Food not the same between groups [BE/BA News]

posted by ElMaestro  – Denmark, 2021-11-17 10:50 (1027 d 22:18 ago) – Posting: # 22672
Views: 5,414

Hi beholder,

❝ Many times the approach with resigning from testing group effect based on justification in protocol that volunteers undergoes the same procedures, take the same batch of drug etc., was fine and very helpful for many protocols. But. Recently one clinic has used two slightly different types of menu for two groups. Volunteers ate the same food in period 1 and 2. Could this situation lead to necessity to test group effect since not the same procedures were implemented to two groups or this difference has too little weight?

It could easily lead to a significiant group effect. Whether you need to test for that is up to the assessor. If you don't they'll probably ask for it. If you do, they'll probably tell you it was unnecessary (but behind the curtains they have checked the p-value).

Pass or fail!

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