k01 - k10) + tlag
Cmax <- f * D * k01 / (V * (k01 - k10)) *
(exp(-k10 * tmax) - exp(-k01 * tmax))
} else { # flip-flop
k <- k10
C <- f * D / V * k * (t - tlag) * exp(-k * (t - tlag))
tmax <- 1 / k
Cmax <- f * D / V * k * tmax * exp(-k * tmax)
C[C <= 0] <- 0 # correct negatives due to lag-time
res <- list(C = C, Cmax = Cmax, tmax = tmax)
k01 <- log(2) / t12.a # absorption rate constant
k10 <- log(2) / t12.e # elimination rate constant
C0 <- one.comp(f, D, V, k01, k10, tlag, t)$C # model wo error
CV <- CV0 - C0 * 0.005 # noise increases with decreasing C
varlog <- log(CV^2 + 1)
C <- numeric()
for (j in 1:length(C0)) {
C[j] <- rlnorm(1, meanlog = log(C0[j]) - 0.5 * varlog[j],
sdlog = sqrt(varlog[j]))
data <- data.frame(t = t, C = C)
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ] # discard NAs
data <- data[data$t > t[C == max(C)], ] # discard tmax and earlier
lz.end <- tail(data$t, 1)
tmp <- tail(data, 3)
r2 <- a <- b <- numeric()
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t, data = tmp)
a[1] <- coef(m)[[1]]
b[1] <- coef(m)[[2]]
r2[1] <- summary(m)$adj.r.squared
k <- 1
for (j in 4:nrow(data)) {
k <- k + 1
tmp <- tail(data, j)
m <- lm(log(C) ~ t, data = tmp)
a[k] <- coef(m)[[1]]
b[k] <- coef(m)[[2]]
r2[k] <- summary(m)$adj.r.squared
if (r2[k] < r2[k-1] | abs(r2[k] - r2[k-1]) <= limit) break
loc <- which(r2 == max(r2))
if (b[loc] >= 0) { # positive slope not meaningful
intcpt <- lambda.z <- lz.n <- lz.start <- lz.end <- NA
} else {
intcpt <- a[loc]
lambda.z <- -b[loc]
lz.start <- tmp$t[2]
lz.n <- nrow(tmp) - 1
res <- data.frame(limit = limit, intcpt = intcpt, lambda.z = lambda.z,
lz.start = lz.start, lz.end = lz.end, lz.n = lz.n)
sum.simple <- function(x, digits = 4) {
# nonparametric summary:
# remove arithmetic mean whilst keeping eventual NAs
res <- summary(x)
if (nrow(res) == 6) {
res <- res[c(1:3, 5:6), ]
} else {
res <- res[c(1:3, 5:7), ]
D <- 200L # dose
f <- 2/3 # fraction absorbed (BA)
V <- 3 # volume of distribution
t12.a <- 0.75 # absorption half life
t12.e <- 6 # elimination half life
tlag <- 0.5 # lag time
t <- c(0, 0.75, 1.25, 2, 2.5, 3.25, 3.75, 4.5, 5.25, 6.25,
7.25, 8.75, 10.25, 12.25, 14.5, 17.25, 20.25, 24)
CV0 <- 0.20 # maximum CV (at low concentrations)
limit <- 0.0001 # stopping rule for R2adj
nsims <- 1e5L # number of simulations
aggr <- data.frame()
pb <- txtProgressBar(0, 1, 0, char = "\u2588", width = NA, style = 3)
for (j in 1:nsims) {
aggr <- rbind(aggr, sim.el(D, f, V, t12.a, t12.e, tlag, t, CV0, limit))
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j / nsims)
aggr$bias <- 100 * (aggr$lambda.z - log(2) / t12.e) / (log(2) / t12.e)
names(aggr)[7] <- "bias (%)"
cat("limit \u2264", limit, "\n"); sum.simple(aggr[, c(3, 7, 4, 6)])
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
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