Visualization [GxP / QC / QA]
❝ […] it makes very good sense to plot for example the RMSE, CV, SE of diff., or even the width of the CI as function of (cumulated) number of subjects.
If you have all data, of course. A simple visualization using the
data.frame of my previous post:windows(width = 5.5, height = 5.5)
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mar = c(3, 4, 2, 0), cex.axis = 0.9, cex.main = 1, font.main = 1)
split.screen(c(length(CRO), length(metric)))
scrn <- 0
for (j in seq_along(CRO)) {
for (k in seq_along(metric)) {
scrn <- scrn + 1
plot(c(0.5, length(study)+0.5), rep(100, 2), type = "n",
ylim = range(res$lower[res$CRO == CRO[j] & res$metric == metric[k]],
res$upper[res$CRO == CRO[j] & res$metric == metric[k]]),
log = "y", xlab = "", ylab = "PE, 90% CI", axes = FALSE,
main = paste0(CRO[j], ": ", metric[k]))
axis(2, las = 1)
axis(1, at = seq_along(study), tick = FALSE,
labels = paste("n =", res$n[res$CRO == CRO[j] &
res$metric == metric[k]]))
abline(h = c(80, 100, 125), col = c("red", "black", "red"))
for (l in seq_along(study)) {
arrows(x0 = l,
y0 = res$lower[res$CRO == CRO[j] & res$metric == metric[k] &
res$study == study[l]],
y1 = res$upper[res$CRO == CRO[j] & res$metric == metric[k] &
res$study == study[l]], length = 0.08,
angle = 90, lwd = 2, code = 3)
points(l, res$PE[res$CRO == CRO[j] & res$metric == metric[k] &
res$study == study[l]], pch = 19, cex = 1.25)
close.screen(all = TRUE)
Dif-tor heh smusma 🖖🏼 Довге життя Україна!
Helmut Schütz
The quality of responses received is directly proportional to the quality of the question asked. 🚮
Science Quotes
Complete thread:
- Another two... Ohlbe 2021-09-16 23:41 [GxP / QC / QA]
- Another two... ElMaestro 2021-09-17 08:42
- Dates Ohlbe 2021-09-17 10:15
- Some more info Ohlbe 2021-09-17 20:28
- EU Article 31 referral started Ohlbe 2022-01-24 17:47
- Cheating Helmut 2021-09-17 16:50
- Increased variability Ohlbe 2021-09-17 17:56
- Increased variability ElMaestro 2021-09-17 18:51
- VisualizationHelmut 2021-09-18 15:26
- Increased variability ElMaestro 2021-09-17 18:51
- Increased variability Ohlbe 2021-09-17 17:56
- Another two... jag009 2021-09-19 09:18
- Another two... ElMaestro 2022-05-24 12:00
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? Helmut 2022-05-24 12:51
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? Ohlbe 2022-05-24 14:21
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? Helmut 2022-05-24 16:35
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? ElMaestro 2022-05-25 08:11
- (Cumulative) T/R-ratio vs. time Helmut 2022-05-25 09:19
- Sponsors and CRO selection Ohlbe 2022-05-25 10:53
- I still think that T/R-ratios are useful Helmut 2022-05-25 12:04
- T/R-ratios are useful Ohlbe 2022-05-25 14:40
- T/R-ratios are useful Helmut 2022-05-25 15:35
- Bust the Buster Helmut 2022-05-26 15:32
- complicate the assessor's life mittyri 2022-05-26 18:28
- complicate the assessor's life PharmCat 2022-05-27 09:57
- complicate the assessor's life Helmut 2022-05-27 10:11
- Thanks for Busting the Buster sameep 2022-05-31 08:34
- Thanks for Busting the Buster Helmut 2022-05-31 15:22
- A small point for the code sameep 2022-06-01 13:17
- A small point for the code Helmut 2022-06-01 14:11
- A small point for the code sameep 2022-06-01 13:17
- Thanks for Busting the Buster Helmut 2022-05-31 15:22
- Thanks for Busting the Buster sameep 2022-05-31 08:34
- complicate the assessor's life mittyri 2022-05-26 18:28
- T/R-ratios are useful Ohlbe 2022-05-25 14:40
- I still think that T/R-ratios are useful Helmut 2022-05-25 12:04
- Sponsors and CRO selection Ohlbe 2022-05-25 10:53
- (Cumulative) T/R-ratio vs. time Helmut 2022-05-25 09:19
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? Ohlbe 2022-05-24 14:21
- Blind monitors or greedy sponsors? Helmut 2022-05-24 12:51
- Another two... ElMaestro 2021-09-17 08:42