Julia vs Phoenix WinNonlin (examples) [Software]
Hi Weidson,
examples in Julia. Note that I suppressed most of the intermediate output with a semicolon
In Phoenix WinNonlin I got with Heterogenous Compound Symmetry:
Close but not identical.
Residual df did not work:
However, with Banded No-Diagonal Factor Analytic (f=2) like in the FDA’s SAS-code
That’s much closer to PharmCat’s
Now your data:
In Phoenix WinNonlin with Heterogenous Compound Symmetry:
Again, close but not identical; residual df did not work.
This time with
An alternative is PharmCat’s ReplicateBE.jl (great documentation):
examples in Julia. Note that I suppressed most of the intermediate output with a semicolon
and the end of commands.# The (in)famous EMA reference 'data set I'
using Metida, CSV, DataFrames, CategoricalArrays;
df = CSV.File(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Metida)),"..","test","csv","berds","rds1.csv"), delim=";") |> DataFrame;
transform!(df, :subject => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :period => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :sequence => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :treatment => categorical, renamecols=false);
lmm = Metida.LMM(@formula(log(PK)~sequence+period+treatment), df;
random = Metida.VarEffect(Metida.@covstr(treatment|subject), Metida.CSH),
repeated = Metida.VarEffect(Metida.@covstr(treatment|subject), Metida.DIAG),);
pe = 100 * exp(coef(lmm)[end]);
ci_satt = 100 * [exp(Metida.confint(lmm, level = 0.9)[end][1]),
exp(Metida.confint(lmm, level = 0.9)[end][2])];
ci_res = 100 * [exp(Metida.confint(lmm; ddf = :residual, level = 0.9)[end][1]),
exp(Metida.confint(lmm; ddf = :residual, level = 0.9)[end][2])];
println("Point estimate = ", pe); println("90% CI, Satterthwaite df = ", ci_satt); print("90% CI, Residual df = ", ci_res);
Linear Mixed Model: :(log(PK)) ~ sequence + period + treatment
Random 1:
Model: treatment|subject
Type: CSH (3), Subjects: 77
Model: treatment|subject
Type: DIAG (2)
Blocks: 77, Maximum block size: 4
Status: converged See warnings in log.
-2 logREML: 530.145 BIC: 558.562
Fixed-effects parameters:
Coef. Std. Error z Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 7.64968 0.151214 50.59 <1e-99
sequence: TRTR -0.0204706 0.197223 -0.10 0.9173
period: 2 0.0446376 0.0636371 0.70 0.4830
period: 3 0.00659015 0.0644219 0.10 0.9185
period: 4 0.0727201 0.0639714 1.14 0.2556
treatment: T 0.145464 0.0465012 3.13 0.0018
Variance components:
θ vector: [0.852995, 0.828407, 1.0, 0.449575, 0.342628]
Random 1 σ² treatment: R var 0.7276
Random 1 σ² treatment: T var 0.686258
Random 1 ρ rho 1.0
Residual σ² treatment: R var 0.202118
Residual σ² treatment: T var 0.117394
Point estimate = 115.65764182681824
90% CI, Satterthwaite df = [107.10446639731114, 124.89385889211053]
90% CI, Residual df = [107.11502945421051, 124.88154259117144]
In Phoenix WinNonlin I got with Heterogenous Compound Symmetry:
cshSD(1)_11 0.85274463
cshSD(2)_11 0.82831758
cshCorr_11 1.0005616
Var(period*treatment*subject)_21 0.20252422
Var(period*treatment*subject)_22 0.11754154
PE 115.656778312678
90% CL (Satterthwaite df) 107.051689268515, 124.953566459994
Close but not identical.
Residual df did not work:
*** WARNING 11088: Residual DF is 0. Satterthwaite DF method will be used.
However, with Banded No-Diagonal Factor Analytic (f=2) like in the FDA’s SAS-code
:Var(period*treatment*subject)_21 0.20211806
Var(period*treatment*subject)_2 0.11739425
PE 115.657641801223
90% CL (Satterthwaite df) 107.104404788005, 124.893930679106
That’s much closer to PharmCat’s
.Now your data:
df = CSV.read("E:/Public/Documents/BEBAC/R/Weidson/IPC_Drug.Cmax.csv", delim="\t", DataFrame);
transform!(df, :Subject => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :Period => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :Sequence => categorical, renamecols=false);
transform!(df, :Treatment => categorical, renamecols=false);
lmm = Metida.LMM(@formula(log(PK)~Sequence+Period+Treatment), df;
random = Metida.VarEffect(Metida.@covstr(Treatment|Subject), Metida.CSH),
repeated = Metida.VarEffect(Metida.@covstr(Treatment|Subject), Metida.DIAG),);
pe = 100 * exp(coef(lmm)[end]);
ci_satt = 100 * [exp(Metida.confint(lmm, level = 0.9)[end][1]),
exp(Metida.confint(lmm, level = 0.9)[end][2])];
ci_res = 100 * [exp(Metida.confint(lmm; ddf = :residual, level = 0.9)[end][1]),
exp(Metida.confint(lmm; ddf = :residual, level = 0.9)[end][2])];
println("Point estimate = ", pe); println("90% CI, Satterthwaite df = ", ci_satt); print("90% CI, Residual df = ", ci_res);
Linear Mixed Model: :(log(PK)) ~ Sequence + Period + Treatment
Random 1:
Model: Treatment|Subject
Type: CSH (3), Subjects: 50
Model: Treatment|Subject
Type: DIAG (2)
Blocks: 50, Maximum block size: 4
Status: converged (No Errors)
-2 logREML: 558.71 BIC: 585.101
Fixed-effects parameters:
Coef. Std. Error z Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.20291 0.249867 16.82 <1e-62
Sequence: TRTR 0.163992 0.314302 0.52 0.6018
Period: 2 0.310384 0.150476 2.06 0.0391
Period: 3 0.0440086 0.140033 0.31 0.7533
Period: 4 0.183732 0.150476 1.22 0.2221
Treatment: T -0.238037 0.11275 -2.11 0.0348
Variance components:
θ vector: [0.99404, 1.12122, 0.951444, 0.74508, 0.670061]
Random 1 σ² Treatment: R var 0.988116
Random 1 σ² Treatment: T var 1.25713
Random 1 ρ rho 0.951444
Residual σ² Treatment: R var 0.555144
Residual σ² Treatment: T var 0.448982
Point estimate = 78.81736099725553
90% CI, Satterthwaite df = [65.23698724552828, 95.22475909550096]
90% CI, Residual df = [65.4172844390996, 94.96230924038038]
In Phoenix WinNonlin with Heterogenous Compound Symmetry:
cshSD(1)_11 0.99404029
cshSD(2)_11 1.1212233
cshCorr_11 0.95144445
Var(period*treatment*subject)_21 0.55514404
Var(period*treatment*subject)_22 0.44898200
PE 78.8173609972554
90% CL (Satterthwaite df) 65.2370226163479, 95.2247074656494
Again, close but not identical; residual df did not work.
This time with
Var(Period*Treatment*Subject)_21 0.55514404
Var(Period*Treatment*Subject)_22 0.44898200
PE 78.8173609972554
90% CL (Satterthwaite df) 65.2369873029156, 95.2247590117338
An alternative is PharmCat’s ReplicateBE.jl (great documentation):
using Pkg; Pkg.add("ReplicateBE") # download/install first
using CSV, DataFrames, Metida, ReplicateBE, StatsBase;
df = CSV.File(joinpath(dirname(pathof(Metida)),"..","test","csv","berds","rds1.csv"), delim=";") |> DataFrame;
be = rbe!(df, dvar = :logPK, subject = :subject, formulation = :treatment, period = :period, sequence = :sequence);
println(design(be)); print(be)
Trial design
Observations: 298
Subjects: 77
Sequences: 2
Periods: 4
Formulations: 2
Subjects(Formulation): 77/77
Rank X: 6
Rank XZ: 156
DF (robust): 75
DF (contain): 142
DF (Subj(Form)): 151
Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status:converged)
Hessian not positive defined!
Rho ~ 1.0!
-2REML: 530.145 REML: -265.072
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 7.64968 0.151214 2559.2 81.3295 50.5885 3.08793E-63*
sequence: TRTR -0.0204707 0.197223 0.0107733 74.735 -0.103795 0.91761
period: 2 0.0446377 0.0636371 0.492019 214.16 0.701441 0.483789
period: 3 0.00659021 0.0644219 0.0104648 189.589 0.102298 0.918629
period: 4 0.0727201 0.0639714 1.29222 214.259 1.13676 0.256909
treatment: T 0.145464 0.0465012 9.78552 208.081 3.12818 0.00201093*
Intra-individual variance:
treatment: R 0.202118 CVᵂ: 47.33 %
treatment: T 0.117394 CVᵂ: 35.29 %
Inter-individual variance:
treatment: R 0.7276
treatment: T 0.686258
ρ: 1.0 Cov: 0.706627
Confidence intervals(90%):
treatment: R / treatment: T
Ratio: 86.46, CI: 80.07 - 93.37 (%)
treatment: T / treatment: R
Ratio: 115.66, CI: 107.1 - 124.89 (%)
using CSV, DataFrames, ReplicateBE, StatsBase;
df = CSV.read("E:/Public/Documents/BEBAC/R/Weidson/IPC_Drug.Cmax.csv", delim="\t", DataFrame);
df[!, :logPK] .= ( v <= 0. ? 0. : log(v) for v in df.PK);
be = rbe!(df, dvar = :logPK, subject = :Subject, formulation = :Treatment, period = :Period, sequence = :Sequence);
println(design(be)); print(be)
Trial design
Observations: 200
Subjects: 50
Sequences: 2
Periods: 4
Formulations: 2
Subjects(Formulation): 50/50
Rank X: 6
Rank XZ: 102
DF (robust): 48
DF (contain): 98
DF (Subj(Form)): 97
Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status:converged)
-2REML: 558.71 REML: -279.355
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 4.20291 0.249867 282.932 56.3186 16.8206 1.26492E-23*
Sequence: TRTR 0.163992 0.314302 0.27224 48.0 0.521766 0.604233
Period: 2 0.310384 0.150476 4.25464 116.951 2.06268 0.0413577*
Period: 3 0.0440086 0.140033 0.0987677 93.3646 0.314273 0.754015
Period: 4 0.183732 0.150476 1.49084 116.951 1.221 0.224542
Treatment: T -0.238037 0.11275 4.45715 48.0 -2.1112 0.039989*
Intra-individual variance:
Treatment: R 0.555144 CVᵂ: 86.15 %
Treatment: T 0.448982 CVᵂ: 75.28 %
Inter-individual variance:
Treatment: R 0.988116
Treatment: T 1.25714
ρ: 0.951444 Cov: 1.06042
Confidence intervals(90%):
Treatment: R / Treatment: T
Ratio: 126.88, CI: 105.01 - 153.29 (%)
Treatment: T / Treatment: R
Ratio: 78.82, CI: 65.24 - 95.22 (%)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
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