Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBE [🇷 for BE/BA]
Dear friends,
By studying the replicateBE package documentation I was able to verify that the method.A and method.B functions (package replicateBE) are derived from the functions lm and lme (packages stats and nlme).
If possible I would like to reproduce the same ANOVA tables that are displayed in the output of the methods.A and method.B using only the lm and lme functions as indicated in the instructions. Unfortunately I am not reaching my goal of obtain the same results as expected. The hipotetical data set that I working is from replicated 2x4 study and the ANOVA results to be different (GL, p-values, etc...). What am I doing wrong? Why can't I generate the same ANOVA Table? The my results to be bellow:
Somebody can help me?
I Would like publish at forum my data set that generates this results however I didn't see option for upload files excel (just figures). Is it possible publish excel files? If yes, How?
R Code 1.0
method.A with IPC_Drug.Cmax Data Set
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 1.0:
R Code 1.1
Obtain ANOVA by lm() function with DS_Cmax Data Set
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 1.1:
R Code 2.0
method.B with IPC_Drug.Cmax Data Set
ANOVA Outps for utR Code 2.0:
R Code 2.1
Obtain ANOVA by lme() function with DS_Cmax Data Set
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 2.1:
By studying the replicateBE package documentation I was able to verify that the method.A and method.B functions (package replicateBE) are derived from the functions lm and lme (packages stats and nlme).
If possible I would like to reproduce the same ANOVA tables that are displayed in the output of the methods.A and method.B using only the lm and lme functions as indicated in the instructions. Unfortunately I am not reaching my goal of obtain the same results as expected. The hipotetical data set that I working is from replicated 2x4 study and the ANOVA results to be different (GL, p-values, etc...). What am I doing wrong? Why can't I generate the same ANOVA Table? The my results to be bellow:
Somebody can help me?
I Would like publish at forum my data set that generates this results however I didn't see option for upload files excel (just figures). Is it possible publish excel files? If yes, How?
R Code 1.0
method.A with IPC_Drug.Cmax Data Set
method.A( = path, path.out = path, file = paste0(fn, ".", "Cmax"), ext = "csv", na = "NA", sep = sep, dec = dec, ola = TRUE, print = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ask = TRUE, plot.bxp = TRUE)
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 1.0:
Data set IPC_Drug.Cmax: Method A by lm()
Type III Analysis of Variance Table
Response: log(PK)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
sequence 1 1.3253 1.32531 0.27224 0.604233
period 3 3.5824 1.19413 2.19909 0.090673
treatment 1 2.7923 2.79228 5.14222 0.024818
sequence:subject 48 233.6721 4.86817 8.96514 < 2e-16
Residuals 146 79.2796 0.54301
treatment T – R:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
-0.2380370 0.1049710 -2.2676500 0.0248184
146 Degrees of Freedom
R Code 1.1
Obtain ANOVA by lm() function with DS_Cmax Data Set
Fit_A <- lm(log(Cmax) ~ Sequence + Subject%in%Sequence + Period + Treatment, data=DS_Cmax)
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 1.1:
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: log(Cmax)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Sequence 1 1.32531015 1.325310155 0.83233 0.36273
Period 1 0.31093557 0.310935573 0.19528 0.65905
Treatment 1 3.41095080 3.410950796 2.14218 0.14492
Sequence:Subject 2 6.70138392 3.350691961 2.10433 0.12470
Residuals 194 308.90305612 1.592283794
R Code 2.0
method.B with IPC_Drug.Cmax Data Set
method.B( = path, path.out = path, file = paste0(fn, ".", "Cmax"), ext = "csv", na = "NA", sep = sep, dec = dec, ola = TRUE, print = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, ask = TRUE, plot.bxp = TRUE)
ANOVA Outps for utR Code 2.0:
Data set IPC_Drug.Cmax: Method B (option = 2) by lme()
Response: log(PK)
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 146 763.258972853 <.0001
sequence 1 48 0.272239993 0.6042
period 3 146 2.199092956 0.0907
treatment 1 146 5.142222444 0.0248
treatment T – R:
Value Std.Error t-value p-value
-0.238040 0.104970 -2.267600 0.024818
146 Degrees of Freedom (equivalent to SAS’ DDFM=CONTAIN)
R Code 2.1
Obtain ANOVA by lme() function with DS_Cmax Data Set
Fit_B_opt2 <- lme (log(Cmax)~ Sequence + Period + Treatment, random = ~1|Subject, data=DS_Cmax)
ANOVA Outputs for R Code 2.1:
numDF denDF F-value p-value
(Intercept) 1 148 763.258972846 <.0001
Sequence 1 48 0.272239993 0.6042
Period 1 148 0.561664145 0.4548
Treatment 1 148 6.161433208 0.0142
Complete thread:
- Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBEWeidson 2021-12-30 21:16 [🇷 for BE/BA]
- Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBE Helmut 2021-12-30 21:23
- Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBE Weidson 2021-12-30 21:43
- No ANOVA by lme() – lengthy reply Helmut 2021-12-30 23:45
- SSIII ANOVA in Winnonlin mittyri 2022-01-01 11:50
- SSIII ANOVA in Winnonlin Helmut 2022-01-01 21:52
- No ANOVA by lme() – lengthy reply Weidson 2022-01-02 14:51
- No CO, please Helmut 2022-01-02 15:49
- SSIII ANOVA in Winnonlin mittyri 2022-01-01 11:50
- No ANOVA by lme() – lengthy reply Helmut 2021-12-30 23:45
- Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBE Weidson 2021-12-30 21:43
- Help for ANOVA from Package replicateBE Helmut 2021-12-30 21:23