Winnonlin issues [Software]

posted by Helmut Homepage – Vienna, Austria, 2021-09-15 20:41 (1095 d 02:59 ago) – Posting: # 22573
Views: 2,142

H John,

❝ Has anyone used the nonparametric superposition feature of winnonlin (or any feature which lets you simulation a profile)?


❝ I tried running a multi-dose simulation from time 0 to 144 hrs (as an example), and set the # of points to 144 so that the output would give me simulated concentration data from 0 - 144 hr in hourly interval. For some reason the program would end up with time as 1.xxxx, 2.xxxx with decimals. This is stupid.

RTFM. ;-)
You need to request 145 points. Try it in a spreadsheet: In A1 0, in A2 =A1+1, and so forth. In which row do you get 144?

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